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E3 2016

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Kells, Jun 13, 2016.

  1. i didnt see any topics on it yet so i figured id start one heyo

    IM SO HYPED FOR DISHONOURED 2 OMG <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
    also holy hell titanfall 2 looks really cool!! (i just love robots, ok? like, a lot.) but srsly it looks good, im really hoping that they learned from the colossal disappointment that was the first titalfall (game mechanics were really rad, but the overall game was just wasted potential)

    anyway heres a thread for all ur e3 needs! im looking forward to seeing nintendos announcement on the upcoming zelda game in a few days
  2. Breath of the Wild is looking amazing. The trailer is looking really crispy. The voice acting threw me off for a second, but SPEARS. CELL PHONES. FELLING TREES. Holy smokes, I can get on board with that.

    e1: On the other hand, it's a bit of a downer that they had all that momentum built up from BotW and then... they followed it up with a guy playing through the first little bit of Sun/Moon. And using Growl (on a Pichu that knows Thunder Shock, no less!). I knew that they were trying to have fans temper their expectations with what they were going to be showing the Treehouse, but as @"Lord X-Giga-X" anticipated in the Sun/Moon thread, there was really nothing that we hadn't seen yet. We've seen like half an hour of nothing new.

    e2: SPOKE TOO SOON! Unless I missed it in the thread, they've just introduced a "Battle Royale" mode. So that might be new?
  3. So I'm sitting here, jaw on the floor the entire time I'm watching the breath of the wild trailer (omg!) beautiful!! Holy shit, it makes me feel reminiscent of wandering the world in the early elder scrolls games (particularly oblivion), the weapon system looks pretty cool! It looks fairly versatile. But then, I notice one thing. ANOTHER GAME WHERE LINK IS RIGHT HANDED, WHAT THE FRESH SCREAMING FUCK
    Thank fucking god there shouldn't be motion controls w this or I'd smash a TV for sure. 

    But seriously, why? One thing I've always loved about LoZ games is  the main character is left handed, holy shit! I figure it's safe to assume most of you are right handed so "what's the big deal" but this is literally the only game where I get to play as a character that holds things the way I do. personally, it definitely causes a bit of a disconnect when I'm like OK use the thing, and it happens on the opposite side of where I'd like to see it being used ((I know this probably doesn't make a lot of sense but TLDR; lefty righty bullshit sometimes confuses my poor little brain))

    So, a fairly minor detail I guess but  as a left handed person I really want there to be an option to choose which hand Link uses objects with. (because it's a super easy option to implement (just... flip ya sprite my good man) so there is literally no excuse)

    But other than that, holy crab cakes I cannot wait to play this game. (and dishonoured ;D)
  4. Moving away from the Big N for a moment... God of War.

    Holy shit. While I like Greek mythology, Norse is just full of treachery and copious amounts of Loki being an asshole. It just looks killer.
  5. Oh dude I'm always down for Loki being an asshole 

    10/10 Norse mythology stories are the best

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