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The Food Talk Thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by The Kakuzato, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. (If anyone wants to suggest a more fun and not "x thread" title go right ahead!)

    So some people might know that one of my favorite subjects to talk about is food. And while we do have Om nom nom Food, I want a place to talk about food as well, more than just showcasing what everyone makes.

    Here, we can talk about anything food-related, really. Whether it's about likes and dislikes with different food, food allergies, cooking techniques, cooking tools, and maybe even sharing recipes and stuff, it's all welcome here!

    I may or may not have made this thread because I have plans for the Secret Santa thing and I don't want to reveal who I have.

    @Cid @CodasterTheDisaster @Eebit @Flamezone @"Gold Dullahan" @Jonno @Kamantha @Keileon @Skolli @whitesubtitlesoncanadianwinter @Zantok @Ziolang, you guys should post any particular likes/dislikes/allergies with foods, so I don't disappoint or kill anyone.
    Yes I know this sort of gives away what I'm planning but I DON'T CAAAARE.
  2. Pizza, tacos, burgers, bacon and cheesecake. The 5 basic food groups.
  3. I dunno, I'm a relatively picky eater at times. If it's not taste, it's texture. One of the main reasons I hate lettuce.

    Steak is my favorite thing ever, I love meat and egg and dairy, though my digestive system sometimes disagrees. I blame whatever gene makes it so that the women in our family get out gallbladders out early.

    I have a very low tolerance for spicy food despite having been born and raised in California. Go figure. I can take some spice but I can't really eat chili or anything.

    I'll put ranch on almost anything that isn't sweet or a beverage.

    The only food allergy I have that I'm aware of is swiss cheese.

    I EXPERIMENT SO MUCH WITH FOOD IT ISN'T EVEN FUNNY. I've been known to mix a can of cream of mushroom soup with kraft macaroni and cream cheese. Nate over here knows of one of my escapades for morning coffee when there wasn't any creamer and I didn't want it black. If it's not a meal by itself, I'll probably mix it with three other things until it is.
  4. I like food, and have no known allergies. The only thing I can say that I don't like is ranch and mayo. Yuck.
  5. Ah, yes. Food. I'm most likely not the Secret Santa but yes, food, good topic. I like the topic. Therefore-
    -Lasagna (I particularly like super cheesy ones with bits of ground beef inside, it's good shit fam)
    -Beef steaks (The kind of thin, easy to chew ones. Cooked in a pan, lots of seasoning... soy sauce, garlic.... ye)
    -Noodles (Like soup, but predominately noodles. That's.... that's my best description)
    -Chilli (HOOOOO BOY. HMMMM, HOOOOO. OK. Chilli. Yes. Lots of beans, lots of ground beef, nice, kind of thick... Even better when you mix in some really nice, good quality cheese in before you eat. OH- and jalepeno juice. My brother loves the store bought slices and once upon a time I went "Hey ma, what if we pour some of the water into our food?" and then she did and I thought it was great)
    -Eggplants, tbh
    -Bitter melon? Bitter gourd? I know in Urdu it's "Kahraila"
    -Clove (people use this a lot in Desi food, and it's nice, but I hate it when it's on your plate and then you get in your spoon and then it ends up in your mouth and blegh)

    Yes. Thank you.
  6. (when your computer doubles it for some reason)
    (sorry mods)
  7. I'm so down with talking about food all day every day.
  8. I recently discovered you can put literally anything into a quesadilla and it will taste delicious. And since everyone knows the Cubano is the most delicious sandwich of all time... you can guess where I'm going with this.

    I love basically any kind of fruit, and I eat the skin right off a kiwi, which is why everyone hates me and why I am so healthy.
  9. Cookies, milk, cookies, milk, and cookies. The 5 basic food groups.
  10. I certainly like full-course meals like everyone else on this thread, like tacos, steak, hamburgers, etc. But I'm probably going to talk about what kind of snacks that I eat, or what I munch on from time to time! Please don't send me a taco in the mail.

    I definitely enjoy snacks like everyone else does once in awhile! potato chips, pop (er, soda), hot rods/pepperoni sticks, and cheesestrings are all the ideal snack food items for the household. Something I like to do though, is definitely experiment and try out flavors of Lays, Pringles, Cheetos that Canada doesn't have, same for Pop brand flavors. It's really hard to tell what Canada has from the States' point of view, but we are basically missing alot of the ones that aren't considered "basic." Like we are only just now receiving Cheetos Mix em' Ups, and we only have 3 flavors of Mountain Dew available (Basic, Code Red, and Voltage). Basically just makes me want to travel on a taste test adventure to the states.

