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The Ranger's Nebula

Discussion in 'Character Database' started by Nebulon Ranger, Jan 26, 2012.

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  1. [​IMG]

    Below is a conveniently-placed table of contents. Use it.

    1. [jump pid=6272]Azzan Dmitryus[/jump]
    2. [jump pid=6908]Judas Numidius[/jump]
    3. [jump pid=13041]Alexandra Numidius[/jump]
    4. [jump pid=15438]Jack Evans[/jump] (aka Kodai Shimizuto)
    5. [jump pid=15439]Aaron Lawrence[/jump]
    6. [jump pid=15561]Dennis Matthews[/jump]
    7. [jump pid=15562]Sir Rodrick Lerrian[/jump]
    8. [jump pid=15563]Kamaron Dmitryus[/jump]
    9. [jump pid=15564]David Jacques[/jump]
    10. Tate Vandiche
    11. Mirah Sanneseph
    12. Etiai Farvori
  2. RE: Dark's Pile of People

    Appears in:

    ~ General ~

    Name: Azzan "Dark" Syphos Dmitryus

    Age: 1545

    Gender: Male

    Race: Lycan


    Dark is a seven-foot, six-inch tall Lycan with a rather bog-standard coloring, what with being primarily grey with a whitish chest area. He has a sort of mopish head of light red hair that reaches half-way down his neck at the back and over his vivid red eyes at the front. The tip of his tail is the same color as his hair to flow nicely with his overall appearance. What sets him apart from most other Lycans is his bat-like wingspan that is equal in length to his heigh, which is obviously used for flight. However, instead of this span being entirely organic, the wing leathers are composed of a semisolid, pale red Ki, with only the bone structure being of an odd black bone. Clothing-wise, he tends to not wear any torso-covering garment out of practicality -- unless they are tailored specifically for someone of his mysterious body type, any shirts will obstruct his wings. Instead, he focuses his style on any pants, shoes, headgear and accessories he wears, not the least of which being the watch on his right arm. He can usually be found in dyed-black jeans with chains attached to the belt loops, sneakers and a bandana, but sometimes foregoes the bandana entirely, along with his watch and sword -- Silverlight -- on his back and his SGA-250 guitar usually kept with his friend Jude, but when he has it, it is in place of Silverlight, which moves to his left hip.

    Going more in-depth with his general appearance and body type, he is of a moderately toned build to reflect how his strain of vampiriam affects him -- instead of being primarily based on speed and therefore having a lower weight like Jude, Dark instead is bigger-boned, as well as toned, which lends itself to a heavier weight -- he clocks in at around two-hundred and fifty pounds overall, most of it the aforementioned bone and muscle mass. Because of this, not only does he not wear upper body clothing because of his wings, but the clothing he does wear is generally too big for anyone else, mostly due to his height.


    Dark can be best described as a laid-back, fun-loving guy who enjoys being in the air. He is of the personality archetype that fights not only for his own merits, but for the good of everyone involed and the world he lives in. He has a strong set of morals and an even stronger sense of justice to back up those morals -- he will not give up until any perceived evil is vanquished and all of his companions are safe from any further threats. At rest and during times of peace, he keeps this personality, but adds to it a tendency to eat everything he can fit his mouth around. He doesn't know why he does this, only that according to him, it's... fun.

    ~ Combat ~

    Fighting Style: Versatile. Can adapt to both long-range and close-quarters combat because of his power-weapon combination.


    --- Manipulation of Ki: Dark has the innate ability to manipulate life force, or as it's more commonly known, Ki. He can use this to attack, defend, support and even detect life as of recent times.


    --- Flight: Dark has wings that are capable of flight. If you're not simple, this is fairly obvious.

    --- Vampiric Abilities: As explained in Appearance, Dark strain of vampirism is contrasted with Jude's -- instead of having a primary spped focus, his strain is more focused on strength and endurance. Because of this, he has been observed flying for days, sometimes weeks, without stopping once.


    --- Silverlight: An ornate silver sword that has been in Dark's possession for centuries. Can reflect light to form path-like rays.

    --- SGA-250 Custom: Dark's legendary custom guitar and amp, originally manufactured by SGA Music, modified by himself to support Ki-based offensive techniques.

    --- Enigma Watch: Nobody really knows why this watch does what it does. All they seem to know is that it has the ability to stop, rewind and fast-forward time itself in the vicinity of the wearer. It's also useful for telling the time, obviously, as well as video communication.

    Strengths: Mainly physical endurance. As stated previously, he has been known to fly for extended periods of time.

    Weaknesses: The sight of blood will usually stop him dead in his tracks if he's not determined to look past it. Food will also stop him, because he's a bit of a pig.

    ~ Other ~


    Dark was born over 1500 years ago to a middle-class Lycan family on Ferona. Growing up, he became ever more interested in the music industry, specifically genres like symphonic metal and rock. In high school, he formed a band with his then girlfriend Tate, which went on to become a smash success. Tate left the band ten years later to do her own thing, which was followed by Dark leaving due to tremendous wanderlust. He kept his guitar, however, and it's still with him today.

    Around 40 years after that, he had a run-in with a group of vampires, which led to him being turned into one. He was initially rather scared, but realised soon thereafter that it could help him "become the very best, like no one ever was" (his own words). From that day forward, he embraced both his vampirism and wanderlust, which eventually led to him not only meeting the legendary vampire pianist Judas Numidius, but also travelling with him to Euthora -- the home of the Cult of Ustream.

    Somewhere along his travels, he met Jack Evans, a wandering samurai at the time, and the two decided to accept him as part of their group. Upon their arrival on Euthora, they were initiated, so to speak, into the Cult and that is where Dark has remained to this day.


    --- Judas Numidius: Friend and fellow musician.

    --- Jack Evans: Friend.

    --- Jason Shaver: Friend.

    Quotes: "Oops! Did you want to drink that?" --Dark, in reference to the four milk jugs he had downed in less than a day.


    • He possibly has the deepest overall voice of everyone in the Cult. It's not raspy, however.
    • Despite being an amazing guitarist, he sucks at games like Guitar Hero, citing the reason as them being nowhere close to a real guitar.

    Name: Azzan 'Dark' Dmitryus
    Sex: Male
    Age: 108
    Weight: 248 pounds
    Height: 7'6"
    Race: Lycan/Ithzon hybrid
    Description of Physical Attributes: Azzan's coloring is standard fare for a Lycan -- grey. However, his spectacularity lies in the fact that he is half Ithzon, and possesses a set of bat wings with a span of 7'5". Because of this, he never wears upper-body clothing out of necessity. His eyes are a deep red and he possesses pale red hair styled into a mop.
    Theme: Lee Brotherton vs Jun Senoue - Dreams of an Absolution (LBvsJS Remix)

    ~Powers and Perks~


    +Manipulation of Ki: Dark can use Ki to both his offensive and defensive advantages.

