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Oblivion Phantasy ~ Cardinal Sigil 【RP Thread】

Discussion in 'Statistical Roleplays' started by Shadow, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. Despite the fact the immediate area was filled with the inert, occasionally-twitching corpses of the Sanjithon, the young emissary sighed a second time and caught her breath as she finally had the time to become aware of her own physical condition. The wounds that had been inflicted on her were not life-threatening alone, and in this situation of peace, but a particular streak across her bare arm had been leaking red for at least a minute now, and at a surprisingly (if not worryingly) quick pace. She noticed, too, that it was beginning to sting.

    As she dug into her small inventory--a pouch containing only the most basic assortment of items for a journey like this--Layamy heard Reve's voice from somewhere near. Even though his intentions were as clear as the unnatural liquid she could command by lineage, the playfulness in his tone dared to cleave down the pressure they had been subjected to. And it was not like the Sleepwalker was not right, for Layamy was indeed trying to not show weakness... especially not when a not-too-confident Reve was accompanying her for this mission.

    "Hey, now!" she giggled lightly, finding one of the few vials of Clear Water at touch and pulling it out into view. It was little, of cylindrical shape and glass make, and the liquid inside almost appeared to illuminate her face due the concentration. It was in reality a negligible, almost irrelevant amount of Clear Water, but perfect to tend to minor injuries without using up the more important resources. "I-I guess we're even now, huh?"

    Still, the part about the Sanjithon appearing puzzled her. It was not completely impossible to encounter one at the Season of Fog, but such circumstances were deemed very rare... So perhaps they were the ones who had pulled the short straw in the game of fate, this time. Layamy uncorked the vial with a flick of her thumb and poured the contents to the cut, and the beneficial effects manifested almost immediately as it appeared to soak into her skin, regenerating it. She placed the empty vial back into the pouch, rummaging minutely for a second one to toss to Reve.

    "...But they are supposed to be unlikely." she muttered this audibly enough with glance to the dead monsters laying eerily around them. A minor inconvenience, at the most... "Hey wait, where are you? Get this." she called, indicating the object at hand by waving it. If he could even see it, that is.
  2. Layamy not having immediately answered his question made Reve assume she had been distracted by something, so he squished some mud idly between his hands to occupy himself. He felt oddly fidgety, but at the same time, he was tired from the length of their journey and the unexpected battle with the now-dead Sanjithon. He looked around at his immediate surroundings, having nothing better to do. The thick veil of fog was certainly a hindrance to his sight, but he spotted a small satchel sticking out from the midst of the swamp, just by him. He vaguely considered going over to grab it, but...

    "Hey, now!"

    The voice of the young emissary caused him to snap back, once more, to their present position and circumstance. What good would a bag lying discarded in the mud do, anyway? He'd ask Layamy about it, but for now, she was too busy in a fit of giggles from his nervous (and meagre) attempt at diffusing the tension that hung interwoven with the thick blanket of mist roiling around them. "I-I guess we're even now, huh?" Layamy had spoken again, amusing Reve. "What are we even for? I don't remember doing anything worth honourable mention in this journey so far," he stated, a smirk on his face, not that Layamy would be able to see it. After a brief pause, he added a playfully curt remark of "most mighty emissary." He could hear her, somewhere nearby, making sounds as though she was in pain. It was unnerving to Reve. He didn't want to hear her hurting, but moreover, he didn't want to feel helpless when dealing with her. "Are... you alright?" His tone took a graver edge this time.

    She started muttering to herself about something he could hardly hear, which made Reve lean forward a little bit to try and get a better vantage point of the girl. Instead, however, of voicing her thoughts again, she simply called out finally to ask where he was. In response, he raised his arms to break the surface of the mucky water, and gave a giant splash in the direction of her voice. He said nothing at first, only started to chuckle himself, before turning into a genuine laugh. It seemed so surreal, the events that had taken place. He still wasn't sure just how he had gotten here... but that didn't matter. Layamy didn't think so, at least, so why should he be worried? "Let's hope you can purify your clothes of that muck, Clear Warrior," he said, standing up and walking towards the girl. "We've still got a lot of walking to do." He grinned at her, hoping she wouldn't be too mad about it. After all, the girl was a water-warrior.

