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Goodbye Earth| OoC

Discussion in 'Out of Character Discussion' started by Spaughtyena, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. Goodbye Earth Out of Character, nuff said.
  2. Not really sure on how to do the Base DR, Range, etc for weapons and abilities, can you guys help? ;-;
  3. Look in the 3S Stat System in the section called 'Attack Types' and 'Damage Effect Types'

    As for armor and weapons, you can begin with a light or medium armor type. Doesn't have to be announced, but I'll put it like this: Medium armors are usually made of metal or generally have the ability 20% negate pierce [Like from bullets] Light Armor gives 15% chance to evade the attack.)

    Peirce is an effect that bypasses DR, seen in bullets and the like, so an armor that negates that, means it has a 20% chance to still retain its full armor value against bullets.

    Whereas evade is a chance to dodge the attack completely. Medium armor has a DR of 2. and Light has a DR of 1.

    Weapons can have certain abilities based on what they are. A gun always gets piercing. As do any other weapons like spears, rapiers etc. Weapons that have no extra abilities to 1 damage plus the corresponding skill, however if it gains something like pierce, it is moved down to 1, plus corresponding skill to keep things even.

    As for the costs of magical abilities, I can do those for you  - I plan to do it anyways. But in short, an attack can be seen written out like this: {Type: <Attack Type>|Effect: <Pound/Pierce>|Range: <#> cell(s)|DMG: <#>(Element) [Any additional abilities]|Cost: <#>}

    I hope that helps a little.
  4. Just to clarify so I don't confuse - that uncoloured piece of dialogue is a link... Dark was confused, and to avoid FURther CONfusion, I will tell you that's its a link to wonderful travel tuneness.

    If you don' like the music too bad :V
  5. So in a sense, Goodbye Earth is basically a Fallout with Anthros.
  6. Basically, yes. However In fallout, the Earth doesn't blow the fuck up. XD

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