    Skills: Combat.


    Weapons: One silver longsword that can reflect light to show a path, Silverlight. A guitar and amp linked by Ki that can be used to deal ranged damage.

    No armor to speak of.

    Miscellaneous: None to speak of.


    Azzan was born to a rather odd family -- his upbringing was an Ithzon father and Lycan mother, and as such, he has adopted traits from both races, such as the ability to fly from the Ithzon and the combat prowess of the Lycans. More to be revealed later.
  3. RE: Dark's Log of Awesome

    Appears in:

    ~ General ~

    Name: Judas Numidius

    Age: Unknown

    Gender: Male

    Race: Lycan


    Judas Numidius, or Jude as he's more commonly called, is a seven-foot, four-inch, white-furred, ice-blue skinned Lycan who hails from Ferona, much like Dark and Jack. He has deep, watery-blue eyes that slowly fade to red when he is unable to resist his vampiric hunger any longer. Fitting in with his odd skin color, his nose is also a pale, icey blue, as are the pads of his hands. He can commonly be found wearing rather casual clothing, preferring to forego and armor even when in the midst of a fight, mainly due to strength not being his -- if you'll excuse the pun -- strong suit. His so-called casual attire usually onsists of a white t-shirt with a blazer over top, black pants and run-of-the-mill black shoes, with the occasional sash or tie on his shirt as well as the blazer. Never being one for the whole sleeping thing, he almost never changes his clothes, simply because he has the ability to wash them while he's wearing them. Because of this, it is very rare to find any sort of spots or stains anywhere on his attire, as they are usually annihilated by a sort of miniature tsunami before anyone sees him.

    Going more in detail with his general build, he is a light build -- made for speed as his strain of vampirism suggests -- and as such prefers to use light weapons and dress lightly no matter the occasion. This is in direct contrast with Dark, who is a much heavier, combat-oriented build. Jude fits more as a scout whereas Dark is the tank in a way. Jude uses his immense speed, only rivalled by the one and only Espira Xirro, to his advantage in many situations.

    For battle, he carries two chained whipswords which seem to be made out of a material that if not ice, closely resembles it in almost every conceivable way, as well as a pair of revolvers and the occasional rifle or machine gun. However, he will usually only use firearms if he needs to get himself out of a bind very quickly and no other methods will work.


    Jude, in keeping with his divine heritage, is a rather well-spoken, formal person, preferring to call his compatriots by their full names where possible (Exceptions being Giga and Dark, as they prefer otherwise). He is generally very polite, even to his nemeses and foes, but will not let any of them get the better of him, even if it means his own death. He fears no one foe, and has made that quite clear in the past. He has also shown himself to be very wise and inspirational, as he had successfully turned Gaga on to an entirely different outlook on life. He is very quick to make friends because of this, as well as his ability to seemingly understand any perspective no matter the owner or person he is speaking to.

    ~ Combat ~

    Fighting Style: Mainly power-based assault, but has been known to melee in certain situations. For instance, in a four versus one situation with Jude being the one, he would prefer trapping opponents to fight one by one instead of attempting to take them all on at the same time. Usually uses his psychic or ice techniques to aid in this, and his tremedous speed to do the killing. He is much like Espira in the sense of the last bit. This is all contingent on Jude actually being forced into combat, however, because as mentioned previously, his primary role would be scouting and information gathering rather than tanking in combat situations, where he's usually in the background.


    --- Dominion of the States of Water: Jude has full control over the various states and stages that water can take, which even extends as far as his ability to become ice, water or mist and survive.

    --- Telepathy, mind reding and telekinesis: Jude is an extremely powerful psychic, and as such has complete control of all things relating to the functions of the mind.


    --- Hardened Mind: Due to the way his mind works, it is almost impossible to invade it.

    --- Vampiric Abilities: Jude, like Dark, has a specific subset of vampire abilities. However, his a more focused on speed than endurance. He has been known to move so fast that almost seems to blur out of reality.


    --- Frozen Chains (whipswords): A pair of whipswords that seem to be fashioned of a strange material that is functionally similar to solid ice in just about every way except that it is very hard to break and never melts.

    --- Dual Revolvers: No explanation needed, really.

    --- Portal Anchoring Gems: Used to open two-way portals to and from Hammerspace.

    Strengths: Jude's main strength in his nigh-unrivalled speed, a strength shared with fellow Cultist Espira Xirro. He is more than capable of breaking the sound barrier many times over, if not approaching speeds in the thousands of kilometres per hour at times. However, these speeds are often short-lived, as his "cruising speed", if you will, is somewhere around 250 kilometres per hour. Along with this, his mind is his next greatest stregth -- a nigh-impenetrable fortress of knowledge that seems to know no bounds.

    Weaknesses: Like many vampires, his blood lust is his biggest failing, and due to the way his mind works versus the minds of other vampires, he tends to go insane rather than fain if he hasn't fed for a long while.

    ~ Other ~


    Jude was... created, for lack of a better explanation, when life on Ferona began. He was charged by his father Itius to maintain the proper operation of the water cycle, but eventually became too powerful and flooded a large portion of low-lying coastal land, leading to what known today and the Isles of New Kuthica. Knowing that if he continued to become more powerful he'd eventually end up submerging the whole planet, he decided to forsake his duties in favor of something that interested him far more -- music, and in particular, the piano.

    Over the next few millenia, he taught himself to play piano to such a degree that there would never be anyone at all close to his skill level, which he was fine with. After all, he wanted this as an escape from what he thought of at the time as too much power for his own good. What he didn't know, however, was that his first girlfriend would help him drastically improve even further in ways he had never thought of.

    A few billion years later, enter Mirah, his first girlfriend, and a completely psychopathic sadistic bitch to boot. What he didn't know at the time was that for years she would torture him simply by being an insatiable vampire. This eventually led to her biting him in a most anticlimactic manner, as his demeanor would stop him from having any sort of reaction that she had hoped for. Instead, he became a vampire, gaining the speed he's famous for today, as well as his tendency to break pianos by hammering on them too fast.

    A few years later, he left on an adventure, which wold lead to him meeting with Dark, who at the time was on his way to some unknown planet. He would travel with Dark throughout the entire journey to this planet, forming both a friendly and vocational bond with him the more they travelled together. Eventually, they met Jack, then a wandering samurai, and accepted him into their adventuring party, for lack of a better description.

