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WAVES ~Melody in Motion~ [RP Thread]

Discussion in 'Freeform Roleplays' started by Nebulon Ranger, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. 9:30 PM. Aaron's House.


    This was the familiar sound of a key turning in a lock, which would only lead to the door that the lock was protecting opening. This time was no different. The door creaked open, revealing a comparatively short tan Felidi with a black stripe on either side of his muzzle. The Felidi scanned the entryway before walking inside and kicking off his footwear, then turning in the direction of his living room, aiming to sit on the sofa. He walked in a brisk pace towards the sofa and quite literally collapsed head-first, spreading his form over it. "What a night, and what a performance!" he exclaimed, exhausted, "I sometimes wonder why I do what I do without reimbursement, but then I think of it as giving the gift of an experience. Too many of my fellows concentrate solely on money." Reaching for the remote, he powered on the TV mounted on the wall across from him. Seeing his own face and a mention of his name -- Aaron Lawrence -- for a few fleeting moments on one channel, he flicked the TV over to the news.

    "In recent news, it seems the whole town of Iten has mysteriously gone dark." the anchor stated just before the current video feed switched to an aerial view of the black void that was once the Iten area. "Though we don't know the extent of what caused the sudden blackout, there are rumors flying about in the surrounding area of a strange device, akin to a pyramid in shape, that may have been responsible. The one detail we have confirmed is that all traces of audible sound simply vanished just before the town went dark. We don't know if it was the rumored device that caused this, but it seems likely."

    Aaron suddenly bolted upright in the sofa. The entire town was muted? That definitely explained the power cut, as the whole planet operates on sound. What needed figuring out was that cause of the sudden muting, and that's where he would come in. Tomorrow, he would leave for Iten and see if there was any correlation between the rumors and the muting, but most of all, he would see if anyone there might know anything about the device, if it truly existed, so he could document it.

    The Stadium

    Elsewhere in the city, at another venue, a metal concert was going on. It was, of course, power metal, and the lead guitarist was none other than Alexandra Numidius -- a vampire Lycan from a long line of talented musicians. Her white-furred form stood at a rather average seven feet, with three feet of deep blue hair trailing down her back, each lock shimmering and absorbing different colors of light from the quite frankly intense stage lights. Her eyes almost seemed to glow slightly, but this was more a light effect than anything, as the only thing remarkable about the was that they were red. Standing stage right of her was a strange-looking Lycan -- fox-like in appearance -- with, yet again, red eyes, only this one's corneas were jet black. The two of them were both the leads, with the backing guitar hidden near the drummer and beside the keyboard player. The singer stood in front of the group, positively screaming his lungs out, although it was more a growl than a true scream. Because of the vocal style, nobody could really tell what he was singing about other than the anger present in his voice.

    Alex looked to the strange Lycan beside her in passing, mouthing the words, "How long did you write this one, anyway?" It seemed like they had been playing the same song for over ten minutes. She didn't mind much, though, given that she would often find herself writing 20-minute long speed metal ballads. She, in fact, completely understood any reasoning he might have for writing a song this long, as she actually enjoyed soloing, which they seemed to have done at least five seperate times thus far. She went to mouth something else to him, but was quickly cut off by her own long hair hitting her in the face. The effects crew had started blasting the fans. Damn it. Oh well, if it made this long-0ass track any more enjoyable to the audience, then so be it. She just shrugged and continued playing, saving what she was going to say for after the song ended.
  2. Phoenix banged his head as he strummed feverishly atop the wooden stage, causing the skull that made up the headstock of his guitar to emit a cyan glow from the empty eye sockets. Phoenix's guitar was unique to say the least. The neck was made of a human spine, as the body was as it sounded, simply a human ribcage twisted into shape. It had no pickups or frets, only simple strings made of a strange fleshy material.

    As he continued with his work, he made sure to make every chord count, sending off strange sparks from the strings as he shredded his pick across the strings in a way that would ruin most guitars. ”I can't hear you!!!” He screamed, barely over the crowd. He looked out to the crowd, more specifically he looked out to the many women who were obviously drunk, and had decided the throw their shirts on stage – he liked what he saw.

    Midway through his 'observations' he caught glimpse of the other lead guitarist mouthing something to him. He managed to understand what she was meaning, seeming to wonder how long the song he had composed was – the song they were currently playing. ”It's a long one sweet-cheeks, I'll tell you the whole story after, maybe after a few bottles of beer. He said, his eyes obviously focused on her chest as it bobbed up and down. ”Whew baby! Keep up those metal moves, I like the way you bounce! I can tell I'll need a cold drink after I'm done with you 'cause you are HOT!”

    Phoenix gave a laugh and turned his attention back to the crowd. Not like he really needed to anyway, he hadn’t missed a note yet, and with all the venues they were getting – he wasn’t about to.
  3. 9:45 PM.

    Aaron looked about, as if considering something. He wanted to go investigate tonight instead, but he wasn't sure if he had planned any surprise performances. He walked over to his calendar, which was basically just an illuminated, backlit touchscreen on the wall of his room. He tapped on the June tab, then on the Events menu item. What luck, the next event was going to be in Iten anyway. "Hmm, so it's settled, then. I will leave tonight." he said, walking briskly into the other room, slipping both of his batons into their cases and placing them in a small pouch which he strung around his left shoulder.
  4. 9:45 PM.

    Aaron looked about, as if considering something. He wanted to go investigate tonight instead, but he wasn't sure if he had planned any surprise performances. He walked over to his calendar, which was basically just an illuminated, backlit touchscreen on the wall of his room. He tapped on the June tab, then on the Events menu item. What luck, the next event was going to be in Iten anyway. "Hmm, so it's settled, then. I will leave tonight." he said, walking briskly into the other room, slipping both of his batons into their cases and placing them in a small pouch which he strung around his left shoulder. He fumbled around in his pocket for a moment, looking for his phone. Hitting a small, hard object, he'd realised he'd found it and let out a small sigh of relief.

    With his things all sorted out and organised, he started for the door. "An entire town black. It'd take an eternity for me to go through it alone." he said, suddenly realising the daunting task ahead, "Maybe I could find someone who could assist me..." Opening the door, he left his house behind him and turned to walk down the street. He couldn't scour an entire town of 55000 some odd people for a strange device alone. He needed someone to help him. Anyone. It didn't matter as long nas they were willing. He'd done much for the community already, maybe it was time for it to give a little back.

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