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Twittering / Random Musings

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, Nov 14, 2013.

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  1. Agnes actually shares a jap. VA with: Ryuko (Kill la Kill), Sailor Jupiter (SM Crystal), Shaula (Soul Eater Not!), Yukiko (Persona),  Mist (Rune Factory <3), Your Daughter (Rune F. 3), and  Fredegund (Suikoden Tierkries).
    And then an English VA with: Nazz+May (Ed, Edd, n' Eddy) "Over 60 characters" (Sabrina the Animated Series <3), A couple people (Bleach), Til (Bravely Default), Trisha+Erica (Catherine), some people (Disgae D2 and 3), Emmeryn (in Fire Emblem Awakening <3), Forte (Rune Factory 4), and Parasoul (Skullgirls <3)

    So when you compare Agnes and some of her VA's other characters- her personality is kinda amusing. or is that just me?
  2. Sometimes I legitimately wonder if my memories are real or just fabricated by a dream I had/might be having.

    It's complicated. She walks the fine line between ignorance of other people (due to her arguably sheltered temple life) and inconsiderateness/downright prudishness. An amount of character development is had by her, but… still, she was nowhere close to being my favourite character (who incidentally is Edea).
  4. so the louisville purge is a thing

    and i have to go there early tomorrow morning

    and it will still be likely on-going

    can hatchets fend off guns?
  5. there are times where I'm pretty sure I just need a hug

    (sorry for depressing)
  6. I just had a great idea: CAPTAIN QUILTBAG. He's like Captain Planet but instead of requiring the powers of fire water etc, he requires the powers of lesbian gay bisexual and transgender.

    Fire = gay because flaming homosexuals, bisexual is wind because they blow both ways, water is lesbian because water rhymes with "hotter" and lesbians are supposedly hotter than straight girls (an unabashed lie, because i am very hetero and very sexy), and transgender is earth because idk. OH and heart = all the other letters because they're nebulous and undefined and no one gives a shit about them.
  7. * Zygardia hugs Ke—

    Actually, I remember us agreeing that if I tried to hug you then you'd slay me.

    * Zygardia hugs @"Keileon" with permission…?
  8. you have permission this one time
  9. Didn't see this before, but genius.

    * Zygardia hugs @"Keileon"
  10. So, found out today that y music folder is approaching 80 GB. 36 GB of that is metal.

    ... I-I think I have a problem...
  11. Just realized they gave us the same summer homework reading as last year. And that instead of the packet, my school made it's own page of questions.

    Sometimes I actually like going to smart people school.
  12. Dang, first year kid got struck and killed by lightning this morning at my home town's university.
  13. I translated Shirogane's Pixiv profile.

    "It is a fraud But I for short Shirogane rabbit I have graffiti weave center If you to acknowledge it because it is a little late reaction at message If there something such as contact We are not currently recruiting Maipiku ※ Unauthorized reproduction of the illustrations, I will ban the act of plagiarism, such as the original character. I like milk and thigh."
  14. An extremely relevant quotation lifted from Krista's Tumblr blog.
  15. So frustrating when you wind up with a "professor" (aka hired grad student) in university to teach a course when they barely speak a lick of English.
  16. I just got this shirt in the mail.

  17. Wow, that's a really good looking vector!

    Pretty neat! Are you pleased with the way it turned out?

    are you ever going to take it off?
  18. Definitely like how it turned out. The logo shows up as white in the photo because it was reflecting light from the window, it's actually a nice shade of pale blue like the markings on Keil.

    I'm not wearing it right now actually. Can't wait to try it on though. :>
  19. Doctor Who's never touched the JFK assassination, which is great because it means they're DEFINITELY going to have an episode on it this series.

    Because it's Jenna Coleman's last season and there's NO WAY they can resist an episode named "Oswald and Oswald"
  20. I make an offhand comment on IRC and the first person who responds makes me feel like shit.

    gg #CoE
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