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Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by Glaceon, Oct 1, 2011.

  1. Fact: The Fact Sphere is the most intelligent sphere.


    Yeah it's me, the retarded pony obbsesed Gato, because Jase told me that this WAS the forum CoU merged with. So yeah....decided to join...

    Um...Uh...Hi? :U
  2. GATO <33333333333333333

    Welcome to this wonderful world of ZEJ! Feel free to join some of our open RPs, such as my own Puella Magi RP, Daen's Rise of the Keys, or Jase's Feywings. I'm sure there'll be even more soon, so stay tuned =>
  3. Hey Gato, welcome to this lovely little 'paradise' we call ZEJ :) As Nate said, please feel free to try out our RPs, or even just check out the other 'facets' of our tiny little community. As for ponies, well, I think you'll get along quite well with Fuzzydude. :5
  4. GATEAU <3 Bonjour (pour moi at the least! XD), mon amie! XD
  5. Welcome to ZEJ Fact Core!
  6. Portal 2 reference + likes ponies = AWWW YEEEAAH

    Welcome to ZEJ, Fact Core!
  7. Please accept my (late) welcome. Have a nice stay!
  8. ;w; why is everyone love ponies ;w;

    XD Yeah, I'm not so fond of MLP.
  9. Welcome to ZEJ! Woo! How much more original can you get?
  10. And a welcome from me as well! ZEJ shall welcome all with open arms. (So sayeth the code.) :D

    ...And I have no more to say. Welcome. :)

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