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VITA 2 Squad: Operation Blackhole Sun [Information Thread]

Discussion in 'Profile Threads' started by Sole, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. This is a Sci-Fi RP with elements of fantasy, but not enough to classify it as Sci-Fi Fantasy. You are a member of a small squad that focuses on assassination missions, however it is a multi-purpose unit.

    As for the fantasy aspect of the setting, the term Vita is used to describe what we'd normally call magic. Vita users manipulate energy, at the cost of expelling their own, in order to accomplish extraordinary feats. It's the energy that fuels your body, so if you use all of it, you can die.

    It's important to note that this is a dark RP. If you cannot handle violence, gore, bloodshed, harsh & offensive language, or anything that would typically be considered "TV-MA," (think game of thrones without all the sex), this is not for you. If you are interested, post your Database sheet here.

    The start of this RP will take place in the middle of an assassination mission. The squad is newly assembled, and after months of training together, they are finally sent into the field. They are following their strategy for the mission, until complications occur...


    The Empire of Earth: A rising power in the galaxy, the Empire of Earth is an unitary parliamentary government with a constitutional monarchy. Until a hundred years ago, the monarchy was more of a figurehead of the government than an acting body, but has since taken an aggressive stance in order to keep balance between civilians and the military. The monarchy has its royal family spread throughout the military in authoritative positions.
    The Empire of Earth is seeking to continue to spread its influence. It has reached out to war torn planets to colonize & assist native species, annexed planets & solar systems that requested membership, and have forcefully taken territories that violate basic intelligent species' rights. If a planetary government, or smaller, wishes autonomy, the Empire allows it to be an independent nation under the protection of the Empire, in return for goods & services. The Empire has gained many enemies through doing so--primarily the Galleteur.

    The Mind of Galleteur: The Mind of Galleteur is the collective name of a hive-mind species of powerfully intelligent beings. The hive-mind was once the top power in the galaxy, possessing almost 60% of known life supporting systems. Ever since the rise of the Empire of Earth, the Galleteur hold roughly 20%. They focus on gathering as much knowledge as possible, believing that absolute control is needed in doing so.  The Galleteur have enslaved entire civilizations to progress their search, and have begun to reinforce their territorial spaces with ships to prevent the further spread of the Empire of Earth's influence.

    The Republic of Tholamin: The Republic of Tholamin is a new governmental force that was instated after the fall of Draconian Monarchy due to civil war. It's a species-elitist driven government--forcing other species to do slave labor so all Draconians can benefit with a comfortable way of living. The Republic has greatly publicized disinterest in joining the Empire of Earth in any form, and has battled with the Empire on many occasions. The Republic has started changing its laws, allowing forces that ally with it to live freely in the Republic with all the rights of a Draconian--allowing the rise of small bandit-like organizations such as the Red Hand (a band of humans against the Empire of Earth).

    Defensive Interplanetary Conservator (D.I.C./Squad Leader): An officer specializing in tactical measures. The D.I.C. is not as face-to-face combat orientated as their squad members, but is the mastermind behind executing missions. They provide fire support, and actively involve themselves in the field. The D.I.C. is adept in mid range combat.

    Vita Specialist: As prior stated, the term Vita is used to deacribe what we'd normally call magic. Vita users manipulate energy, at the cost of expelling their own, in order to accomplish extraordinary feats. It's the energy that fuels your body, so if you use all of it, you can die. The Vita specialist is an holds an offensive and supporting role as a combat medic--they use Vita to heal injured squad members, and can use that same energy to inflict harm upon foes. Vita users manipulate energy, which means that they are capable of manipulating electricity, temperature, magnetism and more. They cannot use their abilities as much as they please, and do rely on medical knowledge in the field. The Vita Specialist is adept in mid range combat.

    Mechanical Operations Specialist (M.O.S.): The M.O.S. can be thought of as a jack-of-all-vehicles. They can operate any standard Empire of Earth vehicle--including military--with ease, and is quicker than others in learning to operate non-Empire equipment (even in the heat of battle). They act as more of a support role, but can be aggressive when operating in their native environment (a machine). The M.O.S. is less adept at combat than the D.I.C., but more than the Vita Specialist. The M.O.S. is adept in mid range combat.