    Eventually, after what seemed like decades of constant travel, they arrived at the planet known as Euthora -- specifically, the Ustream region, and decided based on their surroundings to start a new life there. Jude settled down in a house that he built by the nearest lake while Jack and Dark stumbled upon the headquarters of the Cult of Ustream, where they were subsequently initiated. Jude was initiated the next day after he had gone to investigate what became of his friends, and he has been a sort of staple ever since.


    --- Dark: Friend and colleague.

    --- Jack Evans: Friend.

    --- Gaga: Considers himself her friend.

    --- Jason Shaver: Friend.

    Quotes: "Now, go forth and become your own. Let no man, woman or child hold you back." --Judas Numidius, in response to Gaga's seeming depression and unwillingness to forge her own fate.


    • Jude is easily the oldest member of the Cult.
    • He is also one of the fastest, which translates into his ability to legitimately play those impossible piano songs.
    • He is also one of the most powerful Cultists.

    Name: Judas Numidius
    Sex: Male
    Age: Unknown
    Weight: 195 pounds
    Height: 7'4"
    Race: Lycan Vampire
    Description of Physical Attributes: Judas, or Jude, is a white-furred, blure-skinned Lycan with watery blue eyes that change color depending on how hungry for blood he is. He can usually be found wearing a suede jacket with a black shirt underneath and a pair of blue jeans.
    Theme: Idle: Tomoya Ohtani & Mariko Nanba - Wave Ocean ~The Water's Edge~; Running: Tomoya Ohtani & Mariko Nanba - Wave Ocean ~The Inlet~

    ~Powers and Perks~

    Powers: (Max three, as per rules. Layout below.)

    +Manipulation of the States of Water: Jude can manipulate all the states of water as well as become any one of them for a period of time.
    +Psionic: Jude has control of the functions of the conscious mind, as well as the ability to read them. His mind is also quite hardened against external threats, so probing it will be a chore.
    +Vampiric Abilities: Jude is able to reach speeds of 80 miles per hour in short bursts.

    Skills: Built for speed.


    Weapons: two whip swords that appear to be made of unmelting ice, known as the Arctic Blades and two desert eagle pistols.

    No armor to speak of.

    Miscellaneous: A gem that is tied to Hammerspace so he can store anything he finds.


    Jude was born to the Lycan god of water, Itius, innumerable years ago. Originally intended to keep the water cycle turning, he eventually became too powerful for it and ended up flooding a small portion of Bolivia by accident. Becoming a vampire at least fifty years later, he has been alive ever since, gaining in power.

    Jude is an avid musician, having learned most known instruments in his long life. His instruments of choice are the piano and organ.
    Name: Judas Numidius
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown
    Level: 7

    Judas, or “Jude,” is a near opposite version of his cousin Dennis in almost every way imaginable. Where Dennis appears orange or red in color, Jude is white with ice blue accents. He stands a little taller than Dennis, at seven feet, four inches in overall height. He is, like Dennis, a Lycan, however as mentioned previously, he is majority white in terms of coat coloring with ice blue accents such as his hair,  nose and pads. He is commonly found wearing what amounts to a sort of Roman-inspired outfit, although without the toga; arm bands made of a silvery metal inset with sapphires, a pair of loose-fitting white pants held up by a metal-lated belt and a pair of simple boots.

    Profession: Vampiric Medium of the Waves: He who claims this Profession was born as a medium of the heavens, but was corrupted by darkness. [Basic Attack: Magical] [Ice Affinity I] [Dual Wield]
    Weapon: The Shards (Right hand): A whip sword (a blade split into sections with the sections being attached to a chain) fashioned of what seems to be ice that never melts. [INT +2] [Basic Attack Ranged 3 Cell]
    --- The Shards (Left hand): As right hand, however wielded in the opposite hand.
    [INT +2] [Basic Attack Ranged 3 Cell]
    Armor: Traditional Clothing: Jude’s Roman-inspired clothing, as mentioned in Appearance. [SPR +3]
    Accessory: Channeling Bands: As with Dennis’ wristbands, Jude also has a pair, although the gems are sapphires. [MP +15]

    A-Ability: Vampiric Medium of the Waves

    + Lash: Jude forces the individual sections on both blades to separate, swinging them in a semicircular motion in from his sides to his front. 125% INT Damage. Range of 3 Cells. Chance of Daze. Element: Neutral. 10 MP.

    ----- Trip: Continuing from Lash, Jude exercises some finesse to wrap the blade sections around the ankles of the enemy he hit, tripping them up and pulling them into range. 120% INT Damage. Range: Set. If Daze hit, Chance of Immobilise. Element: Neutral. 8 MP.

    + Mind Blast: Jude focuses his mental power on a single enemy, making their mind and vision go very hazy. 130% INT Damage. Range of 3 Cells. Chance of Confusion. Chance to Knockback 2 Cells. Element: Neutral. 13 MP.

    + Unseen Swipe: Jude flattens his hand into a sort of compressed high-five positing, then swipes diagonally in the range of the closest opponent, an unseen force dealing damage. 150% INT Damage. Range of 3 Cells. Element: Neutral. 11 MP.

    + Four Pillars: Jude summons four volleys of shards on the closest enemy unit. Four Hits. 105% INT Damage per Hit. Range: Single Enemy. Element: Ice. 18 MP.

    + Clear Your Mind: “Calm your mind, lest you become addled and do more harm for yourself than good.” Dispels all low and mid level mental effects on targeted Unit. Range: Single Unit. Element: Neutral. 16 MP.

    R-Ability: Psychic Wall: Jude has a 25% chance to deflect the first Attack on any given Turn.
    S-Ability: Mental Fortress: Jude is immune to all Mental status effects. Passive.
    E-Trigger: Lightning Reflexes: Increases Movement and Evasion by 3 Cells and 6% respectively for 3 Turns.
    X-Ability: Stake: “It is traditionally believed that you kill a vampire by driving a stake through its heart. But what if it does the same to you?” Jude creates a great stake of ice behind the closest enemy, the forces them back into it with a burst of psychic energy. 150% Piercing INT Damage. Single Target. Chance of Freeze.

    ~ Statistics ~

    HP: 40
    MP: 45 (Channeling Bands +15)
    Atk: 2
    Def: 5 ///
    Int: 7 (The Shards +2)(The Shards +2)
    Spr: 6 (Dual Wield -2)(Traditional Clothing +3)
    Critical: 6% (Level 7)
    Evasion: 8% (Level 7)
    Movement: 2 Cells (Vampiric Medium of the Waves Job +1)
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

  4. Dark's Log of Awesome

    Appears in:


    Name: Alexandra Numidius

    Age: 244, appears 41

    Gender: Female

    Race: Lycan

    General Appearance:

    Alexandra is a relative of the legend himself, Judas Numidius, and as such, shares his fur color of a bright silvery-white. However, her hair is a long, deeper blue color as opposed to the pale, icy-blue hair Judas has. As with Judas, she is a vampire, and has deep, piercing red eyes befitting her instrument of choice. Her skin, also as with Judas', is blue, and this is displayed in the colorings of her nose, inner mouth, tongue and pads. She is shorter than Judas, coming in at around seven feet even, and weighs a little more than he does.

