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Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by Knightmare, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. Hey guys, I'm finally back and able to join in the forum again. I've been a little busy lately. Getting killed by an enraged grizzly bear pirate, being sent to Hell, and then fighting your way out of Hell with FLAMING FISTICUFFS (because as we all know, everything is on fire in hell) in a scenario that would make and excellent video game that would end with yours truly delivering a FLAMING GROIN KICK to Satan takes up a lot of your time.

    ...Or, you could choose to believe the more rational explanation that I was busy with school sh!t. Whatever floats your boat.

    Anyway, sorry for seemingly abandoning you guys. Hopefully you all know that you're my broskis and that I'd never do such a thing.​

  2. I like the first excuse better ;P

    Welcome back, even though it didn't seem you left at all...

    Of course, isn't Glowbo still here? What? He isn't? lol

  3. Luckily enough for you, Knightmare, my dear man, not much has happened here since you've gone missing. :p UT3 has been put on a temporary stopper because a couple of our participants have been busy with their life, whether that's school or serious family vacation matters, so you haven't really missed a beat! Welcome back to our humble abode, and we hope you enjoy your stay all over again. ;)

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