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Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by ~Dashie~, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. Hello all I am ~Dashie~! aka Bubbles to my friends...or Allissia...or Libby(use at your own risk)...anywho...I find this site complex and strange so any tips would be awesome!....other than that....*shrugs* Thanks for having me?....I hope you guys are awesome....or else I'll find you....and I'll beat you with my magic katana stick!
  2. Already met you on IRC, but welcome to ZEJ!

    I can see how some aspects of the forums would be confusing. The setup is a bit different to many RPing sites out there, with a lot more features to boot. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to drop me, Eebit, Shadow or Kudamon a line through PM~
  3. Thanks and all that....this site will take some getting use to...might talk more than RP sadly...
  4. Heya, Dashie. We met through IRC last night as well, and I'd again like to welcome you to our tiny corner of the internet. Welcome, again, to ZEJ. Even though you feel like you're not interested in the RPs here, I hope that we can help make you feel at home around these parts, so as Dark said, feel free to drop any of us a line if you're looking for some guidance. You seem very nice, so I hope that you do stick around! Don't hesitate to shout if there is anything you need, or if you are looking for some casual conversation.

    Welcome again! :)

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