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Discussion in 'Forum Game Land' started by Eebit, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. fuk u mud boy

    Heal Eebit x2
  2. Hurt Quackers x1, Hurt Poker x1
  3. Heal Nate x1, heal Giga x1
  4. Heal Masq x1, Hurt Quackers x1
  5. Burn in an everlasting pyre, senpai.

    Hurt Shadow ×2
  7. My brawl disk stopped working.

    Hurt The Brawlinator x2
  8. Healing the OGs

    Heal Jonno x1
    Heal Eebit x1
  9. Hurt Mayari x1, Hurt quackers x1​
  10. Heal Masq x1, Hurt Shadow x1
  11. Hurt Rose x1, Hurt Eebit x1

    Becase I still love you both.
  12. Mercurious represent!

    Heal Knightmare x1
    Heal Flamezone x1
  13. Oh hey, I almost forgot that Rose was on this list.

    Heal Rose x1, heal Cody x1.
    (i gotchu fam)
  14. Hurt The Brawlinator x2
  15. I'll just hurt Shadoo twice because it's what he wants apparently
  16. Heal Giga x1, hurt Shadow x1

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