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.: Where the Wind Blows :.

Discussion in 'Freeform Roleplays' started by Eebit, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. Eebit Presents...

    The wind howled like a thousand starving wolves, snapping their jaws at the moon as though the Lady Luna would send morsels to sate their endless hunger. It was certainly the most biting of cold nights in the North... so much so that frigid would not even be a descriptor to pass the lips of the band of young teenagers, caught wandering far after their curfew. Their parents had warned them - oh yes, they had offered their guidance far too frequently. But as all good and honest teenagers do best... they disobeyed.

    And where had that taken them?

    Caught. Trapped. Beyond warm fires and comforting bedsheets. These teenagers found themselves wandering about in the chilling clutches of an ice storm - one like no other. The blizzard outside metastasized around them, constantly twirling and sending snow into their eyes. Truth be told? They were paranoid. They were terrified. But would they turn to one another and break the facades they had each raised to try and prove to one another that they weren't scared? That they were much braver than the next? Certainly not. That would be the breaking of the unwritten code. Instead, this ragtag bunch boasted and taunted one another, each stepping cautiously, so as not to hint at the terror each felt deep inside.

    The town had been barred up, however, and that meant that they would be fending for themselves on the outskirts. But in a raging storm such as this... was that possible? Wise? Certainly not. It would spell the end for the poor children, ill-prepared and ill-suited for such a life. All their lives, they had grown up heeding calls. This was their chance to prove to themselves and to one another that they were something more than just a bunch of brats.

    Ghost stories were exchanged of an old mansion just outside of town... one that, at the suggestion of one particularly bold member of their group and against all logic instilled to each, they chose to seek out. After all, some semblance of shelter was to be better than risking frostbite outside, or worse... animals who too were going to starve in the icy deathgrasp. And they could ask for no shelter more grand than the mansion; ornate, yet solemn. Beautiful, yet seemingly tragic. A forbidden area to be certain. But that only built up the suspense and the allure of the trek. The cast iron gates stood menacing in front of it...

    Who of YOU will take the roles of one of these teenagers, scared out of your wits but too excited to pay heed to your instincts? Whether you survive will be completely left up to the consequences of your decisions... who can you trust in these trying times of this tale of deep self-reflection, when even your closest friends could become your most bitter enemy in a matter of minutes? When insanity lurks just above your heads, and just beneath the floorboards...​

    Only time will tell you.

    / / /

    ((A plot that I kept throwing at Neopets to try and hook people to recruit. This is going to be really nonchalant - jump in and join if you want, and ignore it if you're not interested. Semi-realistic, and it is semi-similar to Rose/Mayari's old Haunted House on the Hill. Just have fun with it, lads and lasses.))
  2. RE: .: Where the Wind Blows :. {Psychological | Paranormal}

    All that Conor was on the lookout for when his friends had asked him to sneak out with them for a night out and about was something akin to the experiences they had had together during previous ventures out past skeptical hours. Maybe some of them would engage in a slight bit of innocent debauchery only worthy of a low-level scolding from their parents should they be caught out past curfew and not much more, but that would be where the trouble would end. Never could he ever possibly fathom that, instead of that generally acceptable, relatively fun little adventure that he longed for every time he and his pals had all successfully engaged in it and dispersed thereafter, they would be ensnared by the cold bite of the winter season in the most gelid type of way. The closest he had ever been to feeling this kind of neo three-dog-night chill was during an odd incident at the local aquarium at around this same time of year nearly a decade back, though that was neither here nor there, so he swiftly dispersed the thought from his mind and returned to the scene at hand.

    The town was completely sealed-up by the time the storm had struck, and for a myriad of equally as sensible reasons. There was no getting back in, and even if they had managed to get back in by begging and pleading for sanctuary, what would they be proving to themselves, then? No one would say it, but the generally shy, book-smart young man who was always observing the lot of them each time they were together knew that each and every one of them was scared-- oh, if only their common sense matched their brashness and sense of adventure! But, hey, they were practically adults. They had something to prove in their own naive way. They had to prove they had some kind of "moxie." They had to fulfill a sort of unwritten trope of teenagedom that even the "geek" Conor so nonchalantly slipped into when he got involved with this crowd, and though they were afraid, though he was sure that each and every one of them secretly wished more than anything to be back in their warm beds at home, he knew that it would be completely and utterly unacceptable to the utmost highest degree to even think of turning back now.

    A small walk saw his group to the front of the mansion-- the one so often called out by his own family as "haunted," "full of devils," and "infested with a contagious case of the drive-you-crazies." His incredibly superstitious great-grandmother would claim it to be infested by all manner of manananggals and evil eyes even as far back as when she was his age, and even earlier than that. To say he was shaking out of his skin would be an understatement, and it wasn't even because of the insane ice storm pelting the lot of them with more snow than they could ever hope to shovel themselves out of should they remain in one place for too long. They simply had to find shelter, and the mansion was the only available much-sought-out answer to their desperate question.

    Conor didn't think about it too much as the menacing black iron gates marking the entrance to the estate were swung wide-open by two of the stronger, more affable members of the group, instead trying to focus purely on the positive. They were going to be inside somewhere, and the house probably wasn't haunted anyway! The only thing that was too bad about it all was that those hopeful thoughts would last less than another minute. The moment they had actually taken a step inside of the mansion, a chill pervaded throughout his frail frame before forming into a great frog centered at the mid-portion of his throat.

    Whatever was going to happen here was well beyond what he was capable of imagining and even further beyond his realm of control. All he knew was that, should the opportunity arise, he would need to overcome his menagerie of fears to make the best possible outcome of each situation... and that that would be far, far, far easier said than done.

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