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Magic Players? Yu-Gi-Oh? etc.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Ultimatum Void, Oct 30, 2012.


So do you play card games?

  1. Yeah totally, all the time dude.

    4 vote(s)
  2. Sometimes if I have nothing else to do.

    8 vote(s)
  3. Card games?

    0 vote(s)
  1. This is what happens when we reintroduce Cerby to Yu-Gi-Oh.

    CerberusLycan: Can Creatures attack as soon as they're Revealed?
  2. Superbump.

    [20:36:07] Cerberus It occurs to me YGO is the epitome of those hype but really stupid moments in anime where the protagonist and villain are constantly pulling out convenienced trump cards on each other, like one after another
    [20:36:29] Cerberus And it's cool but you're like wtf were the writers thinking
    [20:37:09] Keileon I can't believe I managed to pull the shenanigans with Kidmodo, Red Eyes, Totem, and White Night
    [20:37:45] Keileon Like Totem saved my skin
    [20:37:47] Shadow It's always hilarious when those moments happen; it's like straight out of YGO anime
    [20:37:48] Cerberus Even though it didn't turn out for me, I'm surprised I was able to get those 'powerful' Basiltrices with one turn's worth of resources
    [20:38:09] Keileon Shadow basically what happened
    [20:39:04] Keileon I set Kidmodo on the first turn, he destroyed it, Kidmodo let me SS REDMD, he pulled a 5-material 3500 Atk Basiltrice that couldn't be destroyed by effects
    [20:39:41] Shadow LOL
    [20:39:42] Keileon At some point I set Mirror Force, set Totem Dragon, and played Solidarity as he destroyed REDMD
    [20:40:28] Keileon The turn after he destroyed Totem, I drew White Night Dragon, so I used Totem's effect to resummon it, use it as two tributes, and destroyed Basiltrice with 3800 Atk
    [20:41:11] Keileon Then I wasn't attacking because I was scared by his S/T zone, and then drew Prime Material dragon
    [20:41:41] Keileon He pulled a 4-material Basiltrice which attacked Prime, I flipped Mirror Force, and he forfeited
    [20:41:55] Shadow Literally an anime duel
    [20:42:08] Cerberus I could've gotten a 5-material again and it hurts
    [20:42:09] Keileon 2000-something LPto 7300 LP
    [20:42:20] Cerberus There were too many factors
    [20:42:30] Cerberus +to remember
    [20:43:02] Keileon The best part
    [20:43:19] Keileon Is I had Dragon's Mirror in my hand and would have drawn Masked Dragon the very net turn
    [20:43:26] Keileon *next
    [20:45:25] Keileon So if he had remembered to put a fifth material on, Prime would have been destroyed, I would have meatshielded for a few turns, and then pulled out an FGD
    [20:46:55] Keileon All in all a good couple of duels
    [20:47:03] Cerberus ^
  3. By the by I'm in my corner here hyping over the confirmation of a werewolf Planeswalker.

    Hype for return to Innistrad! MtG gogogogogogo
  4. Inb4 Wizards prints expedition creatures, with Snaps being one of them and each going for a thousand plus :3

    Or at least a full art Snaps.

  6. Madness shall bring madness once again. All we need in standard now is abilities like cycling to maximize the madness of madness.
  7. I run a lightsworn deck. Btw the unlimited duel works good work
  8. I need to pick Magic up again, now that I live in a college town and there's an actual community with the game. I'm just scared it's going to be like the time I went to a FNM and everyone was uptight and more focused on being super strict and winning the game, rather than just having fun. The return to Innistrad has me extremely excited since the original Innistrad was one of my favorite blocks of all time. My best deck to this day is still a blue/white spirit deck. Sets up a full army of hexproof spirits with a shitton of buffs. Needs a lot of work to keep up with some of the better players, but from my casual group of friends it was super fun.
  9. For those who don't know, Dueling Network got a cease-and-desist order from NAS and were forced to take down all official Yu-Gi-Oh images from the site. This resulted in lack of card art, so if you just go to DN you'll see card borders/text with a black box for the card art.

