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ZEJ Cards Against Humanity Deck

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by ShadoeMayari, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Or maybe she'll be respectful, see this conversation, and not add it.
  2. [​IMG]
  3. You know, as the person who brought it up in the chat for the card...

    I meant no disrespect by it, nor even making fun of you specifically. If I were doing that, I'd have written as something like "This week, Kuda wants to use ____ in every roleplay." By calling it the Careodry Effect, I was merely referring to the action of putting a certain thing in a whole bunch of roleplays, and I decided to use the "accepted" term for it. Is it your character? Yes, but I did not mean for it to be a jab at you, and from what I remember, nobody in the chat was joking at your expense when I said that.

    So, uh... Calm down, I guess.

    A little late but I was spending the time thinking about how to say this ~
  4. I know you didn't mean any disrespect, I'd just prefer it to get phased out as quickly as possible like every ZEJ joke eventually does and throwing it into the CAH deck does not help that along.
  5. I thought the point of the CAH deck was to capitalize on the jokes for our own amusement, not to make them last longer. Still it's obvious you don't want the careodry effect in there anyway.
  6. Hopefully MoonMoon is the machine gun of Interest Checks thing never fades. We can all agree that is THE best thing on ZEJ. *hairflips hair into face and then trips and smacks self in the process*
  7. White Card:


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