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WEEABOO TRASH music addition

Discussion in 'Спам Oстров' started by CodasterTheDisaster, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. Basically I'm going to post random Japanese music because I'm weeb trash lmfao geeks

  2. And I'm helping by posting super weeb songs
  3. exiled moved to spam island
  4. get ur trash music out my face
  5. whatchoo you sayin' to me fool
  6. really now

  7. too
  8. bad

    I'm not leaving
    neener neener
  9. .................... wat tf is dis trash gtfo zomg hav some tru moozik
    (I also sorta have kpop in there so kind of breaking the theme but meh, who cares? ALSO- second note, I have gifted you the better Vocaloid songs, you're welcome. FURTHER MORE, 3rd note, did you notice the girl group? I know you noticed the girl group.)
  10. You want a girl group, hmmmm??

    on a side note: the legs are too much for me -nosebleed(?)-
  11. I'm apparently live blogging your vid now, Cody- what has become of my life.
    almost gave up when it started, it seemed so fucking weeb omg
    OK, girls in dresses with guitars and drums and what not, this is good.
    BlUE HaiRed drUMMeR
    SHe's sinGING
    (side note: lmfao, that girl chilling behind her while the other 2 play guitars)
    then we get adorable little one playing guitar
    now it's the girl who was chilling doing the exact opposite of chilling
    nOW IT's blUE aGAiN
    now it's little guitar girl with the ribbon again
    and then it's the blonde (lead singer?) who is kinda the least important I guess compared to chill-step, baby-tar giant ribbon, baby-tar (not really a) sailor-fuku edition, and bLUe
    wait shit, blonde is still at that pool table we saw her at last? Did she not hit the white ball yet?? Did she already finish that one and start a new one???
    And group shot! I think if I had to pick between the baby-tars, I'd go with sailor fuku edition.
    ooh card-throw was a transition into card-smash onto table, nice
    bLUE iS BaCK AnD SIngINg (and also they're playing cards, cool)
    everyone either looks bored or is making cute faces throughout this sequence except blonde and BlUE who look like they're in some intense card rivarly shit (when can I expect the anime?)
    wait OK so now we're showing everyone in card with a specific symbol for them-
    Blonde= $
    BLUe= ♠
    baby-tar sailor fuku edition= ♣
    baby-tar giant ribbon= ♥
    (also, only just realized this- chill-step is their keyboard girl.)
    *le gasp* now they're fading away- want to point out that bLUE is first, then the baby-tars at almost the same time.
    chill-step is still here, now she's the focus because the song is all piano-y now.
    Ah wait, they're back and they're a card from the suit given to them earlier!
    Pretty sure they all have kings, btw.
    chill-step is jammin' and now baby-tar sailor fuku edition is being shown playing again.
    now everyone's back.
    baby-tar giant ribbon's teeny tiny itty bitty little solo-thing that serves as transition back into rock is beautiful
    ok blonde walks away.
    she's back at that table thing she was at during the start.
    and woah- look at that- it's her $ symbol under the card she just picked up.

    What to take away from this-
    blue hair is a gift to the world and also japanese teenage girls are 1000000000000x better rockstars than Nickelback and everyone already fucking knew that
  12. It seems Hana is your waifu now. Welcome to the club.
  13. here's another great girl band :^)
  14. why are all of these bands tiny girls doing rock i aM SENSING A THEME
    do we need to host an intervention, Cody?
    -lead singer is better
    -they look less little, this is good. now we know Cody isn't ZEJ's next lollicon
    -this waifu might be better than other waifu. After going on a very short internet quest I found out her name is Misa, which was necessary because I can't pick a feature to give that would help identify her.
    -Cody has a thing for maids
  15. Real rock speaks to me :^)

    Also attractive women

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