    Shadow Operations Specialist (S.O.S.): The S.O.S. specializes in infiltrating enemy lines, and assassination/kidnappings. They also specialize in poisons, long-range combat, hand-to-hand (or blade) combat, and in stealth operations. The S.O.S. once found their job isolating, but is not working closer with their teammates than ever before.

    Combative Engineering Specialist (C.E.S.): The C.E.S. is a military engineer with an impressive history of combat vehicle design, weapons design, and massive weapons design. They are also fluent in demolitions, and is the mind behind getting the squad into heavily enforced obstacles. The engineer was an infantry officer with battle experience prior to their advancement to this position. They are adept at mid range and hand-to-hand combat.

    Database search: [Character Name or Nickname]
    Search result for “[Character Name]

    Name: Last Name, First Middle-Name (optional)

    Alias: “Nickname (optional; if no alias input N/A)”

    Unit: VITA 2

    Position: Defensive Interplanetary Conservator (D.I.C./Squad Leader); Vita Specialist; Mechanical Operations Specialist (M.O.S.); Shadow Operations Specialist (S.O.S.); Combative Engineering Specialist (C.E.S.)

    Place of Origin: (Home planet—Earth is the primary planet for the Earth Empire. However, Venus, Mars, Pluto, Moons of Saturn, Moons of Jupiter, and planets & moons outside of the solar system have been colonized. Feel free to make up a place—within reason—and have info to talk about it in the RP).


    Date of Birth: (a month & day)

    Weight: (in kilograms)

    Height: (in cm)

    Hair color:

    Eye Color:

    Skin color:


    Authorized modifications: (piercings, tattoos, prosthetics, facial hair, etc.)


    Search result for “Dick

    Name: Harty, Jax Emmanuel

    Alias: “Dick”

    Unit: VITA 2

    Position: Defensive Interplanetary Conservator

    Place of Origin: Earth

    Weight: 81.64kg

    Height: 175.26cm

    Hair color: Dark brown

    Eye Color: Green

    Skin color: Tan

    Ethnicity: Hispanic & White

    Bio:Jax E. Harty is a D.I.C. from the North American Military Space & Interplanetary Forces Academy. Harty graduated in the 80th percentile of his class, but once in the field he displayed great growth as a tactician—to where his superiors overlooked his average combat skills, and had him placed in the Interplanetary Conservator Program. Harty was one of twenty students to graduate from the program with specializations in Defensive Tactics and Military Strategies. The program had an initial enrollment of eighty participants.

    Large scale operations experience—D.I.C.Harty headed two planet-wide evacuations due to natural disasters, and managed four defensive measurements against failed colony invasions by enemies to the Empire.

    Small scale operations experiences—D.I.C. Harty was recently promoted from Defenses Specialist for Vita 1 Squad to Squad Leader of Vita 2 Squad. The promotion succeeded by a 5-4 vote from the Board of Military Operations, on the basis of his record on Vita 1 Squad. Vita 1 Squad, a unit that specializes in rescue protocols & procedures for P.O.W.s and obtaining highly wanted criminals and/or enemy military officials/others of interest. Throughout his service in Vita 1 Squad, Harty went above and beyond his position to ensure the safety of both his squad and captured/rescued individuals. At the untimely death of Vita 1 Squad’s prior Squad Leader, Harty immediately took the mantle of organizing his squad members during the mission to ensure the capture of an enemy general. Harty acted as Vita 1 Squad’s interim Squad Leader until one was appointed.Those who opposed Harty’s promotion stood on the basis of his average combative skillset, calling him no better than the average enlisted soldier. When it came to a 4-4 vote, the president of the Board of Military Operations, the General of Space & Interplanetary Operations Forces, became the deciding factor.

    General appearance: Harty sports a fully shaven head and clean shaven face. He has two scars running horizontal on the left side of his head, above his ears, that go from his temple to his neck (from the mission where his prior Squad Leader perished). His skin is a darker tan, almost a brownish color, and his complexion displays the amounts of physical stress he’s undergone to obtain his position. His face is that of a realistic soldier: not a poster-boy as seen in recruiting advertisements, but a man who’s witnessed death and destruction to the point of mental and emotional baggage. His eyes and eyebrows give away his mood. Though those that initially meet him would believe him to always be in a bad mood, they eventually are able to see past his depression, and understand that his normal expression is that of concern. Hartydoesn’t even realize when he looks concerned, and has accepted it.As displayed by his record, Harty is dedicated to the safety & wellbeing of his squad mates. Although he is the leader of his squad, he does not deter ideas from his squad members. He specifically comprised his squad of those from all walks of the military to make it a successful unit. However, Harty is tough with his team.

