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Twittering / Random Musings

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, Nov 14, 2013.

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  1. [​IMG]
    what the shit, mario maker
  2. @Shadow have some nostalgia

  3. I need to drum up courage and quick.
  4. Birthday gifts from my mom include:

    - A Bismuth crystal (it's so prettyyyyyyy)
    - A LED dragon
    - A shirt with Shakespeare's insults (I'm laughing)
    - A Glaceon plush and a Kyrii (Neopets) plush
    - A book of "Impossible Questions" and what I'm assuming is a draconic Paganism book
    - A "Rapid Ramen Cooker" ("It's so on-point it's hilarious" "I saw it and thought of you :)" "Said every mother to their young adult kid ever LOL")
    - A throw blanket
    And of course a card
  5. Warning: Bright flashing http://i.imgur.com/rDTKjQA.gifv

    This is really close to what my headaches feel like.
  6. PSA: I will not be liking any more posts, or creating any more threads. Once I post 87 more times, my work on ZEJ will be finished. It has been nice knowing you guys.

    EDIT: Make that 86.

    EDIT #2: Soiled it.
  7. Y'know

    #CoE is kinda like showing up to a seedy restaurant to laugh and drink and smoke with your business partners before going into the "back room" (#Manaverse) to talk business.
  8. Buds....... Pals.......

    Who would you like to see in the CatPB ([the] Captain and the Plant-Bread) saga, and in what form/role...? (Feel free to volunteer yourself, even, in the prompts thread.)

    Voyage 1 | Voyage 2
  9. Mudshroom. yesss
  10. I kind of want to run a Manaverse-centric DnD group because the one I was going to do with some irl friends sort of died
  11. Never Gonna Give You Up came on in the Asian market today.

    Yes, I instinctively started dancing.
  12. It's been my brother's first 2-3 hours back home for his break and we've already gotten into an argument because he thinks Ghostbusters is an unnecessary reboot and "exploitative" and that they should have made some original movie instead of an unnecessary connection to the Ghostbusters franchise.

    Feels good to have the gang back together.
  13. To be fair though he's right
  14. Hey, this would actually be pretty rad. Gonna homebrew up some classes/spells/etc.? Or just use the setting?
  15. Typical classes, homebrew "spells", 3.5.
  16. I assume a homebrew bestiary? (Or just slightly modified bestiary)
  17. I pierced my tongue. Pain scale out of 10 is 3. Except when the bar catches on something then it's like a 7
  18. Pretty incredible to see so many Canadians coming together to watch The Tragically Hip's final show. Amazing band that transcended generations to connect the feelings of so many.
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