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ZEJstuck Discussion

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Gold Dullahan, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. So the actual thread is obviously [No Reply] so I realized I should have a place for you guys to talk specifically about ZEJstuck.
    Fire away!
  2. RE: ZEJstuck Disscusion

    str8 fire
  3. RE: ZEJstuck Disscusion

    Moon moon, you have some impressive talent yo. Look at you go.
  4. RE: ZEJstuck Disscusion

    g8y fire

    thank you, thank you- I try my best
  5. RE: ZEJstuck Disscusion

    I think Espy<3<Cody should be canon if only for the lulz
    <3< is a text version of spade. The spade is the symbol for the troll romance-quadrant called Kismesitude. The relationship is based on hate, but not really enemy style stuff. Like... precision teasing, knocking each other down a peg, but also normal romance things. "A potent arch-rivalry" I believe author Andrew Hussie said that line.

    Speaking of, some reader input I'd like:
    -What ships do you want, lol
    -What should Cody's sprite be? Rose's? Espy's?
    -What's Rose's weapon type? Espy's?
    -Artifacts for Cody, Espy, and Rose?
    -Does anyone have any ideas for another character we can add? I might add more players, who knows.
    -Also can Espy give me a description of himself for sprite-reasons????

    I'm also just hoping for more con-crit/actual-comments and discussion, but I can't force you guys to do that so you can do that whenever if you even do it.
  6. RE: ZEJstuck Disscusion

    I went to Espy directly since he's on an indefinite leave from ZEJ, so uhh...

  7. RE: ZEJstuck Disscusion

    Will there be trolls/troll analogs?
  8. RE: ZEJstuck Disscusion

    There probably won't because I'm not sure how to incorporate that kind of thing into a story based around ZEJ users. Sorry about that, I would if I could.
  9. RE: ZEJstuck Disscusion

    I was trying to be patient and let it happen naturally but
  12. nudges. homestuck is back. i kinda wanna see where this goes. if you're still doing it.

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