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Ivory Guards: Sign Ups

Discussion in 'Roleplay Archives' started by Vero, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. Please no one post yet, this is a game in the works,and if you want to ask any questions please P.M. me. Also, I am going to be changing this a bit every so often until it gets official or scraped. Thank you.

    Name: (Please name your character)
    Gender: (Male or Female)
    Appearance: (Pic or Description, please put a spoiler box around it though)
    Personalty: (Tell us what your character is usually like)

    Rank: 1 (Just my term for level on this game, it starts at one.)
    Grid: 0/20 (My term for experience, it is already on here also..)
    Class: (A section will be made soon, also, you are able to switch classes during the game)

    E. Armor: (This is the Equipped Armor)
    E. Weapon: (This is the Equipped Weapon)
    E. Accessory(s): (This is the Equipped Accessory. You may equip three accessories at a time)

    Abilities: (Abilities could be formatted in one of the two ways. Please try to stick with the format you think is better, and please use spoilers on them. You start with two of your own creation.)

    Format way 1.
    (Name of ability),(Description),(Damage %, up to 120%), (Stat, choose one of these: Attack, special, defense, magic, skill, strength), (Effect),(Range), (Mp Cost, leave this one for me to do.)

    Format way 2.
    Name: (Name of move)
    Description: (short description of what it does)
    Damage: (up to 120% for this move)
    Stat: (Choose one, Attack, special, defense, magic, skill, or strength.)
    Effect: (Somewhat like the description, but this tell us if the move does any extra affect. Adds Mp cost for effects, you don't need an effect)
    Range: (range adds distance to a move, diagonal attacks require a +2 range. Adds Mp cost for added range, minimum range is 1 unless it affects yourself)
    Mp Cost: (This just gives the required amount of Mp needed to preform this move.)

    ~~~~~Stats~~~~~ (I will determine these, so don't worry.)
    Hp: (Health points)
    Mp: (Mana points)
    Atk: (Direct damage)
    Def: (Direct defense)
    Mana: (Special damage)
    Shield: (Special defense)
    Spd: (Speed)

    Inventory: (We will list all of the items you have here, including the equipped ones. Please use a spoiler for this)

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