    Database search: Sato
    Search result for “Sato”

    Name:  Satō Ichiro

    Alias: N/A

    Unit: VITA 2

    Position: Combative Engineering Specialist

    Place of Origin: Pergamon III, Outer Colonies

    Age: 25

    Date of Birth: August 9

    Weight: 68.04kg

    Height: 170.18cm

    Hair color: Black

    Eye Color: Brown

    Skin color: Pale

    Ethnicity: Japanese

    Authorized modifications: two full arm prosthetics, prosthetic legs (knees and below), Eye and ear prosthetics, spinal reinforcment.

    Bio: Born and raised on Pergamon III, an arid planet rich in ores in the outer colonies of the Empire, Ichiro spent his early life living decently in a small town inhabited by his father's clan, where he regularly built small robots and drew up weapon designs to keep himself entertained. Most of the designs were trash that were drawn just so he could draw, but some of the designs were actually quite good. He received top grades in his classes and when he finished Secondary school a year early the military allowed him early enrollment into the East Asian Military Space & Interplanetary Forces Academy back on Earth.

    At the academy, he quickly made a name for himself for trying out new weapon designs for small-arms and vehicles of all sizes, with some eventually being adopted in whole or part. Ichiro also made a name for himself in how poorly he performed in combat practices, but by his senior year he was in the top 5% of the class in hand-to-hand combat and in the use of rifles. He graduated as a 2nd Lieutenant from the academy at the age of 21 with top marks and was soon promoted to 1st Lieutenant for his design contributions.

    When Ichiro discovered that the Board planned to ship him off to a weapons development lab he petitioned the Board to instead give him command of an infantry unit that was using weapons he designed to see how they really performed in the field. His request was granted and he was given command of a platoon within the 1st Army. Soon after he was given command the 1st Army was sent to his home world which had been suddenly invaded by a group called the Red Hand seeking to carve out their own empire.

    Ichiro and his platoon spent their first 6-months fighting planetside and, thanks to assistance from his father's clan, was able to assist in placing a military base near to his home town. This proved to be a mistake that would haunt Ichiro for the rest of his life. The base and town became the focus of a large scale attack and, during the first assault, the barracks the young lieutenant was in suffered a direct hit. Half of the platoon was killed or wounded in the explosion, including Ichiro. Both of his arms had to be amputated at the shoulder, his legs had been crushed under a steel beam and had to be amputated, and the bones in the inner ears had all shattered. Dust and debris had also been driven into his eyes to the point of causing blindness. It was only after coming out of the surgery that Ichiro learned that his home town had been razed and the base evacuated. The majority of his clan had also perished, including his mother, father, and three younger siblings.

    Ichiro spent his next six months of recovery coming up with designs to improve the prosthetics the military had given him and armor to compliment his new designs. The improvements resulted in another surgery to make the necessary replacements and also included a reinforced spine. The improvements allowed him to carry much more weight than previously without becoming bulkier. During the six months he also became obsessed with explosives and came up with his own designs for them, but these new designs he kept to himself.

    The man returned to the surface of Pergamon III on his 23rd birthday in command of a new platoon. He participated in the final battle to push the invaders off the planet two months after his return. In the month following his 24th birthday Ichiro was the one who pulled the Red Hands' flag from the top of their capitol building. It was after the fall of the capitol that the Lieutenant was recommended for the Vita 2 squad.

    Large Scale Operations Experience-None

    Small Scale Operations Experience-Platoon commander during Pergamon III Campaign. Platoon commander during Capitol Campaign.

    General Appearence: Ichiro keeps his black hair cut short and his face clean shaven. He has typical Japanese looks and build marred only by the surgical scars near the sites where his prosthetics are attached to his body. If he still had his original eyes, they would be brown, but they were replaced and now all that remains is a plate with optics where his pupils would be. All of his prosthetics are a matte black color.

