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Youtube Discussion

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Fallen, Jul 5, 2012.

  1. Youtube is a place where people can share videos they created so the world can see. It could be animated, real life, or anything you want. I know that a lot of us here go on Youtube all the time and search up for the most random videos. So I just started this thread, so people could post some interesting videos they see, videos they made themselves, or some lolworthy videos as well. Or you could discuss somethings about youtube, some vids you saw, or about a certain Youtube Channel.

    Well recently, I've been talking(through skype) with some pretty famous youtube ppl, which I've met through a Minecraft server I'm staff on. Two of them are Machinima Partners while the other one is a member of the VoxelBox. These guys are pretty funny when you get to know them. The Machinima Partners mainly make vids on CoD and Skyrim and you guys already know about VoxelBox
  2. My favourites!

  3. I can't post any videos from my DSi, but I did avidly follow Tatsudoshi's Let's Play Pokemon LeafGreen. Which is weird, because I rarely watch LPs...

    Most of my favorite videos tend to be Touhou PVs, Minecraft, Portal, and the occasional AMV.
  4. You should check out the VoxelBox then, Kuda. They make amazing creations on MC and post it on youtube.

    If you guys haven't seen it yet, I highly advice you to watch VGHS on freddiew's channel
  5. Yuriofwind's gaming mysteries and obscure gaming. They're amusing, and interesting. Anyone else? Also EpicLloyd and ERB, plus Smosh and ShutUpCartoons.

    Cat + Tape Experiment

    mugumogu's channel (heard of MARU? some cat that everybody cares about?)

    Mark Crilley's channel (phenomenal manga artist)

    Those are just some of the things I've been watching a lot lately. WAIT ONE MORE ACTUALLY

    Kuusou Mesorogi (Mirai Nikki OP)

    Yeah, I actually mostly use youtube for music...
  7. Same here. Youtube + MP3 player + youtube-mp3.org, Xenra, or Listen to Youtube = several hours of portable music.
  8. How did I just now find out about this?

    Mine Turtle Song
  9. YES! Shadow of Israphel is back and will now be a weekly series! :D

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