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Discussion in 'The Manaverse Wiki Project' started by Eebit, May 14, 2016.

  1. So something that isn't often talked about (at least until @Shadow brought it up in #Manaverse today) is the "grouping" of our planets within the Manaverse at large. He mentioned being curious about whether anyone had "thought more about their planetary system beyond their world and its star."

    [Shadow]: It occurred to me that as far as anyone was concerned, all worlds were basically single-planet systems

    Which is a good point to raise! And I feel like it's important to, at least to some degree, organize our planets into cross-player "systems." Pulling and grouping our compatible planets into a few systems rather than developing them all in isolation makes a bit more sense than having them be completely isolated into separate corners of the universe, and yet somehow conveniently they all interact.

    There are a couple that have been named and mentioned on the Wiki proper -- the Corian star system on Euthora's page, and the "Terrios" star system (with the star being named "Asceno") on Crysia's page.

    The purpose of this thread is to detail and share the "planetary systems" that you have conjured up, so that it can become possible for us to start grouping them together, and get a better "lay of the land" of the Manaverse-at-large. If possible, share as much detail of the different star systems, neighbouring planetary bodies, etc. of your planets that you have come up with!
  2. [17:12:54] Keileon Euthora: Single sun, maybe about five planets, mostly terrestrial

    [17:14:05] Keileon Vindrgard: Single sun, several planets, all but Vindrgard uninhabitable. Generally like ours in terms of terrestrial/Jovian spread, vindrgard would be in about Saturn's place

    [17:14:42] Keileon Ceskion: Uncertain, but two possibilities. Eiither a double sun system, or shares Euthora's.
    [17:19:07] Shadow I'd be rather interesting if Ceskion and Euthora shared the same system, though, since most of our worlds are basically the only habitable ones in their system
    [17:19:48] Keileon ^
    [17:21:14] Keileon It could partially explain some of Euthora's inconsistent tech level as well, since the Sarkiri are spacefaring and would likely investigate other planets in the system

    [17:16:32] Keileon And we know that Daeridune is in a double star system but that's about it

    [17:27:55] Keileon I seem to remember asking Dark at one point what he thought of having Ferona in the same system as one of my planets, but idr if it was Euthora or Ceskion
    [17:28:05] Keileon Both have contact with Ferona
    [17:28:34] Keileon Then again it may well be both, but

    sorry for chatlog format but w/e
  3. Guess I have to answer for my clutch of planets. 

    Mantua, Greniou, and Celaflora all share the same solar system. I've yet to name said system. In PR wiki, or maybe on this wiki (I don't remember...maybe I imagined it) I have Syelsumoia written down in a star system called the Syedeoic System. It's implied that other worlds may be in this system, but are not advanced to the degree that Syelsumoia is. 

    I think that about covers it.
  4. @Starrie - What about Causica?
  5. I never even thought about the star for Ellon or what neighbors it so I guess I have some work to do lol
  6. Preliminary details of the unnamed solar system Phantasia resides in:

    The sun is an unnamed yellow dwarf, a G-type main sequence star. Orbiting it are at least 5 planets, in order: 

    1. An unnamed chthonian planet. Uninhabitable; surface is predominantly metallic and molten due to proximity to its star.

    2. Phantasia itself, a terrestrial planet.

    3. Daedalus, an aquaplanet. Habitable, although its surface is entirely covered in oceans that are hundreds of kilometers in depth.

    4. An unnamed jovian planet. Habitability unknown. 

    5. An unnamed ice giant. Uninhabitable.
  7. Official now:

    Keileon: I seem to recall us a while back talking about Ferona and... one of my planets idr sharing a star system. Ring any bells?
    Nebulon Ranger // 4CHONG: Yeah, I was gonna post in the thread about that at some point
    Keileon: So the idea has been posed that Ceskion and Euthora are also in the same syste. Still want Ferona in?
    Keileon: *system
    Nebulon Ranger // 4CHONG: Sure
    Keileon: kk
    Nebulon Ranger // 4CHONG: It's a smaller planet
    Keileon: It would explain Ferona's close contact with both of them

    So I'm thinking that, of the 5-6 planets in the Corian Star System:

    -- The closest is uninhabitable, too close to the star
    -- The second is Ceskion
    -- 3-5 are Euthora, Ferona, and an uninhabited planet in any order
    -- Possible sixth is uninhabitable because too far from its star
  8. Oh whoops, totally forgot to post in this thread.

    Rokans and Ocera exist in the same solar system... Aaaaand that's about it atm.... yeeaaah i suck
  9. Ferona is a relatively small, mostly mountainous planet about half the size of Terra whose gravity is a bit higher than Terra's. Revolution is 30 Terran hours per day, of which there are 300 days spread evenly through 10 months (at least as far as I remember, it's been a while since I've touched the subject). Population is about 400-million, so less than a tenth of Terra's, if we're going by real-world (I shouldn't assume, knowing crazE and Giga), but due to the world's mountainous nature, it's pretty dense. I'm pretty sure we all know by now that they're spacefaring. ;)
  10. I should note that I have no idea what Ferona or Ceskion call their sun, it's just the Corian Star System because Euthora
  11. Ferona would likely be the closer of the two after Ceskion, largely due to how hot (and humid) it can get closer to the equator during the summer. While here on IRL Earth it can reach 120+ F, in most places like that there's no humidity. Think around 140, but with 80-90% humidity because of oceanic influence. This is why Dark is more affected by temperature swings than Jude or Jack, as he grew up near the equator. Basically, California if it still had rain (sorry, @Starrie). This is also the biggest reason the far north is mostly snow-covered a lot of the time, since it's cool enough to stick in the magic temperature zone much of the year. It's not Syelsumoia cold, but it IS snowy. Also mountainous.

    As for the sun, it's some sort of reference to either fire or nature, haven't decided which.
  12. Side note: while they're not in the same system, I think Daeridune is the closest currently developed planet to Vindrgard. There's been two instances of Daeridite ships picking up Vindrite signals and going to investigate.

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