    He then remembered what he had come over to ask her. "Oh, right. There's a bag over there," he idly gestured in the direction from whence he came, "do you think we should check it out? Or is it even worth our time?" To him, a bag in the middle of a swamp was likely just that - an empty bag. But Layamy was always the one who wanted to be prepared, and since he had left it out of his line of sight... he wasn't truthfully sure he could find it again. But the budding young emissary would know best; if she wanted to continue and get on with the arduous journey ahead of them, then it was no skin off of his nose. After all, the fog in the swamp was getting kind of creepy... as was the eerie silence and the twitching bodies of the serpentine Sanjithon lying around. It would soon be time for them to move on, at least, but Layamy would naturally be the one to dictate that.

    It was better that they travelled in pairs, after all.
  3. A distraction poised itself in the periphery of the Clear Warrior's mind as she waited for the Sleepwalker to approach. It was a faint, almost nonexistent stimulus in the water; and although Layamy's affinity to the blue of the elemental spectrum was innate, she was not yet skilled enough to determine what the disturbance was. It vanished from the surface of her thoughts as a new, much clearer one made her blink.


    Layamy only had time to utter this before she gave a girlish, startled yelp as the splash reached her, instinctively cringing in place. It was only then that she heard Reve's progressively louder laugh that made her brow twitch once in annoyance, but in the end she sighed, composed herself, and spent several seconds chuckling at how ridiculous they could be even in these situations. "We've still got a lot of walking to do." Reve stated, suddenly reminding her of the mission again. Her mission. The prospect of a bag lying somewhere nearby was nearly obscured by the realization that they needed to continue.

    "Oh." She blinked, gazing around. Knowing that Reve was at least mildly familiar with how her Clear Water worked, the girl resorted to tossing the second vial at him. There was currently no point in bothering to clean herself properly, and as far as Layamy was concerned, the distance between the Qhantarwa Valley and Maka Intawi warranted at least two weeks of travelling. Fortunately, her route had been preemptively traced and prepared with checkpoints... the first which she had yet to find. There'll be time to rest tonight, but for now, we have to go forward.

    Then, it returned. The initial distraction, the slight disturbance.  

    "I think it's safe to go and get it... I still have something to check here." Layamy suddenly turned around, withdrew her only katana from the ground and then sheathed it, all in a swift and fluid motion. She smirked to herself during that moment, having just known that her battle wounds were, in fact, nothing. The Clear Warrior could and would continue. Layamy briefly glanced back at Reve to make sure he was heading towards the alleged bag, before she skipped towards the opposite side. With the other end of the makeshift road visible, Layamy had almost forgotten that it lead straight out of the Yieryawa Swamp and into...?

    I'll have to check the map again to see where will be going now... the girl planned idly, now noticing a visual clue. It was a faint color that blinked in orange, nearly unnoticed due to the lingering fog, but certainly becoming clearer the more she neared the apparent source.

    It was a Sanjithon. One of the first she slayed, its large leechlike body immediately evident from her position, and dark red blood mixing with the otherwise algal green tint of the swamp water. No... it was not it specifically. It was a portion of the flesh itself, having long since stopped its postmortem twitching, which was branded by a certain set of traces which emitted a soft, yet uniform light. The implications of what she saw formed a knot in the girl's throat.

    A symbol.

    Her heart, in that second, sank.

    But she could not even manage to get a gasp out.

    A concentration of red energy from a different source preceded an explosion which completely shattered any sense of temporary calm both could have gathered in previous minutes. The Clear Warrior's alarmed scream was muffled by the roar of the deafening sound, and the crackle of the spreading flames. She was flung away like a mere object by sheer outburst of force, to which point her sense of direction became a blurred mesh of sound, speed, and an overbearing sense of confusion which was just intensified with a spike of pain when she finally hit the ground, several meters away.


    She had landed roughly on her side. She tried to move, but the strength to do so simply was not there. She tried to open her eyes, but her surroundings were still a confused, abstract blur of unfocused shapes and colors. She tried to speak, but she only managed to give an articulation of pain. She noticed a considerable level of warmth which had come to envelop and overlap the humidity of the area, the soft, background crackle of flames never completely ceasing. After what seemed minutes, she picked up a brief fragment of a voice.

    "She's got to have it."

