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Cult of Ustream ~ OoC Thread

Discussion in 'Roleplay Archives' started by Lord X-Giga-X, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. OoC Thread. Out of character nonsense. Clowns. Cereal. Death to Barky. Because I can.

  2. LOL.

    4 more days left :x
  3. ..... Okay.... Gonna post again.

    btw, the character being brought in this post... He'll have a bit of importance later. But... yeah... don't worry about him for now.
    And.... yeah...
  4. I can't help but notice that no one but me, crazE, and Starr have finished a profile.
    Yeah. That slightly bothers me, being a man who likes to know the details.
  5. btw....

    "Airrtri auf triekva!" Is Croitian for "Art of Nightmare." Its a uhh....insider in a way I'll explain much later.
  6. Dark, why didn't you post for your main?
  7. I have no idea.

    Probably because at the time I couldn't think of much that wouldn't make the post read funny.
  8. k

    Anyway, you think you can try posting for your main soon? Kinda been waiting for a response from him.
  9. Everyone, please remember that you do NOT have to post multiple paragraphs every time you post. Small posts are perfectly fine. If you want to post a wall, that's great, but don't force it. Just type what comes naturally. We need to get a more stable pace on this.
  10. My multiple posts just come naturally because I like describing whats going on in multiple perspective so...yeah. I know it's not needed, but I just like doing that.
  11. Okay, got about 2 hours and a half until my next class... Good amount of time to make a post. And gonna /try/ to make it a bit shorter.
    Keyword being "try", of course.

    Just doing Erahvs and Giag for now.


    "You just love trying to kill me, don't you?"
    Yes, yes I do.

    Oh hey, I just noticed we reached page 2 of this thread.
  12. Did Giag just run into /creepers/? .__.
  13. I believe he did.

    *goes to dev exploding snakes*
  14. Just a note, I'm planning to post right after school. I'll be a bit late to the chat, but I can't do it right now as I'm in class and working on A Thing.
  15. Alright, got enough time to make a post right now. Featuring main and a shapeshifter clone.

    "... wuh?"


    Done. Now the next person can

    *shot for Waterworld reference*
  16. I would post but...I really REALLY don't know what else to do with Starr now, or Vale/Ivan. Can we timeskip please? At least do so when Kyton arrives at Jude's? :/
  17. Hrm... yeah, I'd be fine with a timeskip at this point.

    What about the rest of you?
  18. I'm fine with it.
  19. Next IC post will be a timeskip. As soon as I figure out how to handle it. Most likely tonight or tomorrow.
  20. This post shows why old men named Aegis should not be allowed to work in labs.

    The scene takes place at the southern tip of the Eastern Forest. Will be continuing it in the next post, which will also include Erahvs . Probably will have someone else in it. idk yet

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