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Final Fantasy Tactics: BtWT (OoC)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Archives' started by Ziolang, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. Due to the lack of there being an OoC thread for this particular one, I figured I'd go ahead as I have something important to say[mainly to the GM, but to everyone else as well[cause I think Daen Bunnyed the Viera]].

    I was never sure what this RP was going to entail, but I went ahead and signed up as a "why not." The opening post to the RP swayed me into confusion as although the starting scenario was set up for us, which is very common and understandable, our decisions and actions were then chosen for us, the RPers[Bunnying]. I let it slide, assuming it was just an impatient beginning and we'd all get this going in the Pub. Then these later posts came in. Before I even got halfway through my post [was busy most of the day so I was planning on doing it later than I usually do], I noticed these latest posts. Not only was my entrance into the RP completely skipped over, but the actions of the party, and even the feelings of the characters were decided. And additionally, it's all told as if there is only one person, for I highly doubt a group of 3+ is going to be doing/thinking/feeling the exact same thing.

    I understand [or rather hope] that this is a rough beginner's RP, but the bunnying needs to stop, because the point of a Roleplay is to "Play a Role", or to "be a character", which I can't do if my decisions/actions/feelings are chosen for me.

    I also run the chance that I have [somehow] been mis-interpretting your posts [doubtful]... but from what I'm reading, the above complaints are created.

    As of now, though, I'm unsure as to what I should do at this point, because literally all ability to introduce Veloros into the RP has been eradicated.
  2. I agree with most of your concerns, although I didn't think of it as bunnying at the time, I saw it as just kind of going with what solarsparten did, as he had basically told us we were going over there anyway.
  3. Daen is exactly right, The way I had introduced it was simply because you are all moving there as a group, but it may have been better if I was a bit clearer with the way I had introduced everybody, I will be try to be clearer for you now Ziolang, and I hope you will end up joining in on the role play Also I will let you guys try to agree on a name in this thread, until then the next post of mine shall be suspended until a name has been come up with. Also I'm glad you have noticed that this actually is a first time role playing, as I am not very good at it yet, however I will improve as the role play continues. I was thinking of using the name that is used in the actual series though, Clan Gully
  4. Some RPer's, such as Zio or I, don't like when their characters are controlled without their permission. Making them speak or move falls upon that category. What Zio is getting at is that you, as the Game Master, should NOT bunny any characters making them decide on something, ask questions, and such. However, "fast-forwarding" is often required for these types of RPs, but exclude details of other characters when moving to other locations. The second-person narrative isn't helping either. Try to be an omniscient narrator and act for the NPC's, not relate everything as if you were controlling everyone's characters. For example:

    This could have flowed much better if you would have just placed the players in the pub and awaited for their individual reactions.

    Sorry for such... unexpected appearance here, but there were some issues that needed to be addressed.
  5. Yeah Alright, thanks Shadow, Ziolang had just told me that and I did say that I will let the players control them selves, although I kindof wanted to "fast forward" as you put it and actually get the role play going, thank you for the tips though! :D
  6. Created the subforum. Solarsparten will be made moderator of said forum shortly. I am not entirely sure what you plan that could require this RP to be so expansive to require a subforum, but I hope you won't make me question my decision. ;)

    On the other hand, to address the earlier problems (though I see that they have been aptly handled), for future reference, it is easier to write from a 3rd-person/omniscient perspective as opposed to 2nd-person that all of you who are accustomed to D&D seem to be writing in. Best of luck to you in this Roleplay, and please please PLEASE try and utilize the subforum as much as possible as opposed to just having one or two threads for the sake of having a subforum.

    Also, for this subforum, can you provide me with some flavour text?
  7. What do you mean by flavour text? Also I was just asking for a sub forum, because like the old ARKNET 2 one when you move from place to place, then you move to the according thread, and such and such, just did not really want to clutter up the active roleplay sections, thank you for the creation of the sub forum :D. (Again, what do you mean by flavour text?)
  8. Flavour text meaning something akin to what every forum has as a description of the section. Give me a brief synopsis about your plot or something.

    Honestly, you could handle the RP in one thread, as could ARKNET 2 and Streets of Melsborough... but I plan to address this problem in an announcement. Stay tuned.
  9. Alright, Ill try to keep the number of threads to a minimum, honestly the sub forum was Furry's Idea, anyways about the plot:

    The plot is basically loosely following the Final Fantasy Tactics Series, although not entirely.