     Search result for “Hikari Akiyama
    Name: Akiyama, Hikari

    Alias: N/A

    Unit: VITA 2

    Position: Mechanical Operations Specialist

    Place of Origin: Mars

    Age: 26

    Date of Birth: 17 November

    Weight: 50 kg

    Height: 165 cm

    Hair color: Black

    Eye Color: Black

    Skin color: Slight Tan

    Ethnicity: Japanese

    Bio: Akiyama was born in a slummy, run-down area of the metropolitan New Japan on Mars. She survived on the street by stealing and cheating out others. At a young age she joined a gang, and eventually got into illegal drag racing. She was a natural born driver, however, an accident while racing landed her time in a juvenile detention facility. Once released, she once again was roped into gang activities. She tried getting out, but it was damn near impossible, and she wound up running from fellow gang members. As her 18th birthday neared, she enlisted into the military as a means of escape.

    Her intention was to commit to a standard service length driving stuff around on whatever planet she ended up on. But, during training the instructors noticed her skill. The next thing she knew, she was learning to fly aerial vehicles. It didn't take long for the military to ship her back off to the East Asian Space and Interplanetary Forces Academy on Earth. She didn't feel like she fit in to the crowd, and sure enough, she put most of the pilots that had been training to be pilots from a young age to shame.

    During her first deployment—which doubled as her first disciplinary infraction—she carried out a daring mission to evacuate a group of wounded infantry. She was ordered not to, but she took off in her chopper and went alone. She navigated through heavy AAA fire, and ended up rescuing every soldier deployed on that field. She made it back with minor damage to her escort vehicle, but was sent to face the tribunal by her commanding officer.

    The trial was facilitated by the Board of Military Operations. The board and its president acknowledged her bravery to go beyond her contracted positon, but reminded her that the possible outcome could have been far worse. The board recognized her skills as a pilot, but while doing so explained that although she is a good operator, there is also a person as good on their aim as she is behind a control panel. Not only could Akiyama have perished, but cost the military millions in credits, as well as the lives of her fellow soldiers.

    Over the course of several years proceeding the incident, Akiyama was watched by the Board of Military Operations closely. This wasn’t for them to catch her on her next slipup, but to invest their time on the development of a good soldier—even though they occasionally had to approve the reprimands she received through attempts to make unauthorized modifications to military operating vehicles. Eventually, her immediate commanding officers realized the usefulness of some of her modifications, and submitted a recommendation of transfer to Mechanical Research & Development department of the Space & Interplanetary Defense branch—where she stayed until her transfer to VITA 2 Squad.

    Large Scale Operations experience: Akiyama served as a combat helicopter pilot in three planetary campaigns, a fighter pilot in two, and a bomber pilot two.

    Small Scale Operations experience: Acted as a pilot, driver, and mechanic for several Strike Force operations. Akiyama has been a fighter pilot in several space engagements against the Red Hand.

    Appearance: Akiyama is a rather petite woman with an athletic figure. She is very obviously Japanese, with pale skin, almond-shaped eyes that are very dark brown, and jet black hair, cut short in a pixie cut. Afflicted with resting bitch face.
  2. RE: VITA 2 Squad: Operation Blackhole Sun

    If I remember his username correctly, I believe SoupNazi has expressed initial interest in that role.
  3. RE: VITA 2 Squad: Operation Blackhole Sun

    Database search: Sato

    Search result for “Sato”

    Name:  Satō Ichiro

    Alias: N/A

    Unit: VITA 2

    Position: Combative Engineering Specialist

    Place of Origin: Pergamon III, Outer Colonies

    Age: 25

    Date of Birth: August 9

    Weight: 68.04kg

    Height: 170.18cm

    Hair color: Black

    Eye Color: Brown

    Skin color: Pale

    Ethnicity: Japanese

    Authorized modifications: two full arm prosthetics, prosthetic legs (knees and below), Eye and ear prosthetics, spinal reinforcment.

    Bio: Born and raised on Pergamon III, an arid planet rich in ores in the outer colonies of the Empire, Ichiro spent his early life living decently in a small town inhabited by his father's clan, where he regularly built small robots and drew up weapon designs to keep himself entertained. Most of the designs were trash that were drawn just so he could draw, but some of the designs were actually quite good. He received top grades in his classes and when he finished Secondary school a year early the military allowed him early enrollment into the East Asian Military Space & Interplanetary Forces Academy back on Earth.

