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WYSIWYG editor

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by The Kakuzato, Oct 22, 2011.

  1. Preferably, one that is secondary, and only in full edit.
  2. If it appears in quick edit then no.
  3. It would be extremely helpful in making statplays, so I too request it.
  4. Okay just kidding I'm not going to flat out deny this.

    For those of you who don't know, WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get)-styled editors are like what you see in Microsoft Word, for instance. The program does the BB-code for you, so you just need to click on the colours and you'll be able to see what your doing directly in the editor. It's a pretty cool function, I guess.

    I've never seen much use for it, personally, since I type my posts out in Word anyways. The problem I have with the system is because at Cult of Ustream's forums, there was an editor like this installed. It was a pain in the ass, to me, because it disallowed the 'Quick Edit' option, and forced the unnecessary loading of an extra page. Painful if you need a quick edit on a shitty connection. It also decided to completely molest my Word-typed RPing posts, adding linebreaks where they were most certainly unintended (something I wouldn't see until I made my actual post).

    If there was a plugin that allowed us to force WYSIWYG as the secondary method of posting, I think I'd be more okay with it. If it does not interfere with me and my default style of posting, then I guess all power to you... so long as there is a decent plugin out there.
  5. This was precisely what I was going at

    I wouldn't use it much either. However, it would be good for everyone who does SPs. If I may take an example from Durasken Uprising...

    {t} {t} { } { } {t} {t} {t} {t} {t} A
    {t} { } {T} { } { } {t} {t} {t} {t} B
    {t} { } { } { } {Z} {t} {t} { } {t} C
    {t} {t} {t} {A} {t} {t} {t} { } {t} D
    {t} {t} {t} { } { } {t} {t} { } {t} E
    {t} {t} { } {W} {t} {t} { } { } {t} F
    {t} {t} { } { } { } {t} { } { } {t} G
    {t} {t} {t} { } { } { } { } { } {t} H
    {t} {t} {t} {t} { } { } { } {t} {t} I
    {t} {t} {N} {A} {M} {J} {R} {t} {t} J
    {t} { } { } { } {G} { } {t} {t} {t} K

    In BBCode, this is...

    [color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} { } { } {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} A
    {[color=#006400]t[/color]} { } {[color=red]T[/color]} { } { } {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} B
    {[color=#006400]t[/color]} { } { } { } {[color=red]Z[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} { } {[color=#006400]t[/color]} C
    {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=red]A[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} { } {[color=#006400]t[/color]} D
    {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} { } { } {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} { } {[color=#006400]t[/color]} E
    {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} { } {[color=red]W[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} { } { } {[color=#006400]t[/color]} F
    {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} { } { } { } {[color=#006400]t[/color]} { } { } {[color=#006400]t[/color]} G
    {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} { } { } { } { } { } {[color=#006400]t[/color]} H
    {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} { } { } { } {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} I
    {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=blue]N[/color]} {[color=blue]A[/color]} {[color=blue]M[/color]} {[color=blue]J[/color]} {[color=blue]R[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} J
    {[color=#006400]t[/color]} { } { } { } {[color=blue]G[/color]} { } {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} {[color=#006400]t[/color]} K

    So this is really why I think ZEJ needs a WYSIWYG editor. If only to make the jobs of people with SPs easier.
  6. Well, is it possible to put an option in the UCP to toggle it on or off?

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