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As they say in uhh..somewhere, 7th times the charm!

Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by Fallen, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. I'm guessing it's already known that I'm back, but some people are probably still thinking I'm missing hehe...

    ANYWAYS, I'm back bros and already back in a couple of cool RPS like Unlocking Potential AND I have an upcoming project which I will probably post in september-ish

    That's it for now, see ya gays on the flip side.
  2. @Eebit's got some special seventh-time cake ready for you upon this ultimate return.
  3. Oh, that I do, baby boo. Take a gander at this little number. I whipped it up myself. As you can see I added a few personal touches to it. :3c


    Okay no, but not really. Welcome back, Fallen. I'm glad that you ended up giving us another chance, and I hope that you stick around for a little while this time. We missed you and your activity~ Hope that you're enjoying things, and that the cake is to your liking!

    For he's a jolly good fellow,
    For he's a jolly good fellow,
    For he's a jolly good fellow,
    Which nob'dy can deny.
  4. Nice seeing you all again Bros~~~~

    Thank you for the cake @"Eebit", I mean Eebro~~~~
  5. ...who are you?
  6. I go by many names, but the one I am most known for is the one, and the only: God of Fail.
  7. WHich is why you, @Zantok, should call him Failen and nothing else. TheFailenOne he is.

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