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Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by metashadow555, May 11, 2013.

  1. A long while ago I joined this site while it was still supposed to be a replacment of ssb mercurious. I had forgotten about it completely, but after checking whether it still existed on google 
    to discover it had become a roleplaying forum. So,again..Hi.
  2. Welcome back. :) If you have any questions, ask away about anything and everything!
  3. Welcome back, Meta~ It's nice seeing old faces return to us after so long. ZEJ has always been part-hangout forum and part-roleplay forum, so it would have been about the same (though perhaps with a different layout) when you came 'round the first time.

    Our goal had never necessarily been to replace SSB: Mercurious, so much as it was the love-child of some of the Mercurious alumni, becoming what it is today with the handprints of many. So, in short, we're one big dysfunctional family here, and we welcome you heartily back into our wings. Enjoy your stay, as the lovely Ms. Swan already said! :)

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