    Layamy's eyes snapped open. The girl practically sprung from her position with considerable effort, but she only managed to attain a sitting position. There was no path ahead, no route outside the Yieryawa Swamp anymore, only a wall of fire which extended from the burning ground, but avoided setting anything else ablaze for some reason. It was controlled. Even with her limited knowledge in the subject of magiology, she could ascertain this. But her attention was soon drawn to a solid shape which traversed the flames as if they were nothing, stopping after several steps forward, in clear view.

    An ominous, black-colored cloak was wrapped around the figure, despite being in a notorious state of disrepair, but it was obviously not meant to be anything but aesthetic at the very least, for it did not completely cover its features. It was a girl, around her own age. Her lengthy strands of hair, their blazelike color startlingly alive, were completely untouched even after having crossed the formation behind her. Her eyes, irises fiercely burning with intense reds that spoke of the element of fire, were focused on Layamy herself. Staring contemptuously, but almost in disappointment as well.

    Her left hand was partly extended to the side, and slightly above her open palm, a peculiar object floated weightlessly by the power of its own representation. It was a compact sphere, metallic in appearance, with a rune etched in clear, precise, stylized, powerful strokes. The resulting image seemed to leak its symbolic power in the form of glowing energy, exactly the same hue she first noticed on the monster's corpse. The Clear Warrior gasped in recognition. A Runessence.

    Their aggressor simply smirked, then spoke.

    "The Runessence you have. You're giving it to me, girl."
  4. Layamy's response to his splash was amusing to him - he found some contentment in how quickly her irritation rose and subsided. They shared a good laugh that really seemed to break the tension in their quest... if only for a moment. It was a moment which was slightly dampened, much like their clothes, by the fact that they lingered in the Swamp. Though he was laughing outwardly, he remained alert inwardly... as alert as he could be, considering he had recently delved into his trancelike slumber.

    That, of course, and Layamy's apparent distraction.

    The young emissary, his one and only friend in this strange land, seemed tense and wary, and not really focused on the moment. Only hazily. Reve was mildly concerned by the fact, but then he noticed a glass vial coming his way. He caught it with moments to spare; it was difficult to see in the thick fog that rolled in. Fumbling a bit with the vial, he caught it and held it up to his eye. "A bit of notice would have been nice..." he muttered, more to himself than to Layamy. She had alerted him that she had something, after all, he just wasn't ready for what. It's a good thing that she carries this stuff around in bulk. he silently mused.

    In response to his earlier question, she only gave him a vague answer, attention apparently elsewhere, as she gazed off into the distance. "Okay, I'll go grab it then. Could be useful... I guess?" he hesitated, still slightly doubting if it would be worth his time. He wanted to ask what was up with her, but restrained himself, knowing that Layamy was probably still mildly ticked off by the splash he had shot her way earlier. Instead, he waded back into the murky depths of the Yieryawa Swamp, momentarily letting the image of Layamy fade back into the clutches of the haze that hung over them like a gossamer curtain. He saw her pull her katana out of the mud - Honestly, she needs to treat those things better... there's a reason they're covered in rust... - thinking about something, and still scanning her visual surroundings. But that was the last he saw of her for the time being.

    Presently unworried, Reve reached the decaying tree where he had stumbled back upon the bag. The corpse of the Sanjithon was another good landmark for him, if a little morbid. "I think I've got it, Layamy!" he called out to her, reaching his hand into the bag... before he heard it.

    Layamy, grunting in pain after a sickening thud, relatively close to his current position. And then an unfamiliar voice. He didn't know who was there, but he uttered out her name and only that, "Layamy...?" Mentally, he kicked himself for having left her by herself in the swamp, just after a monster attack. He had to help her on her journey, not let her succumb to more monsters.

    But that voice... who would come out into the depths of a swamp now of all times? It was a female voice, and none that he had heard before. But the tone of exasperation, impatience, and those words... "She's got to have it."

    He waded closer to the shoreline, bag in hand, careful to stay out of sight. He saw a girl with a blaze surrounding her, flames raging in the surrounding area. But perhaps most striking was the spherical orb hovering over her palm; a Runessence, much like the one Layamy had, except this one exuded power. The secret energies were safely stored inside of the Runessence which Layamy was in charge of. But this girl seemed to be able to evoke the energies. Who was she...?

