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Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Nyumi 413, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. You knew it was coming.

    *opens discussion*

    Also, this is the best thread. XD
  3. Meh,I don't see what the big deal is. Tried to read it, quickly lost interest. Tried to pick it back up, after Espy told me it gets more interesting, still lost interest.
  4. ^You actually tried to pick it up after I told you it got better? =P Surprise there. Kuda Edit: Why is it so surprising?

    But, where did you drop off? As I said It Gets Better towards the end of Act I, and it gets excellent by the Troll session. TONNES of Heroic BSOD and Mind Screw around.

    Except totes don't know what's going on now with John, yo. /hsjoke
  5. BECAUSE IT FUCKING IS, FUCKASS /anotherhsjoke

    Jokes aside, I believe the following video might change your mind. You don't have to understand what's happening in it to know it's epic.

  6. ^You HAD to pick the one with the most spoilers. =P Granted, it's soooooo cooooool and one of the best Flashimations in HS but still, sooooooo spooooiiiilllery (?) as well. XD

    Kudos; surprising because you usually don't when I tell you, one, and two, you told me that the more I talk about Homestuck the more you won't want to read it. =P
  7. That's... true, actually. Spoilered.

    I seriously hope that when you first introduced Khya to Homestuck, you said you-know-which-line. XD
  8. Which line? Depends, there are too many of "you-know-which" type lines. XD
  9. Let's put it this way:

    --- -- ---- --- ----- ---------
  10. Uh just PM me, I'm (still) in a really fuzzy state of mind and can't pick up clues whatsoever. XD
  11. Yeah, awesome right?

    Also; Let me tell you about Homestuck. ;]
  12. W3LL, L3T M3 T3LL YOU HOW 1M 1N LOV3 WITH R3D >;]
  13. Ok8y, I guess that's it for tod8y.

    [OoC: It's been fun, but 10/25 is over now. That'll be it for posting with quirks as a theme... until 4/13! :)]
  14. OR W3 C4N CONT1NU3 1T 1N TH1S THR34D >;]

    But seriously didn't go as well as we'd hoped?

  15. Not really. *shrugs*

    You probably know by now that MSPA is down, right?

    Here's why.
  17. [split] Twittering / Random Musings

    Did I tell you guys I somehow started reading Homestuck? Because that's a thing that happened like, yesterday.
  18. RE: Twittering / Random Musings

    Wait until John gets Fear No Anvil. That shit is definitely THE SHIT

    Also lesbian interspecies romances ftw

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