    DN also implemented the ability for users to host their own images as a workaround.

    Until they get a more convenient solution, you can access DN through this link to have nearly every card basically normal:

  10. Just casually tagging @Flamezone and @Zantok here since I know they're, at the very least, invested in Yu-Gi-Oh! to varying degrees. Zantok is also down with D&D and other tabletop RPGs, and I'm pretty sure that he likes Magic but there's about 10% of me that doesn't remember so I'll let him answer to that if he likes. LOL
  11. Dear NAS, 
          If you want to shut down Dueling Network fine I get it. It's imperfect anyways. But don't just do it to do it. It doesn't hurt any of your sales in the slightest. You don't have anything in direct competition with it. Now if you're going to make a website such as this one to allow people to have simulated duels online then cool go for it. Maybe your site will be a bit more automated and card effects will run a bit smoother. But until then shut your damn mouths and go bother somebody else.

    Ahem. That all said I haven't played Yu-Gi-Oh or on Dueling Network in quite some time. Largely it's because of the evolution the game has taken. Synchros I can stomach but XYZ are just total bullshit and if you don't run XYZ vs XYZ you're likely to get your ass handed to you and don' even get me started on the headache that is Pendulums. I shall continue to keep it old-school. Jonno is also wrong on my relationship with Magic. I have two starter decks that were handed to me once that I've never opened and I played once with a friend who was trying to get me into it but I just didn't feel a connection to it.

    As for D&D I do enjoy playing but I largely do not have a clue what I am doing. It can be fun though. I'm actually involved in a group at the moment where we play in a system called Pokemon Tabletop United and it's been a pretty fun one to go through. I've got my own ideas of a game I could run in that system but I haven't put the real meat of progress in it yet.
  12. Xyz are fine. They actually aren't too detached from what Synchros accomplish mechanically. It's Pendulums the ones that are actually stupid.
  13. Zantok I run a deck that only uses Synchros in the Extra Deck and it's probably my best deck.

    You don't need XYZ to counter XYZ. Hell with the right deck archetype you could probably get away with only Effect Monsters. (See: my Cyberdark deck which only really uses a few copies of two Fusion monsters and the Synchros are only meant to power up one of the Fusions). If you're having trouble countering XYZs it's not because they're overpowered, it's because your deck might not be constructed very well.

    I do agree with Shadow on Pendulums though and wonder why they thought those were a good idea. Thankfully they're relatively scarce in most archetypes and, for me at least, confusing to use.

    Also DnD isn't a card game why was it mentioned here .-.

    ALSO I want to note that in terms of functionality, DN is a lot better than something like, say, YGOPro. Effects not being automated is fine with me because some cards have really odd effects that YGOPro doesn't like, especially if you're doing Yang Zing vs Madolche or something equally as complex.

    Edit 2:
    Also the old DN workaround link no longer works but this one still does http://www.duelingnetwork.com/?card_image_base=http://www.xtevenschannel.com/images/card-pics/
  14. Eldritch Moon approaches. Eldrazi are back. They better not ruin Innistrad or I'mma kill MtG.
  15. Those of you who played YGO online, Konami (or a related party) has taken down Dueling Network and the download for YGOPro.

    A few notes about this:

    1. DN says that it wasn't Konami, but we all know Konami was involved because they recently gave DN a Cease-and-Desist order.

    2. DevPro apparently still works.

    3. YGOPro still works- if you have it downloaded. The download was taken down.

    I'm working on getting YGOPro off my old computer and uploaded to a few mirror sites. I'll edit this post when I have that done.

    Also, DN has the note saying "until further notice". This means that there might be a slim chance that it will come back.


    Mediafire link. Please note that is had my user data because I have no idea where that's stored. Just log out, I guess.

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