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[ANSWERED]Section Guidelines?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Gist, May 16, 2013.

  1. There's now a whole bunch of sections here in 
    ZEJ and I have not a clue as to how I'm supposed to act in any of them. I can only speak for myself, but I would love to know whether I'm stepping on any toes or not before I do anything, but I'm not sure what I can do and what I can't.

    Maybe a sticky in each section explaining what it is and general expectations/rules?
  2. RE: Section Guidelines?

    Everything is self-explanatory. The basic, unstated and golden rule of ZEJ is: "Use Common Sense."; we really do not have any other strict guidelines as members are expected to behave and act in ways they personally deem "socially" appropriate. That said and aside, ZEJ is a single forum, and every section inside it abides to this golden rule. If the section or subforum in hand is a Roleplay-based one, then the rules of said Roleplay should also apply. Simple.
  3. RE: Section Guidelines?

    I don't think we need these; basic forum rules apply to all of them except where obvious- that being Spam Island and Forum Games. Real Talk has a more serious atmosphere, and there's a thread there explaining that, I believe. In general, people know not to act like idiots.

    Edit: Damn it, Shadow.
  4. RE: Section Guidelines?

    Well, the others have summed it up nicely, but I guess I should ask what sections specifically you're looking for instruction on? Typically in the past, we've run on a system in which if you've got a question, just feel free to ask it to anyone and they can give you a hand (whether that be through profile comments or PMs or whatever). If you need any real guidance, feel free to shoot me a PM and I can give you a hand, no problem.

    Though, we do have the Beginner's Guide to ZEJ which gives a basic sort of rundown of what there is to do on ZEJ in terms of RPing, though it is pending a bit of a rework. We'd love some input as to what needs to be expanded on to make ZEJ a comprehensive experience that people can understand without overcomplicating the system.

    But, apart from the slight reordering, we actually have no more sections than before (I'd actually even say we have less, since the Cult of Ustream sections got removed). I don't think it should be an issue now, but if there's something you need clarity on, let us know and we'll do our best to remedy the complications~

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