    Alexandra is commonly found to be wearing a lot of metal-related clothing such as hoodies with logos, etc. and some chains attached to the belt loops of her jeans. She does not wear spikes, however, citing personal preference as the reason.


    Alexandra is a rather understanding soul, though she doesn't put up with people being crude for the sake of it. She rarely curses or swears because of this, and only ever slips when she knows no other way to react. However, despite being as understanding as she is, she won't knowingly let anyone near her guitar, and has sometimes been known to lash out at people who try to touch it.

    In tune with her understanding and fair demeanor, she will usually try to reach out to comrades experiencing tension of any sort, and offer to help them settle their qualms.

    Despite this, she has been known, on several occasions, to act quite venomous when angry, mainly when people try and get near her guitar, as well as being your typical female vampire when subjected to long durations between feeding.


    Alexandra, along with her brother, were born to the Numidius family between the events of the second coming of ARKNET and the Relekath invasions on Earth. She, along with her brother, escaped Earth as the invasions began, settling on Tona to start a new life. With her, she had brought an entire collection of guitar lessons on holographic video to help her learn to play an instrument like her father had done. She eventually learned to play on the levels near legends, and went to purchase her dueling guitar the month after.


    Instrument(s): Electric Guitar

    Instrument Abilities: Alexandra's guitar can tap the four basic elements -- water, fire, earth and air -- and use them in various ways, such as tapping air to essentially Haste her friends or playing Guitar Hero with different colors of fire in a sense.

    Character Abilities: Being a vampire, she is far quicker than most other Lycans, and as such, this can greatly increase her playing speed. She has been known to play at a drastically higher BPM than most any other guitarist before her. It is theorised that she can play notes as fine as 128th notes. Also known to have an underdeveloped command of water. Although she is indeed quite fast, she is not as fast as her father, instead sacrificing some speed to up her strength an physical endurance. She is still quite quick though, as at full speed, a radar gun would clock her moving at about 145 km/h.
    Name: Alexandra Numidius, or simply Alex
    Sex: Female
    Age: 35
    Weight: 172 lbs
    Height: Seven feet even
    Race: Lycan (vampire)
    Description of Physical Attributes:

    Her fur, like her fathers, is exclusively white, but unlike his, her fur is also very thick and fine, making up a good twenty or so pounds of her weight. She has a long mane of deep blue hair which is complemented mainly by her odd skin color -- blue. The pads of her hands, her nose, her claws and even the inside of her mouth all share this color. All except her vivid red eyes which stem from being a vampire by birth. Her fangs are straight and razor-sharp, as opposed to regular Lycan incisors which are visibly curved inward.

    She cam mainly be observed as wearing hoodies with logos of various death metal bands on them, baggy blue jeans laced with chains in the belt loops, and black sneakers. Her reasoning for this is that as a guitarist, she prefers to "dress the part" as a sort of ironic jab at the stereotype that all guitarists look like they worship Satan.
    Theme: The Warrior Inside - Dragonforce

    ~Powers and Perks~

    +Superhuman strength: Alex has been observed to be freakishly strong, even for a vampire. She has been seen lifting people much heavier than her with one hand and slamming them into walls if angry at them.

    +Vampire speed: Being a born-in vampire, she is much quicker overall than any other Lycan, reaching running speeds of over 100 km/h on occasion.

    +Sound Channel: She can channel elemental energy through sound by playing her guitar.

    Skills: Alex is a skilled guitarist, having descended from a family of musicians. She has been seen to be playing songs at up to 550 BPM as fine as 32nd notes.

    Weapons: SGA Sound Channel electric guitar which she had made for her. Does not require an amplifier to make that distinctive heavy metal sound. Small sub-machine gun for self-defense as well as a simple long-bladed sword.
    Apparel: Several small sleeves containing various guitar picks located on the right bicep of her hoodies.
    Miscellaneous: Chains. Chains everywhere.


    All that can be said is that she is related to legendary vampire musician Judas Numidius. More to be revealed later.

    As for a bit of personality background, she is usually fair, understanding and upbeat, the lattermost even more so when she's playing her guitar. When angered, however, she becomes quite venomous in her attitude and violent in her actions, often lashing out at any nearby targets. Happens most often when others try to touch her guitar. When she hasn't fed for a significant amount of time, she is your typical underfed female vampire.
  5. Dark's Log of Awesome

    Appears in:

    ~ General ~

    Name: Jack Evans

    Age: 76

    Gender: Male

    Race: Lycan


    Jack is a black-skinned, pure black furred, silver-haired Lycan who, like Dark and Jude, is originally from Ferona. Compared to the other two, he is a relatively short, stocky build, standing at a comparatively diminutive six feet and nine inches in height, though he is still taller than many other Cultists. In addition to his overall coat color being black, there are a total of six places where the fur itself is actually synthesised from microscopic LEDs that change color based on the emotions his machine half senses – two rings near the tip of the tail, one border “ring” around the watch on his left wrist, another ring on his right wrist and a border around the top edges of each of his ears. Normally, these rings are found to be gold, indicating a neutral attitude, neon blue, indicating preoccupied, or neon green, indicating contented, but they have been known to be red while he is in combat or otherwise worked up. In addition to these details, he has slate grey eyes that almost invisible normally due to his fur color being prone to exaggerating shadows over his eyes. His chest area – the area that would be called the underbelly on any regular wolf, is lighter in color than his overall coat, though it is almost unnoticeable due to the aforementioned shadowing issue.

    Like Dark, Jack usually never wears any sort of shirts or other torso-covering articles of clothing, though for him it is more of personal choice than necessity. He can commonly be found wearing a pair of hakama bound by a black belt, simple martial arts shoes and a rusty red headband. However, unlike the other two, if he were to wear regular clothing, it would not have to be tailored specifically for him, mainly due to his build in comparison to the others. The only difference to speak of would be a small hole in the back of his pants for his tail to slip through.

    In combat situations, Jack can be found to be in possession of one of two katanas – either his extremely resilient adamantium blade, or the Reaper Sword that he had stolen from the deepest reaches of Hell itself before resigning from the position of Grim Reaper. He can also be observed to also be wearing two black bands over his shoulders that hold his shurikens that he uses to load the shuriken launcher built in to his watch. Other than this, his attire does not change.


