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Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by 悪魔の王, Jan 28, 2012.

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  1. Dude, Shadow's catchphrase is "I do not exist."

    Edit: Okay we're derailing aren't we XD
  2. But I thought derailing is the whole purpose of C&G? :p

    OBVIOUSLY. :p But that's a lie. XD
  3. Lolzorz, 'dis is so randomz!!!21211!!!%
  4. ^Oh, bring us some figgy pu-dding, oh, bring us some figgy pu-dding, oh, BRING US some figgy pu-dding and BRING IT RIGHT HERE!

    Except I thought it was plum pudding at Christmas, not fig pudding. And was it not cake and not pudding?
  5. Going to cut this one off here, seeing as our good old members have finished it off with little to no relevance to the initial point. Welcome again, o' king of demons, and I hope that your ventures at ZEJ bear more fruit than this spam-infested thread. :p
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