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HTML + Spoiler nesting

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Zygardia, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. So can HTML be enabled on ZEJ? It isn't at the moment, and it would be great and easy to format posts if it was, and I don't think I, or anyone else here would engage in malicious scripting. XD

    Also, Spoilers don't nest. D:


    See? I know that they nest properly on vB and (I think) on IPB and phpBB, but it hasn't nested on any MyBB forum I know, like ZEJ. Is it resolvable? Could you please fix it?

    EDIT: Pies are lies, but not 3.1415926536. XD
  2. Spoilers nest if the one on the outside is titled.

  3. Wait, you can title spoilers in MyBB?! Whoa, that's news! Thanks for the tip, Kudos! =)

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