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Rose requested me, once more.

Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by Hartlander, May 9, 2013.

  1. It's nice being wanted.

    Hello, folks.
  2. Ohai

    I have no idea who you are.

    But welcome to ZEJ~
  3. Hai Griffykins.
  4. Rosie, love.

    It's a pleasure to meet you, Cerberus.
  5. Oh, well, hello there. It's always nice to see a new member come on through, but the fact that Rose brought you on down means I have high expectations for ya. :b Nice to meet you Hartlander. Enjoy your stay, here at ZEJ!

    That last bit rhymed.
    I am so talented.
  6. jonno you talentless hack move


  7. Welcome! Here you will find people, who roleplay, and stuff. And a modmin who bites, but it used to be Kudamon, but now I have no idea if it is still him. Have fun, at any rate~

    I personally pronounce ZEJ as a word, [zedge].
  8. >him


    I think Shadow took the duty of biting people, really.

    Welcome to ZEJ :>
  9. Disappointing people is my favourite hobby.
  10. [​IMG]
  11. 1) Whoops, I forgot you gender-bent yourself; remembering the good old days of your bitesmanship reverted to my thinking of you as a guy.
    2) Okay but Shadoe is a horrible biter.

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