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Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by hinataro, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. Oh gosh I hope I'm doing this right haha- I haven't been on a forum in years. o<-< 

    Hello, I'm Hina! I was brought over here by CerberusLycan and uh... I'm not exactly new at this point since I made this account a while ago but... making... an effort-! (Since school's finally out laugh)
    I'm still super wobbly on my roleplaying feet so I hope I can get a little better by hanging out here more wheeze.
  2. Cerby talks about you quite a bit. :p

    Welcome to ZEJ! If you want to hang out on the chatroom, the IRC link is at the top of the forum. :)
  3. Hinaaaaa! Land ho!

    That's really all I have to say, other than I hope to see you around the forum~
  4. Welcome to ZEJ, where hopefully you'll find to be hospitable enough to kill you!


  5. Hello there~ I believe I have heard about you in passing from Cerby. All good things, naturally! Looking forward to putting a name to the (virtual) face. :) I'm Eebit, one of the administrators around this humble slice of internet pie. I'm one of those omniscient folk who stick around for you to ask questions to, if you have anything that you're unsure about. Or if you just want to have a talk and a spot of tea, then that's when you shoot me a PM or profile comment~ *readjusts monocle*

    ...Yeah, so welcome again! :) Hopefully you enjoy your stay here and get some use out of that account of yours. ;D

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