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Support for animated Gif's in avatars

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Cid, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. I have a pic i would like to use for my avatar, but its animated and wont work without some support for it, can you guys see if you can get it?
  2. What. GIF should be supported. Do you get a specific message when you try to upload it?
  3. I'm pretty sure animated GIFs work, Humpty.
  4. Yup, they work fine. Well, they should work fine.
  5. Are you direct linking it? There's a possibility the built-in MyBB uploader won't support animations; not 100% sure though.
  6. Some gifs might not work because they are too big, in size or in memory.
  7. ^ Yes, there's a restraint in size. Bigger and tt won't allow images.
  8. Wow... I never actually checked XD... Ill check before I ask from now on XD
  9. That would be appreciated. :p But it's okay - everyone makes mistakes. :) [And I'm the biggest bungler of the lot. XD]

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