    Reve knew he had no time to think, only to act. He had to save his friend. He got himself onto land and charged, yelling out "Layamy! MOVE!" to catch the strange, red-haired girl with the pyre surrounding her off guard. It would buy her a moment, but only that. She was the important one for the mission. He left his feet, diving in a fluid motion at the girl in a tackle, arms outstretched as he hit her torso and clung on, knocking them both into the waters of the Swamp. Midair, Reve felt the heat of the fire-wielding girl and gasped in acrid air as the mass of two bodies shattered the surface of the otherwise placid water. All he could think about was how he hoped this worked... Layamy needed to get out of here. Alive.
  5. Layamy froze, chilled by these words, in some sort of bizarre contrast to the warm heat the wall of flames exuded. Her mind spun. Someone else knew about the Runessence... no, someone else knew about the entire mission, in fact. The precise details of the object she was meant to deliver were a complete mystery to her, but for someone to have tracked--or even lead--them into such an elaborate trap...

    Layamy remained still. The red-haired, cloaked girl did not move an inch either, but this was because she was probably expecting a response, or even calculating the next move... in any case, it was nothing remotely favorable for them. And Reve is still...! she panicked for a second, clutching the bag tighter to her, though her eyes never left their aggression, as she was fully aware that the girl's eyes were trained on her with a certain, calculated fierceness.

    "How... do you know?" Layamy questioned. She could at least buy time until the opportunity presented itself. She tentatively rose--pleasantly surprised that the curative powers of her Clear Water had an aftereffect on her crashing fall--and found that the cloaked girl had made no attempt at attacking, at least yet.

    In fact, her smirk grew even more noticeable, with a sort of amusement threatening to leak out of it at any second. As it appeared she was not going to reply to this, Layamy opened her mouth to speak again, but the girl's voice made her stop immediately.

    "Not even fully aware of your own circumstances, are you? You're such a fool."

    "What--" she began, but instantly steeled herself as the stranger shifted ever so slightly, revealing the scabbard of a blade--a katana?--hidden beneath the cloak. And, most notoriously, a hand hovering just above the grip, ready to draw the weapon. Layamy's own hand almost instinctively moved to grasp the handle of her own katana. If she was lucky, she would be able to deter her opponent long enough for Reve to figure out what to do, and then they could--

    "Layamy! MOVE!" Everything that should not have happened, in that moment, happened.

    "Oh?" the cloaked girl articulated, not even remotely surprised, as Reve emerged from the fog's boundary of visibility, far earlier than logically possible. The Clear Warrior then understood: the mist, as persistent and characteristic of the region's weather patterns, had slowly, methodically been cast away from the immediate area, rendering the surprise factor of the Sleepwaker's tackling motion effectively null.

    The red-haired girl's hand unsheathed the weapon in a quick, practiced motion, and proceeded to slam the handle square into Reve's stomach, her eyes glancing at the boy with a stare that was just about as powerful as her attack. Layamy sprung into action, dashing straight towards their adversary, drawing her weapon out of the sheathe and quickly transitioning into an attack that traded effective power with speed. The girl quickly glanced back at her, in a moment that Layamy counted as fully her's to take, but she noticed the glow of her opponent's Runessence rise in intensity far too late to do anything about it.

    In what seemed to span an instant, the wall of fire reacted, a burst of fire from within it blasting Reve away as the girl almost simultaneously shifted her now-free arm to easily parry Layamy's attack. Another pulsing glow from the Runessence was essentially Layamy's cue to pull back with a leap, as another jet of fire this time arced around the cloaked figure and towards her, threatening to sear her entire side. The Clear Warrrior landed several meters away from her, cutting the rest of the distance between her and where Reve should have landed with extremely cautious steps backwards.

    "Reve, are you okay?" she uttered, her eyes minutely scanning the area, but soon returning to the Runessence-wielder. The whole situation, or perhaps, more accurately, the emotional atmosphere of it, was extremely reminiscent of their encounter with the Banether. It had been quite a while, but this was truly the first time, since then, that she had felt such a threatening presence before her... "We might not be able to run from this one..."

    Apparently, the red-haired girl heard this, because she said simply, and with a small laugh,

    "I see you understand that much, at least. Fine by me. You'll fall in no time."

    Chapter I ~ II: Cornered by Fire

    Location: Yieryawa Swamp - Blocked Path

    Objective: Defeat Crissie!

