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Indefinite Hiatus

Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by CodasterTheDisaster, Oct 10, 2016.

  1. Oh boy. I didn't want to even consider this, much less post it and make it official, but I think it's what I need to do. I don't think I've really talked to anyone about it much, and not to go into to much detail, but I was recently hospitalized and I've come to realize how shitty my health actually is. It's getting hard for me to just do trivial things like cook and clean and study. I'd like to be active and lead by example for the level of activity and productivity that I want to see on ZEJ but there's no way I'll be able to do that now. Hell, I've barely done anything for the past several months. So with this in mind, I say with a heavy heart that I'm going to be taking a break from being part of the community. I love you guys, but I just feel like I'm going to be a huge let down. Hopefully I'll be able to improve my health over the next few months, and I'll be able to come back with the level of energy and enthusiasm that I want to bring to the site, but for now I'm gonna step down as a mod.

    I really hope that I'll be able to come back to ZEJ and work towards my goal of what I want to see our community become. Expect me around in the IRC/Discord chats occasionally, but assume that I won't check the site unless prompted to by someone else.
  2. Take it easy and get well soon. Your health comes before us.
  3. It's always sad to see someone leaving our community, and it's doubly sad when it's your shitposting partner-in-crime. But I hope that you are able to improve your health, my friend, and that this hiatus brings you a little peace of mind. We'll miss you and we'll be sending our best wishes your way. <3
  4. Oh no my bird buddy D:

    Man I hope you feel better over the coming months. Health is before anything, even roleplaying. So taking the time to work on you is a-okay. Best of luck! ( ' v ' )
  5. Well, Cody, rest assured that you're doing the right thing and that we'll all be here for you when you decide you're able and ready to come back. Your own well-being is by-and-large the most important constant in your life and always will be. Gotta look out for number one, you know? Keep on keeping on, as they say, and I'll look forward to your continued social media and chat exploits in the meantime. :p

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