    But, if you must know what I like to eat as a meal, well, tacos, shrimp, calamari, steak, spaghetti, lasagna, pizza, caesar salad, and beef burritos are some of my favorites, just to name a few. ^^'
  11. Voltage is the best and this is good news for when I finally move.
  12. Do people actually like Mountain Dew? Ew.
  13. oh fuck i love talking about food/making good food, i've got shitloads of recipes bookmarked on my pc

    ill eat literally anything lmao im not a picky eater in the least, unless it has wheat or dairy which im allergic to so I get creative when im cooking :)

    does anyone have any cool recipes that are different than the usual north american food stuff?? ive made some sweet malaysian, japanese, lebanese, etc. meals and oh man. so good.
  14. I've recently gotten into cooking some meals myself - learned from family, cookbooks, or heck, just plain experimentation. I should've posted the broccoli casserole that I'd made the other day in the Creation Station food mecca, because dear lord was that good. Generally speaking, I am not picky at all; most everything that I dislike is a texture thing, like eggs and mushrooms, but I also HATE cilantro and most foods that could be described as particularly bitter. Other than that, I have no food allergies that I'm aware of, though cashews and velveeta were known to give me hives in the past.

    Here's the thing, though - I'm probably going to be attempting vegetarianism at the start of next year. It's my first time really making a resolution specifically for the next year, and I really aim to pull through and actually take it by the horns for the sake of not only my health, but my morals (I'm extremely against the means that first world countries horde together their animals, torture them, feed them unnatural stuff, and generally just make them and the climate miserable for the sake of capitalist consumerism, and feel kinda hypocritical eating meat, even though I love many chicken-based dishes, for one). 

    It's always a question of customs, though. Baked goods (and I don't think I've ever hated a baked good) are probably the best bet for crossing country (not to mention just state) lines in the US, where you have issues with even a banana crossing the California/Arizona border, of all things.

    @Skolli - You should see some of Nate's recipes in the OM NOM NOM FOOD topic in Creation Station, if you haven't yet! In particular in terms of what you've specified as of interest, there's an awesome kabocha pie that twists the standard western pumpkin pie by replacing it with, well, a Japanese pumpkin. Good times.
  15. I realize now that I probably should have contributed more than just my excitement.

    I'm not very picky though I HATE cucumbers and artificial grape flavouring.  Aside from that I am restricted by my food allergies which include soy and gluten and I am also lactose intolerant.  (For a full allergy list shoot me or @Eebit a PM).

    So if my Secret Santa wants to make sure that my belly is full of tasty treats a cookbook would be the smartest bet.  I love Thai food and would be open to learning more Middle Eastern cuisines.
  16. I love it. Favorite soda.

    I'd never be able to do that, I love red meat far too much. The way I see it, a few people not eating something won't change how livestock is treated anyway, and I'm not a huge fan of beans so meat's my main protein source.
  17. @Keileon - I know that; things probably won't change (until it's too late and the world is decimated), though I am a fan of finding individual worth/effort input into a cause anyway. This is a more for-my-own-conscious kind of thing. Won't knock those who can't or won't do it (unless they are the torturers or dig what these companies are doing) as I've eaten and enjoyed meat for the first 21 years of my life more or less, anyhow. We'll see how it works out.

    Also dropped soda and kept water and juice around this year, which has really worked out, more or less. I'm a sucker for raspberry Italians. I used to love Mountain Dew, though, and orange soda - Crush, Fanta, Sunkist; didn't matter, loved 'em all. Strawberry soda also gets a special shoutout. Actually, mixing original Mountain Dew and cranberry soda/juice was always strangely good.

    I also just remembered that I'm not a big fan of the clam/oyster/muscle variety of seafood, though @turbotaxer would swear by them. I'm a big fan of all sorts of peppers, I dig onions, love tomatoes and potatoes (sweet potatoes especially, perhaps). My favorite chocolate is white chocolate (is that sacrilegious?). I like cheese. #JustJonnoThings

  18. How? Why? They smell like hay.
  19. @whitesubtitlesoncanadianwinter - This reminds me of when my uncle didn't like our family recipe for cookies because he thought hay was one of the ingredients (legitimately), when it was, in actuality, just oatmeal. Good times. Anywho, I dunno; just goes to show that I have an established history of liking to eat hay. The mystery thickens.
  20. I suppose it's time I reply to my own thread!