    Runessence: Foikrau, The Great Flames

    Atmosphere: None

    Party Limit: 2/2



    {-} {-} {-} {-} {-} A
    {~} { } {C} { } {~} B
    {~} { } { } { } {~} C
    {~} { } { } { } {~} D
    {~} { } { } { } {~} E
    {~} { } { } { } {~} F
    {~} { } {L{ } {~} G
    {~} { } { } { } {~} H
    {~} { } { } { } {~} I
    {-} {-} {-} {-} {-} J

    Ally Side[/b]]Layamy (Clear Warrior)
    HP: 30/30
    MP: 15/15
    Atk: 7
    Def: 3
    Int: 2
    Spr: 4
    Critical: 4%
    Evasion: 5%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Enemy Side[/b]]Crissie (Flare Warrior) *Immune Burn*
    HP: 50/50
    MP: 40/40
    Atk: 7
    Def: 4
    Int: 2
    Spr: 3
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 4%
    Movement: 2 Cells (Flare Warrior Job +1)
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Legend Cells[/b]]{ } - Empty Cell

    { } - Starting Zone
    --- [Character] starts at [Cell]

    {~} - Swamp Water
    --- Reduces Movement by 1 (Cell-Only)

    {-} - Fire Barrier
    --- Property: Impassable
    --- Chance of Burn to Adjacent Units
  6. {Reve starts at F2}

    Just like the mist that he had used as his veil, Reve's window of opportunity evaporated before he had even a remote chance to grasp the reality of the situation.

    Perhaps it was that his sleep in the battle before had addled his mind, but a look of defeated humiliation crossed the boy's face as the red-haired girl slammed the hilt of her sword square into his gut. His legs awkwardly found the ground as his feet squelched into the murky waters below, and he crumbled, scarcely able to breathe. Was this it, then? Would he be finished off by their unknown adversary on the spot? He heaved as he crumbled to the ground, ducking and splashing into the water. As he rolled, he saw the girl look down at him, as though she were a cat that was stalking its prey - a mouse, surely, was what he was - with an equal amount of amusement and calculated preparation. What made his situation different was that he had Layamy to back him up. She wouldn't be so easily disposed of.

    With his lungs shrieking for air, coupled with the pain in his gut, Reve knew that he had to lift himself out of the water. To get somewhere safer - him and Layamy both. They needed to get away from this girl and her lightning reflexes. She was dangerous, though he was at a loss as to what she wanted to do with the two of them. But she knows of the Runessence... Reve thought to himself as he surfaced, bleary-eyed from the swamp water and his impact. But immediately as he regained vision of the situation, things had already gone very quickly south...

    As it turned out, Layamy hadn't been able to handle the girl. Once again, the other girl's lightning speed had saved the day. But Reve could not see why Layamy had backed off... surely her prowess with the blade would be able to be a match for this girl? She was so talented! And yet, the fact that she had not forced the match up of blades at that moment signalled to him that something was wrong. The Clear Warrior never backed down from a challenge when she was put up to it, but this? The horror on her face was only paralleled by what he had seen when the girl had first found him here - face to face with a Banether. Though the circumstances of this fight were drastically different from the one back then, Reve sensed that the impending danger was very much not. His suspicions were confirmed when a wall of flame emerged immediately beside him. His proximity caused him to yelp in pain from the sudden change in temperature, before the barricade struck out at him with a blast of fire, blasting him backwards with force and heat. Pain lanced through his body as flame licked his clothing. The clash of steel was all he could hear beyond the muted crackling of their fiery cage.

    He landed in a heap as his partner rushed to his side, her gaze alternating between looking down at him in the mud and looking at their assailant. He hoisted himself up as he heard the concern in her voice.

    "Who needs... to run?" Reve gave Layamy a reassuring smile between pained breaths of the blazing air that he had to force himself to keep breathing in. He knew his smile must not have graced his face in a particularly pleasant way, for the concern on his friend's face did not seem to dissipate when he spoke. He took a second to try to compose himself, swallowed with a pained expression on his face. "Look, don't you worry about me, alright? You're the important one..." He trailed off, knowing that the other girl would be watching. This was no time for him to try and assuage Layamy's fears - or worse, make them flare up more, like the boundary of the swamp. She had enough on her mind; she did not need to be reminded of her great burden.

