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Let's Make a Playlist

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, Apr 13, 2015.

  1. So I was just thinking... if we could make a playlist/soundtrack to describe ZEJ, what songs would you put on it?
  2. A playlist to describe ZEJ? Serendipitous. It's an interesting topic to behold- endlessly, even -because we're all just so gosh-darned nonpareil. :} I find it imperative to find a track to properly attribute to each reboot of the site that we've had, representative of each stage of epicness in a "Mach I", "Mach II" type of palpably upgraded mannerisms, but I can't brain much right now since I just woke up so I'll just start with an obvious character track for one of our ZEJians, and go from there later!

    Starr - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker: Beedle's Theme
  3. Ooh- Character themes for the playlist! Nice!
    OK, OK:
    ZEJ: Madeon- OK I think this song fits because it's just like, really upbeat and you can dance to it and... You know. Upbeat, energetic, chill... I think that's kind of what ZEJ is. :)

    FloralCaribou: Flor- Heart The song, to me, seems like going through tough times but not wanting to hurt the person you love and like, wanting to get through it all together. IDK. Just seems nice. I can imagine these two being that cutesy couple that tries not to let anything bad happen to the other person and always being supportive. And just trying to help the other through things, wanting to face it together... Ah, the OTP feels... <3 #MostLikelyChoiceForMyZejParentsTBH

    Cody: Anamanaguchi- Space Wax America The song has a bit of a chiptune-y feel so we got the nerd part down :> (these guys did the soundtrack for the Scott Pilgrim game, btw) It's got that old-school-ish nerdy feel, it's energetic, I can imagine Cody trying to do awesome Cool-Smart-Senpai poses to it and failing horribly... 10/10.

    Rose: Katy Perry- International Smile Because Queen Rose.
    2 (Trivia: This is actually where I got my original username, b/c it's a lyric and the song name and I just thought it was cool)

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