    Jack, having had a rather eventful past in more ways than one, is fairly fragile emotionally, but does not hesitate to help people who have been in similar situations as he has – the most notable example of this being his instrumental role in freeing Jason from the clutches of the Reaper during the events of The Debt. Despite this, he tries to remain a positive influence on not only himself and his friends, but the whole Cult as well. He makes no effort to hide his past, often telling people of it as the need arises or as it becomes increasingly more relevant to the current state of affairs, and often draws upon his life experience to help others.

    ~ Combat ~

    Fighting Style: Melee all day everyday, with the occasional shuriken storm. Prefers to fight in close-quarters where he can use his deep knowledge of ninjitsu and combat with blades to his advantage. When using stealth in combat, he relies heavily on his abilities to become both invisible and intangible so as to avoid detection.


    --- Invisibility: Fairly straightforward. Jack has the ability to become invisible.

    --- Intangibility: Fitting in with his heritage as an assassin-turned-samurai, he has the ability to become intangible as well as make anything touching him intangible, within reason.


    --- Resilient Skeleton: Due to his skeleton being made of solid adamantium, he can survive falls that a normal person would surely die from.

    --- Acrobatics: Jack is nimble and acrobatic, and as such, is able to not only jump several times higher than the average person, but at least ten times further as well.

    --- Robotics: Jack had his entire skeleton ripped out and replaced as detailed above, but along with that, he also had a sort of second brain surgically implanted in him which functions as both a backup nerve center and controller for the various electronics throughout his body.

    --- Technological Mind: Has a deep understanding of most all technology, and as such is a naturally gifted hacker and mechanic.


    --- Adamantium Sabre: Jack's signature, highly resilient katana.

    --- Reaper Sword: A red-bladed ethereal katana that sees much less use than the Adamantium Sabre. He took it as a sort of keepsake from Hell itself.

    --- M-50AX Shurikens: Specially-constructed shurikens that can be made to explode.

    --- KAI-4FBC80 Watch: Jack's all-purpose watch. Has a material scanner, shuriken launcher, and video communication built right in.

    Strengths: Stealth; he can sneak into almost anything. Technology; if he doesn't know something about a certain piece of technology, he'll pick it up right quick.

    Weaknesses: Emotional; because of his past, he often cannot shove his emotions aside in tough situations.

    ~ Other ~


    Jack was born as Kodai Shimizuto to a relatively normal Lycan family in his hometown of Satorai on the planet Ferona. He led a mostly normal life with his older brother Sam up until the age of five, at which point the infamous hired assassin conglomerate known as ARKNET had unfortunately taken special interest in him and his brother. They raided his house late one night, killing his parents and taking first him, then his brother in an effort to estrange them from one another, which ended up being a success.

    He would train under the criminally and clinically insane Massey Evans for the next twenty-odd years of his life, eventually adopting the name Jack Evans as time went on. His training exercises were brutal, often involving him being quite beaten up after the fact, with his overall appearance being bloody and occasionally gory.

    A few years later, at age 22, they forcibly subdued him, knocked him out, and fitted him with the numerous electronics he has inside him today, and which he has used extensively since then.

    When he learned of his brother's fate at age 25, he reneged on his forced duties as an assassin and fled the compound, ironically on the same day that Sam too had fled back to the old family home. This eventually led to him meeting up with Jude and Dark at age 37 and forging a path to a new life on Euthora as part of the Cult of Ustream, a group with which he retains a close allegiance to this day.


    --- Azzan “Dark” Syphos Dmitryus: Friend.

    --- Judas Numidius: Friend.

    --- Jason Shaver: Friend.

    Quotes: ”Don't think it below Death to use any means to take you. I know this from experience, he will not stop until your soul belongs to him.” –Jack in response to Jason's request for help during The Debt.


    • Jack lost everything as a child, however, that hasn't stopped him from continuing to live his life to the fullest.
    • Jack's a surprisingly good sushi chef.

    Name: Jack Evans
    Sex: Male
    Age: 28
    Weight: 195 pounds
    Height: 6'9"
    Race: Robotically-enhanced Lycan
    Description of Physical Attributes: Jack is a six-foot, nine-inch tall, black-furred Lycan with slate grey eyes and a long mane of silvery-white hair surrounded at the roots with a red head band.. Generally opting not to wear any upper-body clothing, he can usually be found wearing only his jeans and kung fu shoes.
    Theme: ParagonX9 - Red_13

    ~Powers and Perks~


    +Invisibility: Can become invisible to those around him.
    +Intangibility: Can make his body and anything he is holding able to pass through solid objects.

    Skills: Very acrobatic, skilled in ninjitsu and the usage of one-handed blades. Also quite stealthy.


    Weapons: Adamantium katana (unbreakable.), Scanner watch with built-in shuriken launcher, M-305X explosive shurikens, normal shurikens.

    Shuriken bands.

    Miscellaneous: A/V communicator built into watch.


    To be revealed throughout the roleplay.
    Name: Jack Evans
    Sex: Was male when alive
    Age: As a Fallen Angel, unknown; as a Lycan, 57
    Weight: Around 145 pounds as a Fallen Angel
    Height: 6'11"
    Race: Fallen Angel
    Description of Physical Attributes:

    In life, Jack was a cyborg Lycan with black fur and several LED rings around his tail, ears and wrists. In death, he keeps the same color for his bones as he did when he was alive -- he is a skeleton, after all, that was possessed by his own spirit. He tends to attempt to wear a standard martial arts gi with a five-striped black belt binding it to his bones, however that usually fails, so he's almost given up on the idea of trying to wear clothes. His "eyes," if one could call a pair of ethereal flames in empty sockets eyes, are steely grey, and his overall skeletal figure is that of his form when alive -- a short, stocky Lycan.

    Other than this, he has been observed to be carrying a small satchel filled with God knows what, probably extra armaments, as well as an adamantium katana and accompanying saya.

    Theme: N/A at present.

    ~Powers and Perks~
    +Death Magic Immunity: Being dead, it would only make sense for him to be immune to magic that kills the living.

    +Minor Elemental Immunity: Being a skeleton, he is mostly immune to attacks based on the Wind, Fire and Electric elements. This includes such things as plasma and lasers.

    +Darkvision: Jack can see quite well in low light or dark conditions.
    Skills: Being a highly trained and skilled martial artist of the flavor ninjitsu, he is adept at stealth tactics and killing people with small weapons. However, he usually tends to forsake the stealth element to engage in good old fashioned mano-a-mano melee combat with various weapons. In this sense, he is more a samurai than a ninja.

    Weapons: A nigh-unbreakable adamantium katana he recovered from the dead body of one of his killer's associates and a bag of shurikens.
    Apparel: N/A
    Miscellaneous: Martial arts gi.