    And here I thought I was alone. The amount of flak I've gotten for not liking ranch and mayo is unreal. That said, for some reason, I like mayo when it's mixed with sriracha. I don't know why.

    This is actually a genetic thing. Crazy, isn't it? A weird thing is that while I do get the "soapy" taste, I don't really hate cilantro. That said, too much cilantro can definitely be a palate-ruiner for me. I dunno, I'm weird. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    This is actually something I've considered for a while, though I don't feel quite as strongly about how animals are treated (it still does do a number on my mind, but there's not much that can be done about it), it'd mostly be just for my own health, as well as the fact that I'm not particularly attached to meat. I mean I love a good steak or burger as much as the next guy, but I think I could go without them fairly easily. The hardest thing for me to give up would actually be seafood.

    Sadly, I think it's something I'd have to wait until I live on my own to do. My folks -- my stepdad especially -- would have a harder time going vegetarian.

    Sadly, that has dairy (sweetened condensed milk), but from what I've read after seeing your post and looking it up, it could probably be replaced with coconut milk. That would be pretty fun, actually, though at that point, I guess it'd be a "Pumpkin and coconut" pie, haha.

    Man, it's so rare to find another person who likes white chocolate. While my favorite chocolate is dark chocolate, white chocolate is my second favorite, leaving milk chocolate to be my least favorite kind of chocolate (though I still do like it).

    Anyway, on to my own stuff. I guess I'll expand on what I said in the Secret Santa thread about how I'm not a fan of "mundane" food. I am a big fan of exploring food and expanding my own culinary knowledge. I love going to ethnic restaurants and ordering things that may or may not have a description of what they are. often to the surprised of servers. There's very little I will refuse to try, though anything made directly with blood (such as blood sausage or black pudding) are chief on that list. God, I'd even eat many of the bug dishes out there if I had a chance.

    As far as specific foods go, I have a few favorite things, which I like to categorize a bit. My favorite meat (not counting seafood) is, by far, lamb. I like to say that it's the "meatiest-tasting meat," even if it is somewhat gamey. If you've never tried lamb, you really should sometime. The best places to get it would probably be a local Greek, Mediterranean, or Middle Eastern restaurant. And don't get it from a chain restaurant. The one time I did, it was just awful. My favorite seafood (and meat in general if you include seafood in that!) is scallop. It's just so sweet while still managing to have that essential seafood flavor.

    My favorite salad green is fresh spinach. Canned spinach, however, is something that I won't even touch. It is offensive to everything spinach stands for. My favorite vegetable is parsnip -- it used to be carrot, but once I tried parsnip I just absolutely loved it and didn't look back. My favorite chili pepper is the serrano, a little bit spicier than jalapeño, but with a wonderful smoky, savory flavor that makes it perfect for almost any dish. My favorite herb is oregano, I just love that subtle smokiness that it has. My favorite non-herb spice is clove -- it's a little bit sweet, a little bit spicy, and works with more foods than you'd expect if you just smell/taste it on its own. That said, biting into a whole clove is an overwhelming and unpleasant experience.

    I'm sure there's a lot more "my favorite x," but we'd be here a lot longer the more I think of.

    As far as things I don't like go, there's surprisingly little -- I mentioned before that I don't like mayo or ranch, but I also can't stand celery or jalapeños. Celery to me has a "soapy" flavor like cilantro, but turned way up to 11 to the point that it is an absolutely offensive flavor. When I do use celery in cooking, I make sure to use only a small amount, and that the other flavors in the dish are strong enough to cover up celery's flavor enough to be edible for me. I seriously wonder how anyone can describe celery as "crunchy water," which I have heard so many times. As for jalapeños, I have tried them in such a variety of ways -- as poppers, on nachos, fresh off the vine, pickled... you name it, I've tried it -- yet it has a flavor that I can only really describe as "month-old fryer oil." just nasty.

    And as a final note, I have a somewhat strange view as a chef and diner, which may especially sound weird from my post on the Om Nom Nom Food about my thanksgiving dinner... I detest the very idea of "side dishes." I prefer to make and eat "single-dish meals." My problem with side dishes is mostly just that it's hard to tell the order that you should eat things, and it brings on the stress of trying to balance out how much of the different dishes you eat at a time. About the only time I think it's a good thing is serving something like rice, coleslaw, or some other palate cleanser with a very spicy dish.

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