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The Ancient War [Int. Check]

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by RavenousJoy, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. Forgive me on this if I put this in the wrong forum. I'm still learning. Also forgive me for having to write everything in blocks instead of one whole post. I can only write so much on a ps3, but I will try to get a laptop very soon so this will be much easier and faster for everyone. (I type at 90 wpm on a regular keyboard, but on a ps3, it's more like... 8) But here I have an interesting role play that I thought of a long time ago, but never really got to do it with anyone to its full extent and in all of its beautiful glory that it had potential for, because I was stuck in Neopets which has extremely suffocating rules. Can't even say "his expression" in there... Ugh, anyway, so, my idea is a war that has been going on since a few centuries after humans were created, but not by mere humans. No, no, no, this war.. This war is between Vampires & Sirens. (I'm going to change some things about the creatures, but please bear with me, it will be worth it.) (cont.)
    In the beginning, humans were created. That is what the bible says, right? But what about the things that the bible fails to say what was also created? Humans were created, yes, but there were also far more powerful beings. Creatures that were dangerous to humans. Creatures that couldn't even be fathomed by the human mind as something that exists.
    One creature that had come into existence was the Vampire. Strong, elegant, with heightened senses, incredible speed, and an even more incredible thirst for blood. These were creatures of the dark shadows the clung to the walls of buildings, and hid from the all knowing light of day.
    Another creature that had come into existence was the Siren. Beautiful and alluring creatures with voices that were as sweet as honey, that brought you to an almost certain death if you were taken away by one. They stole life energy from humans, to keep themselves young and beautiful. These creatures were from the light of the moon. They would bask in its light, (cont.)
    singing and dancing, luring their prey to feed.

    These two creatures were created harmoniously. They were created to be together. You see, Sirens have the sweetest and most delectable blood, with the energy that was needed by the Vampires. The Vampires, even though they were considered "undead," they had an endless supply of life energy that was more powerful than any humans. Here, there was the bond. There was the law.
    A Vampire could feed from a Siren, so long as they kept them alive and in good health. In return, a Siren could feed from a Vampires endless supply of life energy. This was the pact set forth by the Elders and for centuries, this went on in a blissful peace. That was, until Sirens started to disappear. Just like that, out of the blue, they started to just come up empty, without a trace. The Elder Sirens became worried for their people and discussed with the Elder Vampires what to do. To be careful, because they were unsure as to why many Sirens had come up missing, they decided to break(cont.)
    the bond. The Vampires and Sirens were no longer able to feed from each other. If one were caught feeding from the other, it was punishable by death.

    For some time, things seemed to be okay, until a rebellion broke out amongst the Vampires. They were tired of being blamed for the disappearance of the Sirens, and were thirsty for their blood. Suddenly, Vampires were attacking and killing Sirens, drinking every last drop from them. The Elders became outraged, and sent for warriors, both Vampires and Sirens alike that were against the rebellion to defend the Sirens that couldn't defend themselves. And thus, the war has started.

    Some call it "The Silent War," because the entire war has gone on unknown by the humans. Others call it "The Ancient War," because it has gone on to this day. And here we are in modern day Greece, the homeland of the Sirens, where the Elders have stayed since the beginning, but have been hidden away. Even though here is where it all began, the war has spread all over the world, (cont.)
    but the heart of the war is here in Greece and it is still raging, with no hopes of an end. (done) 

    So, this is what I have. :) Please, tell me if you like it. Critique it if need be. I just want some feedback before I actually start it up.
  2. RE: The Ancient War [OoC]

    This is the right forum for this thread. However, the "[OoC]" in the title could throw people off, seeing as this section is for Interest Checks, which this seems to be.

    Also, don't worry about having to post in blocks. Especially when there's mods and admins who could easily merge your multiple posts into one big one. Like me!

  3. RE: The Ancient War [OoC]

    Yea, I was originally going to put this in the Out of Character forum, then figured that I'd put it in here instead, but I forgot to take out the [OoC] from the title xD Oops!!
  4. I just tweaked the title. :)

    Also, interested.
  5. Jeez, Rose, it's like every time that I refresh the page, it's a new clip every time for your siggy!! 0_o Though, I do enjoy them. XD
  6. It is, I use a signature rotator, lol. I had it for a while with Daenerys Targaryen, but I switched it within the past week to April Ludgate. Thanks!
  7. They crack me up with how random they are
  8. Oh yes. Ooooooh yes, this is definitely something of interest to me! Very cool concept; sort of reminds me vaguely of a book I read once. I have a character in mind already, as well, since he hasn't had that much chance to flourish in the roleplays he has been in.

    (ps your signature amuses me greatly)
  9. :D Oh, I'm so glad that my concept has captured your guys's attention! ^^ I almost feel honored.. Borderline.... Cuz I'm not sure if I should be or not..
  10. Well, it seems like no one else is interested, but I can still start this one up as an active rp. :3 The thing is.. what's usually the next step? 0_o
  11. Bear with us as we are a little... slower than Neopets would typically be in posting our interest. ^^; Just because this has been all of the posts so far, doesn't for sure mean that nobody else is game! ;D Usually giving it a day (or two, maybe) is enough time for everyone active to check it out, in my opinion~

    The next step is generally an "Out of Character" thread, depending on whether or not you plan on using character sheets detailing characters and their respective abilities/backgrounds/what have you. It's pretty much where all of the discussion takes place that isn't actually in character, as the name would tell you~ Otherwise, if you plan to jump right into things, feel free to go straight to the Freeform Roleplays section to create your actual RP thread. :)
  12. Hm.. yea, I didn't think about that.. I guess I should probably leave it for now and see if there are any other bites. I'll check up on it later, then. :) I need to go turn in applications anyway. -~- Job seeking... no fun...
  13. And I'm hoping.. that I just recruited three new people.. I'm hoping. I know I'm gonna get silenced for that on Neo, but it's so worth it ^^
  14. Job hunting is definitely no fun, haha. Best of luck with that! And three new people? Wow, that's fantastic! I hope your efforts don't go in vain!!
  15. Nope, because I got a new recruit! The name is belle2021. Please, welcome her here!! She transferred from Neo. Sadly, though, one of my recruits rejected, and the other one is pending.
  16. Alright, I'm gonna finally start this thing up. :3 To the OoC and the FreeForm Roleplay!!!
  17. I'll attempt this. Am I correct in assuming that this is freeform?

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