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Ashes of the Fallen OoC

Discussion in 'Out of Character Discussion' started by Spaughtyena, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Out of character section for Ashes of the fallen module.
  2. Had intended to make a post before I left home, but it likely won't be happening at this point seeing as my flight is about to board... but my post is about half-written in my drafts folder. It will be done; sorry for the delay.
  3. Absolutely fine, I have time.
  4. Dark and I were discussing this in IRC tonight, but we're looking to keep things going. Cid (or Dark), post whenever you can, and I'll throw something up by the week's end, with any luck.
  5. oop i dubl pawstd

    lul pawst, get it, because furries in rp

    Cid, waiting on you to continue this, if it is still planned to be A Thing. I was enjoying developing Rellan's sarcastic humour.
  6. Imma yell at some people because i like this RP

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