    Jack was born to a relatively well-off Japanese lycan family in the late 7900s as Kodai Shimizuto, along with his brother Sam, or Masami Shimizuto. He lived a relatively peaceful life up until the age of about five or six, going to school like any normal child would and excelling at nigh-everything, including athletics. However, this was all to change at the new millennium when a contingent of ARKNET assassins busted down his door, killed his parents and seperated him and his brother.

    He would be adopted by the recognised criminally insane Dean Evans, a trainer and legendary martial artist with ARKNET, trained in ninjutsu by way of brutal, almost abusive tactics in the discipline, handed a katana not dissimilar to the one he possesses currently, and told to kill those listed on any contracts he was given.

    On his 36th birthday, he was strapped down and forced on to an operating table where they ripped out his skeleton and replaced it exclusively with one made of adamantium, as well as forcibly implanting several pieces of computer equipment (hard drives, CPUs, RAM, etc..) and microchips all wired to an irremovable watch on his left arm containing a brainwave-activated shuriken launcher. They performed the aforementioned operation completely devoid of any anesthetics or painkillers, so he was in tremendous pain for weeks afterwards, but still forced to complete contracts.

    Around five or six years later, he met a girl in his department who went by the pseudonym Sly. This meeting would prove to be not only far from their first, but also far from their most eventful, as a mere three months later, while on a scouting mission, his jet was shot out of the sky by an unknown assailant, forcing him to crash-land on the outskirts of the city to the north. Sly, who just happened to be flying in the same area at the time, took notice and for some reason flew in to aid him. This was when he decided that if they ever met again, he would do his utmost to repay her for the service she had done him.

    However, this re-meeting was not to be, as twenty-five years later, he quit ARKNET by force, breaking out of the compound on the same day as his brother Sam, and making a run for it. He decided that while he was on the lam for the moment, he would try to face down his current kill and bitter rival Saki Takahashi in a game of samurai combat. This would end in his defeat at the hands of Saki, and his limp, lifeless body still lay at the back of Saki's mountain dojo to this day, somehow perfectly preserved.

    Name: Jack Evans (real name Kodai Shimizuto)
    Sex: Male
    Age: 43 (21 in human years)
    Weight: 215 pounds
    Height: 6'9"; can't grow further due to his body being mostly synthetic.
    Race: Lycan (mostly synthetic/cybernetic)
    Description of Physical Attributes:

    Jack, or Kodai as he was known pre-ARKNET, appears a Lycan with thin, wiry, synthetic-feeling black fur and long silvery-white synthetic hair. Around the rims of his ears, his wrists and his tail are "rings," so to speak, of OLEDs that change color based on his current mood -- for example, red would be angry, blue would be sorrowful, yellow or off neutral and green content. These lights still feel like his "fur," despite being made of a material different to the almost nylon-feeling synthetic substance his fur is made from. On his right wrist is a large-ish futuristic watch that is capable of far more than simply checking the time, acting as a second brain of sorts to the organic one in his head. Printed on the sides of this watch is his serial number -- KAI-456-13AB4F-D -- in electric blue and in his own writing just below that, the "name" of his section of ARKNET -- "Blackhawk Sector". He doesn't usually opt to wear any sort of armor, instead wearing his gi and fourth-degree black belt or a simple pair of hakama and no shirt, as well as a long red ribbon tied around his forehead like a headband with the ends draping behind it.

    Inside, his "flesh" is still partly organic, but with nearly all of his internal tissue being made of advanced nanotechnology, as well as his "skin". The skeleton itself is comprised of bones made of the hardest and least breakable known metal -- adamantium, as are his claws, in typical Wolverine style. He does still have blood vessels and arteries, however, and will die if his heart is destroyed. Throughout his body are networks of wires connecting all of his electronic equipment from his watch right the way down the line to the irremovable codec-esque communicator on his left ear which the watch connects to for audiovisual communication.


    Jack can be best described as a softie with a hardball exterior, mixed with the stereotypical honorable samurai. He usually gives the cold shoulder to those he doesn't know initially, but once they've proven to be friendly, he is very open and prone to telling his life story. The only real exception to this would be one Mike Jade, whom due to his failure at being generally intelligent and a combination of other factors, evokes an almost mocking reaction from Jack.

    Theme: Over The Hills And Far Away - Nightwish

    ~Powers and Perks~


    +Invisibility: Fitting with his heritage as an assassin, Jack has the ability to become invisible at will.

    Skills: Jack is a very technologically-minded individual, having taught himself hacking in secret and without even his employers knowing. Aside from that, he is almost unnaturally atheltic, and has been seen jumping to great heights and landing without damaging himself. He is also a highly-trained martial artist, knowing ninjitsu almost to the letter, but prefers the way of the samurai as it is more honorable.



    +Adamantium Katana: His own standard-issue katana. Often given to people of his stripe within ARKNET.
    +M50-AX Shurikens: His custom-developed projectile explosives, in the shape of shurikens. These things pack a punch -- one is equivalent to half a "box" of TNT.
    +KAI MK. IV Watch: His personal watch. It has a built-in shuriken launcher, as well as a set of material scanners and the capability of application programming.
    +Adamantine Claws: Obviously all Lycans have claws, but Jack's are made of adamantium, and therefore unbreakable.


    +KAI MK. IV Watch: His personal watch. It has a built-in shuriken launcher, as well as a set of material scanners and the capability of application programming.
    +C-2150 Aural Communicator: The irremovable earpiece attached to his left ear. When not in use, it does not muffle his hearing, and headphones can be worn over it.


    +Gi and Black Belt: Jackès bog-standard white gi and fourth-degree black belt from years of ninjitsu practise.
    +Hakama: The pants he wears if doesn't want to wear his gi.
    +Ribbon Headband: The red-ribbon he made into a traditional headband.


    Jack was born to a relatively well-off Japanese lycan family in the late 7900s as Kodai Shimizuto, along with his brother Sam, or Masami Shimizuto. He lived a relatively peaceful life up until the age of about five or six, going to school like any normal child would and excelling at nigh-everything, including athletics. However, this was all to change at the new millennium when a contingent of ARKNET assassins busted down his door, killed his parents and seperated him and his brother.

    He would be adopted by the recognised criminally insane Dean Evans, a trainer and legendary martial artist with ARKNET, trained in ninjutsu by way of brutal, almost abusive tactics in the discipline, handed a katana not dissimilar to the one he possesses currently, and told to kill those listed on any contracts he was given.

    On his 36th birthday, he was strapped down and forced on to an operating table where they ripped out his skeleton and replaced it exclusively with one made of adamantium, as well as forcibly implanting several pieces of computer equipment (hard drives, CPUs, RAM, etc..) and microchips all wired to an irremovable watch on his left arm containing a brainwave-activated shuriken launcher. They performed the aforementioned operation completely devoid of any anesthetics or painkillers, so he was in tremendous pain for weeks afterwards, but still forced to complete contracts.