    He stepped forward, partly to regain his balance, partly to distance himself from the fire that raged on behind him in a uniform, controlled line, and partly to put a physical presence in between the girl and Layamy. He knew he was not the most striking physical figure, but he felt slightly more confident having stood in front of Layamy. It felt... safer. He knew he could count on her to have his back, so now it was his turn to return the favour. Fuelled by his pain, and by the need to protect Layamy, Reve almost uttered some cliché about how the crimson-haired girl would need to go through him first. That would not have been a particularly brave thing to do, but in that moment, he felt compelled to say something. Instead of engaging their attacker, he opted to turn once more back to Layamy, and reached out his hand, offering it as a reassurance.

    "We can do this, you know."
  7. Chapter I ~ II: Cornered by Fire

    Location: Yieryawa Swamp - Blocked Path

    Objective: Defeat Crissie!

    Runessence: Foikrau, The Great Flames

    Atmosphere: None

    Party Limit: 2/2

    Music: TBA


    {-} {-} {-} {-} {-} A
    {~} { } {C} { } {~} B
    {~} { } { } { } {~} C
    {~} { } { } { } {~} D
    {~} { } { } { } {~} E
    {~} {R} { } { } {~} F
    {~} { } {L} { } {~} G
    {~} { } { } { } {~} H
    {~} { } { } { } {~} I
    {-} {-} {-} {-} {-} J

    Ally Side[/b]]Layamy (Clear Warrior)
    HP: 30/30
    MP: 15/15
    Atk: 7
    Def: 3
    Int: 2
    Spr: 4
    Critical: 4%
    Evasion: 5%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Reve (Sleepwalker)
    HP: 15/15
    MP: 25/25
    AP: 20/20
    Atk: 2
    Def: 3
    Int: 7
    Spr: 3
    Critical: 4%
    Evasion: 1%
    Movement: 2 Cells
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Enemy Side[/b]]Crissie (Flare Warrior) *Immune Burn*
    HP: 50/50
    MP: 40/40
    Atk: 7
    Def: 4
    Int: 2
    Spr: 3
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 4%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Legend Cells[/b]]{ } - Empty Cell

    { } - Starting Zone
    --- [Character] starts at [Cell]

    {~} - Swamp Water
    --- Reduces Movement by 1 (Cell-Only)

    {-} - Fire Barrier
    --- Property: Impassable
    --- Chance of Burn to Adjacent Units

    ~ Ally Phase I ~

    "You..." Layamy began, but the words simply trail off, digesting Reve's own words. He had even chosen to step forward in his state, but as the boy came within the periphery of her vision, she noticed that the "damage" only consisted in superficial scorch marks in his clothing. She frowned for a split second, but then her expression lightened, breathing out a sigh. "Thanks, Reve." she said, minutely grasping his hand in an equally-reassuring handshake, But we're both getting out of this."

    Having said that, she drew her second weapon, shifting into a stance for battle. She refocused on their red-haired assailant, who had made no further attempt at engaging them, despite being the one who initiated hostilities. Almost as if displaying the futility of their choice, she simply contented herself in watching at they composed themselves. Not like Layamy minded--they needed as many opportunities as they could get.

    Commanding her Mana, she focused in the creation of her most resourceful tool--Clear Water. A droplet of impossibly pure liquid materialized in front of her, after which she simply directed it to fall several feet in front of her. Much like when she used it on the murky, stagnant waters of the swamp, it expanded into a small pool over the ground, somehow not dispersing and disappearing into the damp earth. Quickly stepping into this small space, she channeled her already-active Mana Pool into another particular technique, causing strands of Watershifted Mana to coil and soak into the metal of her katanas, realigning their Elemental properties as the blades acquired an aqueous hue.

    The objective was clear. They needed to defeat the cloaked girl, as dangerous as she was, and then escape somewhere. ...But where? her mind interjected. Could they afford to stray from their route? Could she guarantee their safety if they did? And moreover... Why does she have a Runessence...?

    Layamy uses Clear Tear on F3! Clear Water Cell is Set! (Free Act Command)
    MP: 12/15

    {~} - Clear Water
    --- Resist Evaporation

    Layamy moves to F3 (G3 - F3).

    Layamy uses Liquid Edge!
    MP: 7/15

    Basic Attack: Water Elemental!

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