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BtWT: Giza Plains

Discussion in 'Roleplay Archives' started by Cid, Dec 15, 2011.

  1. Giza Plains is a sort of meadow-like area, with a stream going across the middle of it, and two small bridges at the east and west sides of the area. It is often quite windy, and is covered in small groups of flowers, which are mainly red with a couple white ones every here and there.

    -----CREATURE'S IN THE AREA-----

    Floating Eye 4x
    Element: Dark
    Type: Floating Eye
    Colour: Blue
    Rank: Monster
    Description: Has a large eye at the front, and has a large spikey-toothed mouth. Has two small wings at the back and a tail with a sharp end, and is also extremely deadly.

    Blood Eye
    Element: Dark
    Type: Floating Eye
    Colour: Red
    Rank: Monster Leader
    Description: Has a large eye at the front, and has a large spikey-toothed mouth. Wings at the back are a big larger then the other versions, and it also has a longer, and sharper tail. Can inflict basic status ailments.


    #1: Floating Eyes in the Giza Plains

    Desc: There has been an outbreak of Floating Eyes in the Giza Plains, help is needed to be rid of them!
    Type: Battle
    Cost: 100 Gil
    Items Needed: None
    Suggested Job: None
    Reward: 500 Gil, Steel Short Sword, and Tiger Wood
    People Requred: 2
    Difficulty: Easy
  2. RE: Giza Plains

    As you all walk into the area, you see a large plain area, through-out the middle you see a stream , and two small bridges to your left and right, There are also a few flowers every here and there too. Walking in all seems to be a bit quiet.... too quiet...

    (P.S. Sorry for not having started the mission, i sort of..... uh.... forgot :p)
  3. RE: Giza Plains

    Ena calmly walked into the open plains, brushing her hair from her face. She noticed the eerie quietness throughout the field, and realised something must be wrong.

    "Guys.." she began. ""Don't you think it's a tad too quiet?"
  4. RE: Giza Plains

    Lemmy looks around and sees that the field is too silent. He remember about their being monsters in the field and starts to ask Ena, "Weren't there supposed to be monsters here?" He starts to cross one of the bridges while looking around for any clues.
  5. RE: Giza Plains

    As you cross the bridge, you start to hear a loud Creeeeak noise. Then all of a sudden a few blue creatures quickly fly out, and look at you with there gigantic bulging eyes. As this happens, a Larger red one comes flying out from a different bridge, and lets out a large roar.
  6. RE: Giza Plains

    Ena takes a step back, as the sudden appearance freaks her out.

    "Damn.. They look nasty. Shall we strike first?" she gasped, clenching her fist.
  7. RE: Giza Plains

    "Let's do this," Xenar yells, as he springs up at the large red eye. He punches it directly in the pupil with his knuckles, and then roundhouse kicks it. He then lands, slightly out of breath, and asks the others, "You guys wanna help?"
  8. RE: Giza Plains

    "Hell yeah, of course I do!" shouted Ena towards her comrade. "Guard Staff; Ifrit Summoning!" Ena imbued her magical powers into her Guard Staff to summon an Ifrit. The Ifrit creates a pillar of fire, which is aimed at one of the smaller, blue floating eyes.

    "Eat that, bitch!"
  9. RE: Giza Plains

    As Xenar goes to punch the eye, he hits it in the pupil, but before he can kick it, the eye grabs Xenar by the leg and Bites down on it, letting him go.

    Ena lifts up her staff and imbues it with a magical power, sending a large pillar of flames directly upon a small blue eye, as she does this the other three eyes which have not been attacked go around the group. One of there eyes light up a bit, and Ena starts to feel a bit stiff, and another one whips Lemmy with its tail, as the last blue eye does the same and aims it towards Xenar.
  10. RE: Giza Plains

    "Augh!" Xenar exclaimed, the pain in his leg momentarily blinding him. As the tentacle flew at him, he ducked and stuck his hand in the air, in an attempt to catch it. "Gotcha!"
  11. RE: Giza Plains

    Ena could feel her entire body begin to paralyze. "Uh.. Guys? I'm finding it hard to move.."

    She closed her eyes, as she began to panic. As she heard her comrades restart battling, she opened her eyes and regained confidence. Trying to force herself to hold her staff as high as she could, she bellowed; "Ch-Cheer Staff; Madeen.... Summoning!"
  12. RE: Giza Plains

    After being lost in thought for a while, Lemmy realizes that a battle was commencing and so he drew his blade. When he drew it he was hit in the head with a tail. Muttering some foul words under his breath he notice that Ena was having some trouble. He slash the floating eye and moved towards her. "Are you alright kupo?" he asked her.

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