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happy happy happy

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by crazE, Oct 6, 2011.

  1. happy birthday to me happy birthday to me happy birthday to meee....

    happy birthday to cheese.

    Bow down to me, I am now at the superior age of 16 and my crazEness has grown tenfold! You are all at the mercy of my awesome power!!!!

    SHWAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! *pees on Shadow's head*

    Have a crazy, masterful birthday!

    Also, just to ruin your b'day (</jk>) I was 16 before you. :p
  3. Happy birthday crazE! Hope you had an awesome day filled with cake and randomness and all that good stuff :>
  4. It was definitely filled with good stuff. Like a twinkie. Mmmmm..... twinkie........
  5. ...I wanna twinkie too...

    Happy birthday, sir crazE! We hope your day was totally fab. :3

    [[This has been an obligatory birthday well-wish, brought to you by the letter E. And the Red Pandas.]]
  6. Happy Birthday, I tried to find another awesome picture, but I found this lame story instead instead.
  7. I still got tonight and tomorrow before this week ends. Bring on the touhoustrippers.
  8. Vero's image; O_O

    Happy birthday, you crazE boy. :p

    I c wut I did thar.

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