    Around five or six years later, he met a girl in his department who went by the pseudonym Sly. This meeting would prove to be not only far from their first, but also far from their most eventful, as a mere three months later, while on a scouting mission, his jet was shot out of the sky by an unknown assailant, forcing him to crash-land on the outskirts of the city to the north. Sly, who just happened to be flying in the same area at the time, took notice and for some reason flew in to aid him. This was when he decided that if they ever met again, he would do his utmost to repay her for the service she had done him.

    However, this re-meeting was not to be, as twenty-five years later, he quit ARKNET by force, breaking out of the compound on the same day as his brother Sam, and making a run for it. He decided that while he was on the lam for the moment, he would try to face down his current kill and bitter rival Saki Takahashi in a game of samurai combat. This would end in his defeat at the hands of Saki, and his limp, lifeless body still lay at the back of Saki's mountain dojo to this day, somehow perfectly preserved.

    However, in the late 8050s, Jack was able to reclaim his old body with the help of a group of his friends, and is now back in control of it. There's no telling what could happen next.

  6. RE: Dark's Log of Awesome

    Appears in:


    Name: Aaron Lawrence

    Age: 78

    Gender: Male

    Race: Felidi

    General Appearance: Aaron is a six-foot, eleven-inch Felidi that bears resemblance to the puma of today. He possesses black hair and brilliant blue eyes, and is commonly found wearing mostly grey clothing and a skull ring with a ruby set in the forehead. His conductor's baton is mainly dark red with an onyx set into the bottom as an indicator of what it can achieve, as well as due to onyx being Aaron's favorite stone.

    Personality: Aaron is a philanthropic person -- very generous to those around him. This is reflected in his ability -- he brings the dead back for one final performance as a sort of act of generosity towards them. He is rarely crude, preferring to be kind to as many people as he can, and not to 'kick them while they are down,' as the phrase goes.

    Biography: To be revealed throughout the course of the RP.


    Instrument(s): Rather than play any single instrument himself, Aaron conducts a full 60-piece spiritual orchestra, complete from bassoons to violins, and everything in between. This orchestra is comprised of spirits of dead musicians from mixed races that he calls forth from the dead for each performance.

    Instrument Abilities: His conductor's baton has the ability to form orchestras from the spirits of passed musicians, on which he bestows different abilities based on section. For example, the lower-frequency sections like tubas, contrabasses and french horns could be so high-powered that they can knock enemies back, while the high frequencies like flutes would induce deafness.

    Character Abilities: Aaron trained himself as a necromancer with musical flair. His baton draws from this, as with its ability to form spiritual orchestras.
  7. RE: Dark's Log of Awesome

    Appears in:


    Name: Dennis Matthews
    Sex: Male
    Age: 4.4 billion
    Weight: 265 lbs
    Height: 7'5"
    Race: Half-divine Lycan
    Description of Physical Attributes:

    Dennis is essentially the polar opposite of Judas, and as such, fitting with his fire element, his fur is the orangey-red color used for this posts' header, and all parts of Jude that would be blue on him are a burnt red on Dennis. Dennis though, unlike Judas, has no human-like head hair. His eyes are a sort of charcoal brown, also fitting with his element.

    Because his internal body temperature can reach upwards of the heat of an industrial blast furnace, he doesn't wear anything except specially-made heat-resistant clothing, which, of course, he asks for with such slogans as "I know I'm an asshole, I don't need you telling me." printed on the shirts.

    Theme: N/A

    ~Powers and Perks~


    +Dominion of fire: Dennis can control fire on a slightly lesser scale than a god would be able to.

    Skills: Burning things, mostly. If being an asshole counts, he has that down pat.


    Weapons: Two chained blades made of what he calls solidified fire. Think of the Blades of Athena from God of War.

    Heat resistant clothing.

    Miscellaneous: N/A



    Name: Dennis Matthews
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown
    Level: 7

    Dennis is a rather tall Lycan warrior demigod, although a bit shorter than Jude, standing at around seven feet even. He has a majority flame-red coloring with burnt brown surrounding the lower portion of his forearms and shins, surrounding his hands and feet. This portion merges with the rest of his fur in a sort of faux-fire pattern. Other than this, he is short red hair and orange eyes.

    Profession: Flame Warrior: He who claims this profession has knowledge and command of fire itself. [Basic Attack: Physical] [Flame Weapon] [Fire Affinity I]

    *Flame Weapon: Dennis' Basic Attacks are considered Fire Element rather than Neutral.

    Weapon: Flame Edge: Dennis' blade. Looks like it would be two-handed to any normal person, what with the blade being almost a foot wide, but Dennis is able to wield it with one hand. The blade itself contains a fire pattern toward the inner edge, with the metal there being dyed an orange color and the rest being a bronzish hue. The inner edge of the blade forms a ring about three inches in on either side, beyond which is a metal plate attaching the blade to the pommel and hilt. [ATK +3]
    Armor: Hardened Leather Vest: Dennis, in addition to a pair of jeans, can usually be found wearing a hardened black leather vest over a white shirt. [DEF +3]
    Accessory: Channeling Bands: As with Jude’s wristbans, Dennis also has a pair, although the gems are rubies. [MP +15]

    A-Ability: Flame Warrior

    + Slash: Using the fire imbued in his blade, Dennis slashes at the enemy. Following the initial Slash, Dennis has an option to use a projectile based on the direction he chooses to swing the blade, outlined below. 120% ATK Damage on Adjacent Cell. Fire Element. 6 MP.

    ---- Horizontal: After slashing horizontally, a three-cell wide flame projectile emanates from the tip of Dennis' blade, continuing forward hitting any enemies in its path. Spawns Fire Fan, with area of three horizontal Cells. Range of three Cells in any non-diagonal direction. Chance of Burn. 100% ATK Damage. 10 MP.

    ---- Vertical: After slashing vertically, a thin vertical projectile emanates from the tip of Dennis' blade, stopping at the first enemy it makes contact with. 120% ATK Damage in a Straight Line. Chance of Burn. 10 MP.

    + Propulsion Strike: Dennis clips his blade on his back temporarily, then, summoning a small explosion under his feet, propels himself forward, dealing damage to anyone in front of him. 140% ATK Damage to the first Enemy within three Cells. Knockback of 2 Cells. Leaves Fire Cell on point of launch for three turns. Fire Element. 11 MP.

    + Searing Thrust: Dennis suddenly lunges his blade forward, driving it into any nearby enemy. 130% ATK Damage to any Adjacent Enemy. Chance of Burn. Fire Element. 9 MP.