    The plot it self is that each and every one of these have come to form a clan for some reason, but as they adventure on they will find that not only Ivalice, but the entire world it self is falling apart. The clan itself decided to go ahead and try and find the source of the problem, and as they adventure they discover more and more about whats happening, untill the world itself has been saved, and after that if people are up to it I might still keep it going, by adding new missions and such, but that would be up to the rest of them.
    P.S: There is still a space left if you would like to join.

    P.P.S: I know the creators of both of those roleplays, Darkness42 (Darkness41? not sure XD) and Furry in real life. Just a fun fact :p
  10. No. What Eebit was referring to is that you really _don't_ need an entire subforum dedicated for this RP--it can all be easily handled in a single thread. The most you need is an SU and an OoC Thread which are to be placed in the "Roleplay Out of Character" sections, and of course, the RP Thread itself which goes in the Active Roleplays section. If you plan to use a dedicated subforum for this RP, you'd better use it properly as opposed to having very few threads inside it which defeats its purpose.

    And by "brief" description of the RP, please read the other subforums' descriptions for examples.
  11. Ok.. Shadow not to be a ****... but your being a ****, just because this is my first rp you dont have to be an *** about it-.- I only gave a brief description because I want the plot to be revealed as they go on, not just entirely ******* spilled out all over the place...

    P.S, Eebit, the main reason I thought having the sub forum would be a good Idea was because I would be able to moderate the threads easier, and it would be about 200% easier to find them instead of looking through the other ones.
  12. I understand this is your first RP, but as I previously stated, there are some issues that need to be addressed, and so I am here. You seem to massively miss the point of what Eebit originally meant, so I am simply going to leave it there before my respect meter of you goes any lower. The same goes for the whole subforums deal.

    While I agree that having your RP threads in a single place is useful, for the sake of avoiding the unnecessary cluttering of the Active Roleplays section, a stricter set of regulations has been applied. Remember, having a subforum there is a privilege, not a right.
  13. Yep, alright, and I dont know what exactly I did to lower your respect but I hope I can regain it in the future :p
  14. Yes. This is a criticizing post. But criticism is good for you, because it helps you learn. I'm simply trying to help you get the feel of this. So don't like, feel like I'm mad at you or anything, as I'm actually [probably] the most patient and understanding guy on this entire forum. said the Demon

    OK so your last post was much better, instead of saying a "the characters went there", you explained what the visuals were, what they saw as they got there; that's good, that's not bunnying, that's just setting the scene. So that little OoC at the end was true [and therefore unnecessary but that doesn't matter[except they were "going there anyway" because you bunnyed them, but that also doesn't matter right now]]]. So you did a relatively good job on it, I can see you're getting the grips.

    However: You need to allow all the players an opportunity to make their decisions/comments/actions/etc. Whether or not the characters have made the decision to go somewhere, does not mean you go ahead and move them to that point, however that tactic is very well acceptable at times, like when, say, a group of characters are traversing a large distance, like many miles of travel. This is a timeskip. If the characters are entering an inn, what is there to timeskip to? No decisions have been defined. Let the characters decide amongst themselves instead of auto-targeting them to the pubmaster, and after they receive the information, hold and let the characters be active. Only give information people ask for, never assume or define that they asked something. If it hasn't been said by the character in their post, then there should be no action. This may be frustrating to you, the GM, because people don't do/ask/think what you want them to, but remember that these characters, as stated by the definition of a Role Play, are to be treated as actual people, just let them go. Later in this post I have a solution to the "people aren't doing anything" issue.

    Now, my heaviest problem is that I haven't even had the opportunity to introduce Veloros into the RP and yet she's apparently already cruising through it. I've made no posts and she's already doing stuff. That's very "... wut...?" worthy. I understand you want to get things going, but posting every other post isn't the way to go. As the GM, all you really need to do is give the necessary info and play the NPCs. When a character does something involving something that no other player operates, then the GM explains the result, such as talking to an NPC or entering into a new area, where you would then describe said area and its keynotes, etc. For reference, see some of Shadow's posts in Oblivion Phantasy: A Decaying Flux, he's good at describing happenings without taking away player control and freedom over their characters [so although he can be rough-skinned in his advice, it's still good to listen to him].

