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Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by lordodonnel, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. So, where are y'all located? Out of curiousity.

    Ya can be as specific, or as vague as ya like.

    Personally, i'm in Lafayette, IN
  2. shadow I don't think your location is exactly hidden knowledge anymore
  3. What do you mean? I'm guessing...inside joke?
  4. Not really, @"Shadow"-senpai is just a secretive person.

    India, myself.
  5. Currently, Granger, WA.

    Other times: Harpers Ferry, WV.
  6. Stirling, ON; AKA data cap hell.


    (aka Lima, Peru @Shadow)
  7. @ShadoeMayari and I are from Virginia Beach, VA.
  8. Wow....we're certainly scattered. All the way to India, even...?

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