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PROMPT Let's Collaborate!

Discussion in 'Roleplaying Discussion' started by Gold Dullahan, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. I feel like this could be useful so here it is: A thread where you can throw up an idea and put in a request for certain talents to help finalize it! Ask for help naming, describing, creating powers or whatever, etc. Then, if you find the person(s) you're looking for, you just leave a little thank you and say you've got someone helping now. So like the "Hey can you X" thread but for RP purposes?

    With that out of the way, I'll kick things off! I've started this Google Document which contains basic details of 'gods' or 'high powers' which I'd love to see expanded into something playable by our dear ZEJ family. So my request in this case would be "someone who can help create a story based on elements and 'characters' given".

    Anywho, my document.
  2. I was just about to make a thread of this sort of ilk myself before I saw that I had long been beaten to the punch by our dear, creative Moon!

    I've been thinking more and more about the concept of a small-scope 'campaign,' as in a roleplay (particularly a statistical roleplay) that has a small shelf-life and can actually draw to a close within a couple months with player cooperation. However, I've been at something of a dearth for ideas on where to begin for it. So, I want to ask an open-ended question - or maybe a few - to which anyone can respond with anything to 'build' a world. I have nothing in mind, so just spew forth the first thing that comes to mind. Any genre, any style, any thing.

    First things first...

    What is wrong with this hypothetical world?
  3. (yessss it's falling into place... mwahahahaha-)
    How about  rampant class-ism?
  4. To expand on that point and provide some perspective... in your (non-referential 'your,' so anyone can feel free to jump in and elucidate Moon's response) eyes, is it the sustained existence of a status quo that is the problem, or is it that the lower class is revolting? Who is fighting for what ideal?
  5. Saw an interesting "elevator pitch" on Reddit tonight. I think that, with some polish, it could turn into something kind of neat.

    I'd kind of like to see where this could go with the ZEJian touch -- so, let's collaborate! Build off of that, ZEJ.

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