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You WILL Look at My Sprites!

Discussion in 'Creation Station' started by BatterymanAAA, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. I'll cry if you don't.

    Mother Marowak
    This is based on a creepypasta I read about someone who caught the ghost Marowak from RBYFRLG on the PokéWalker and transferred it to her HeartGold, where she scared her other Pokémon and exacted revenge for the graves being moved because of the Radio Tower.

    I was raising a Togepi in Black. I was on Route 4. Now, I love Metronome, so I had Togepi use it constantly. Twice, it used Searing Shot, Victini's signature move. This is what I imagine it would look like.

    Durr hurr hurr.

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