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CONTEST Shadow's Contest #2 ~ Touhou Boss Battle

Discussion in 'Roleplaying Discussion' started by Shadow, Dec 19, 2011.

  1. Again!?

    Yeah. Welcome to the ZEJ's SECOND Statistical Roleplay Contest, this time focusing on characters from the well-known Japanese series of games, the Touhou Project. The objective is simple. Translate a Touhou character--any character--into a Statistical BOSS Character. The specifics are the following.

    - Level 10 Character.

    - Stat Points are left to be placed freely. Utilize the Contest #1's Characters as guidelines as to how strong the Boss Character should be.

    - 9 Skill Points to spend.

    - 2 Specialized Skill Points to spend.

    - Equipment is free to be created however you'd like.

    - Profiles MUST be sent via PM.

    In addition to the profile, you must also create a Battlefield Grid Arena for the hypothetical Boss Battle. Any special gambits, boss behavior, and specific skill usages should be noted too. I will be ranking the whole battle in terms of Difficulty, Originality, Frustration and Fun Factors.

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