    + Flare: Dennis creates a flame so bright, that all who stare at it lose their vision. Creates Intense Fire Cell on target location, lasting for one Round. 120% ATK Damage on Adjacent Cell [if Enemy was on Target Cell before Skill was used]. Chance of Blind. Chance of Burn if passed. 8 MP.

    + Flame Dash: Akin to Propulsion Strike, Dennis channels fire into a quick long-distance sprint, leaving Fire Cells on each Cell he crosses. 100% ATK Damage to any Enemies in his path. Knocks Enemies hit one Cell in a random non-back direction. Range of five Linear Cells, placing Dennis at the ending Cell. Neutral Element. 12 MP.

    R-Ability: Be the Flame: If an Enemy is Burned, heal 50% of Burn Damage per Turn.
    S-Ability: Accelerant: Increases Damage Output of all Fire Element attacks by 15%. If Target of attack is Burned, this increases to 30%. Passive.
    E-Trigger: Heat Rises: Upon activation, the chance of Burn on all abilities is increased. In addition, Dennis gains a chance of burn on all attacks. Lasts three Turns. Uses 5 X Levels.

    X-Ability: The Cauteriser: Dennis throws his blade up into the air, jumping to it and slamming down on the target feet-first in an explosion of intense flames. 150% ATK Damage on Destination Cell. 100% ATK Splash Damage. Initial jump range of 4 Cells. Explosion radius of 3 Cells. Fire Element. Uses 10 X Levels.


    HP: 40
    MP: 30 (Channeling Bands +15)
    Atk: 10 (Flame Edge +3)
    Def: 6 (Hardened Leather Vest +3)
    Int: 2
    Spr: 5
    Critical: 5% (Base)
    Evasion: 3% (Base)
    Movement: 2 Cells (Flame Warrior Job +1)
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

  8. RE: Dark's Log of Awesome

    Appears in:

  9. RE: Dark's Log of Awesome

    Appears in:

  10. RE: Dark's Log of Awesome

    Appears in:


    Name: David Jacques
    Sex: Male
    Age: 38
    Weight: 245 pounds
    Height: 6'4"
    Race: Human
    Description of Physical Attributes:

    David Jacques is a human of a relatively toned build, appearing very strong and as having a high muscle mass. He has baby blue eyes, a long mop of brown hair tied back into a pony tail and tanned skin. He can commonly be found in knight's armor wielding a bastard sword.

    Theme: N/A

    ~Powers and Perks~

    Powers: None known.

    Skills: At first glance, he would appear to be a strong melee fighter, but really the only thing David is skilled at is breaking his arms.


    Weapons: Bastard sword

    Standard issue steel plate knight armor.

    Miscellaneous: N/A


  11. RE: Dark's Log of Awesome

    Appears in:

  12. RE: Dark's Log of Awesome

    Appears in:


    Name: Mirah Sanneseph (the I is long)
    Sex: Female
    Age: 82
    Weight: 195 pounds
    Height: 7'1"
    Race: Lycan
    Description of Physical Attributes:

    Mirah basically plays the whole "sparkly vampire" thing straight in name only; her gold-colored fur is near-metallic and glistens in most lighting conditions, and her vivid red eyes are near-bioluminescent, glowing brightly in the dark. She possesses 20-inch locks of dark blonde har that seem to almost blend perfectly with her fur, if it weren't for the fact that, as mentioned previously, her fur glistens in light. As with jude, the color of much of her skin is not entirely natural, as it is a darker gold than her fur and far darker than her hair. As for attire, she usually chooses to dress in a decidedly Gothic black gown, and has a single fingerless black glove on her left hand.


    Sassy, seductive and sadistic. She'll intentionally lure people in, the spring on them, and if that fails, she'll go after them as they sleep, drag them away from allies, tie them up and wake them for the big feast, as she calls it. Her piercing red eyes play into this sort of act of half-intimidation, half-fear evocation as she usually does this in the dead of night, meaning in all likelihood, her victims would only see a pair of vivid, glowing red eyes staring straight at them and a sort of disembodied, scary-sounding voice simply stating something along the lines of, "Shhh... It'll all be over soon..."

    Of course, she knows how much she can make any given person fear her, and what was explained above is her taking advantage of that, which she is never seen not doing in at least some subtle way.

    Theme: Lunatic Paradise - AXEL.K

    ~Powers and Perks~


    +Midas Touch: The infamous ability to turn anything one touches into solid gold. However, she's gained a sort of finer control over it, and only her left hand turns things; her right hand reverses it.
    +Vampire speed: Given her family line as one of the most notorious lines of vampires currently known, she has gained a few perks, not the least of which being speed.

    Skills: Most things related to stealth and sneaking around -- kind of necessary if one is to remove someone from somewhere without them noticing. She's also a skilled assassin.



    +Aureal Daggers: A set of four small daggers with gold blades. If you hadn't noticed, the name is a pun on the chemical symbol for gold.

    Apparel: N/A
    Miscellaneous: Gothic black gown.


  13. RE: Dark's Log of Awesome

    Appears in:

    Name: Etiai Farvori
    Race: Oquenise
    Sex: Female
    Age: 19
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 170 pounds

    Personality: Etiai is a rather timid Oquenise girl much of the time, usually preferring silence and seclusion from others. When faced with a situation akin to a mass gathering of her pirate bretheren, she would usually find the least populated, quietest location in the room and choose to park herself there instead of engaging in the drunken revelry that her comrades so easily find fun in. However, lurking underneath the quiet exterior is the mind of a very intelligent, slightly masochistic girl. She is fascinated by the concept and sensations associated with pain, and can often be seen causing herself minor pain just to get that sensation and study it. However, she states that she would never go to the extreme of self-mutilation or suicide, citing the study of sensations as the reason.

    Physical Description: Etiai is a thin, fair-haired slivery Oquenise girl. Her blonde hair drapes down around nine inches down her back. She usually dresses quite light, preferring to go unnoticed rather than burst into places, guns blazing. Her usual outfit consists of a leather vest and suede pants paired with traditional moccasins.


    * Weapon 1: Steel dagger.

    * Weapon 2/Shield/Protective Item: Offhand steel dagger.

    * Armor: Leather vest.


    Etiai grew up in envy of the pirates, seeing their seemingly courageous raids of merchant and military vessels, and resolved at the age of 13 to try and secure a position aboard the Vile Compass. The dream came true just over a year ago when she became one of the pirates aboard that very same ship. Albeit low-ranking, she nonetheless enjoys the rights many a pirate share on the Vile Compass, often using then to seclude herself in her room while the others tended to the prisoners and reveled in their drunken stupor. She was recently dragged into the search for Atlantis as part of her status aboard the vessel.
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