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[Freeform|Any Genre|Jump-in] A Supar Srs Roleplay?

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by The Kakuzato, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. Here's an idea that I had to kinda get ZEJ to relax a bit. Something where posting standards are absolutely nonexistent. This idea was inspired by a Roleplay on a certain other forum, and I figured "hey, why not bring something similar to ZEJ?"

    If you're curious about what I mean by the tags up in the title, it means that I am, for the most part, willing to start this with just about any genre. That being said, I probably (read: Definitely) won't do anything erotic, but for the moment, that's the only real exception I can think of.

    The "Jump-in" tag basically means that there wouldn't be any kind of character profiles, and honestly, I don't even expect any kind of OOC description, either in tags or in the OOC thread. I mean, you can if you want, but it'd be far from necessary.

    So anyway, more explanation of the concept: By saying "posting standards are absolutely nonexistent," I basically mean that it'd be totally expected to have atrocious grammar in this roleplay. I would probably allow even godmodding or other RP "sins" under circumstances, and Mary Sues would even be encouraged. This would be a roleplay done for total humor, hence the sarcastic title I put up there for the interest check.

    I will say that I already have a plot in mind: an ancient plot that I once started on @"Shadow"'s old site RPGZone, that in its inception, was meant to take cliche Fantasy/JRPG tropes and make them better, only with the setup I'd have planned for this it'd be completely a parody. I can't really remember the full title right now, but here on ZEJ, it'd probably be along the lines of "The Quest of a Bunch of Heroes to Collect the Seven Orbs and Defeat the Demon King," with probable editing to the wording and the grammar (you know, to make it bad...)

    So with that, would anybody interested in this first-time thing here on ZEJ?
  2. Lets do this shit.
  3. O ya liek ttly bcuz i rite so güd
  4. ü

    zomg a crema.

    (Anyway yeah, I'm totally up for this seeing how the IRP one was golden.)
  5. If you're rebooting "The Quest etc" up on here, then you can bet I'll be in. A cliche sort of roleplay is precisely what we need, especially with low standards of posting (and hopefully much more frequent posting along with it!).
  6. Any genre? Like, anthros? Cause that would be awesome~
  7. What I really meant by any genre is that if anyone else wanted to do something other than my "The Quest etc." RP, for example, a sci-fi RP, or even a slice of life RP, etc.; I'll definitely allow anthros, though. Seeing as how everyone seems to like the idea of The Quest etc., expect to see this up sometime tomorrow. I'm literally about to go to bed.

    If you want to see what I expect this thread to look like, see the link I posted. Yes, that is what I fully expect to see.

    I'm glad all ya'll are up for it, that's for sure.
  8. The RP has been posted.

    Oh my god I am dying.
  9. It hurts to type like this lol

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