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Guardian Angels OoC

Discussion in 'Out of Character Discussion' started by Spaughtyena, May 24, 2013.

  1. Oi SpaughtBro, are you still going to control the farmboy or is someone else going to? Since you didn't post for him that's why lol
  2. ...;-; fuck - I'll edit him in after - SHITNIZZLES :<<<

    Also, fallen - you can only start in the yellow area - the black lines are walls... E4 is directly above alley - which is outside the map XD
  3. @Spaughtyena - If I got something wrong, tell me. X3

    And failpost is fail. :/

    SORRY @"Spaughtyena" I meant F3 to be right behind Alley. xD
  5. I'M SORRY ;-;

    will make longer posts in battle. it's 2 am and i'm tired
  6. I know your pain, Dark. ;3;

    I'll post again soon, but it'll probably be a phone post, which means that it'll be shitty.

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