    Now, to solve the obvious issue of lack-of-guidance-and-action, I will have my character play as a kind of "lead" character. She'll basically offer solutions, make some decisions and all that. She'll inform the party of an action she feels appropriate and then the rest can agree/disagree/offer input/etc, as if they were, lo and behold, live people... like they were a role... to be played. You see where I'm getting at here? So to free us your strange need to make posts of what the party does/did every other post, I'll simply get the party riled into action, allowing for more RPing and less to none of the current "choose your adventure storybook" feel, because it's currently just "party reaches here and chooses... *one person posts* ok decision made, here's what you guys did, what'll you do next... *one person posts* [etc.]" So yeah, I'm going to [somehow] wiggle Veloros in as if she has been there the whole time [even though she technically has been] and maybe stir up some action to remove the need[?] of the GM playing everything.

    PS: I'm fairly certain that even in the games [played both myself] the soon-to-be clans choose their name themselves, not the judges[which makes a lot more sense], so why would that not be an In Character decision? Just have [when we get to that point] Cid ask what out Clan Name is and the characters will discuss, because remember, the point of an RP is to play the characters.

    PPS: Not really important but I'd just like to note that this post was made at 1 am... so ignore typos, grammatical failings and pretty much all textual failings in this post =)

    EDIT: I was not expecting to be writing such a huge post ._.
  15. Its your fault you haven't posted... XD Also I will try not to be as "Controlling" as you say I am, but you should introduce your character at some point too then, instead of complaining about him not having been introduced yet, not to sound like a douche or anything.

    EDIT: Also, the character name selection would take quite a long time, as you would probably end up arguing with everybody about the name, until somebody snaps and quits the role play. Also I have just been trying to get the role play actually up and started rather then sitting there waiting for you to figure out what exactly to do for about 4-5 days to get about 5 mins of progress.
  16. This isn't helping the situation at all. Yes, it's Brendan's first roleplay, but saying that by doing what we're used to it's somehow 'bad' and saying that your respect for him is going lower makes you look like an elitist prick. Please stop with that already.

    Boundary Edit: Of course, you massively miss my post detailing what he should do for the betterment of this RP. Please actually read next time instead of just jumping at the chance to yell at me whenever. It's not going to work.

    Alright, go on.

    This, I agree with. IRL we do the setting the scene thing all the time, and a lot of the time it's just easier and usually less frustrating for everyone to have the GM introduce everyone at the same time. It may seem like bunnying, but if people don't take it upon themselves to get something going RP-wise, then the GM should get something going to avoid it stagnating.

    My post, however short, avoided the pubmaster entirely. I had Narino explore the bar and ask a generally-targeted question.

    I will state again that having the GM introduce everyone is what he's used to. I realise that D&D doesn't translate well into forum-based, but you can't really blame him for keeping to his comfort zone -- it's just become second-nature.

    A lot of the time though Shadow comes across as a prick, and to be fair, his characters are killed a lot IRL as our GM is a prick and he's really sick of people being jerks to him.

    Boundary Edit: It's funny because I actually do a good GM job LOL.

    Even though I'm of the belief that a lead character tends to steal attention from the other characters, as long as you don't do this, it's perfectly fine.

    Boundary Edit: For the sake of not expanding this edit to astronomical levels, I'm simply going to state that this MOSTLY happens in Chatplays due to the fact they are basically screen time and attention contests.

    Brendan's told me that the reason the Judge chooses names for the clan is that it'd take a week of arguing to even have a chance of agreeing on a name, and this is completely understandable -- the RPers would be too bust arguing about a name to continue the actual RP.
    He's going to let people suggest names then throw up a poll with the best ones for people to vote on, so all is not really lost.

    Post now even larger.

    Boundary Edit: Indeed.
  17. http://rennervate.com/ZEJ/showthread.php?tid=339

    ^read this

    I feel so bad about it, but unfortunately, I feel it's needed. I'm so sorry DX
  18. Also Shadow please stop editing my posts to reply. There's no need to do it unless you're too lazy to use the button labeled New Reply, and even then that's a godawful reason to justify what's essentially power abuse.

    EDIT: Going back and reading the post in question it appears I was being an idiot. It all depends on how he handles the RP -- given the locale diversity of the FFT universe, it'd get confusing fast if he was to handle every possible location in one thread.
  19. so Eebit I showed solarspartan this and he ok'd it so will this work for the flavor text?:

    The world of Ivalice is collapsing, and one clan inspects the cause of this incident. Together, they must bind the world together...

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