    At the academy, he quickly made a name for himself for trying out new weapon designs for small-arms and vehicles of all sizes, with some eventually being adopted in whole or part. Ichiro also made a name for himself in how poorly he performed in combat practices, but by his senior year he was in the top 5% of the class in hand-to-hand combat and in the use of rifles. He graduated as a 2nd Lieutenant from the academy at the age of 21 with top marks and was soon promoted to 1st Lieutenant for his design contributions.

    When Ichiro discovered that the Board planned to ship him off to a weapons development lab he petitioned the Board to instead give him command of an infantry unit that was using weapons he designed to see how they really performed in the field. His request was granted and he was given command of a platoon within the 1st Army. Soon after he was given command the 1st Army was sent to his home world which had been suddenly invaded by a group called the Red Hand seeking to carve out their own empire.

    Ichiro and his platoon spent their first 6-months fighting planetside and, thanks to assistance from his father's clan, was able to assist in placing a military base near to his home town. This proved to be a mistake that would haunt Ichiro for the rest of his life. The base and town became the focus of a large scale attack and, during the first assault, the barracks the young lieutenant was in suffered a direct hit. Half of the platoon was killed or wounded in the explosion, including Ichiro. Both of his arms had to be amputated at the shoulder, his legs had been crushed under a steel beam and had to be amputated, and the bones in the inner ears had all shattered. Dust and debris had also been driven into his eyes to the point of causing blindness. It was only after coming out of the surgery that Ichiro learned that his home town had been razed and the base evacuated. The majority of his clan had also perished, including his mother, father, and three younger siblings.

    Ichiro spent his next six months of recovery coming up with designs to improve the prosthetics the military had given him and armor to compliment his new designs. The improvements resulted in another surgery to make the necessary replacements and also included a reinforced spine. The improvements allowed him to carry much more weight than previously without becoming bulkier. During the six months he also became obsessed with explosives and came up with his own designs for them, but these new designs he kept to himself.

    The man returned to the surface of Pergamon III on his 23rd birthday in command of a new platoon. He participated in the final battle to push the invaders off the planet two months after his return. In the month following his 24th birthday Ichiro was the one who pulled the Red Hands' flag from the top of their capitol building. It was after the fall of the capitol that the Lieutenant was recommended for the Vita 2 squad.

    Large Scale Operations Experience-None

    Small Scale Operations Experience-Platoon commander during Pergamon III Campaign. Platoon commander during Capitol Campaign.

    General Appearence: Ichiro keeps his black hair cut short and his face clean shaven. He has typical Japanese looks and build marred only by the surgical scars near the sites where his prosthetics are attached to his body. If he still had his original eyes, they would be brown, but they were replaced and now all that remains is a plate with optics where his pupils would be. All of his prosthetics are a matte black color.
  4. RE: VITA 2 Squad: Operation Blackhole Sun

    Search result forHikari Akiyama

    Name: Akiyama, Hikari

    Alias: N/A

    Unit: VITA 2

    Position: Mechanical Operations Specialist

    Place of Origin: Mars

    Age: 26

    Date of Birth: 17 November

    Weight: 50 kg

    Height: 165 cm

    Hair color: Black

    Eye Color: Black

    Skin color: Slight Tan

    Ethnicity: Japanese

    Bio: Akiyama was born in a slummy, run-down area of the metropolitan New Japan on Mars. She survived on the street by stealing and cheating out others. At a young age she joined a gang, and eventually got into illegal drag racing. She was a natural born driver, however, an accident while racing landed her time in a juvenile detention facility. Once released, she once again was roped into gang activities. She tried getting out, but it was damn near impossible, and she wound up running from fellow gang members. As her 18th birthday neared, she enlisted into the military as a means of escape.

    Her intention was to commit to a standard service length driving stuff around on whatever planet she ended up on. But, during training the instructors noticed her skill. The next thing she knew, she was learning to fly aerial vehicles. It didn't take long for the military to ship her back off to the East Asian Space and Interplanetary Forces Academy on Earth. She didn't feel like she fit in to the crowd, and sure enough, she put most of the pilots that had been training to be pilots from a young age to shame.

    During her first deployment—which doubled as her first disciplinary infraction—she carried out a daring mission to evacuate a group of wounded infantry. She was ordered not to, but she took off in her chopper and went alone. She navigated through heavy AAA fire, and ended up rescuing every soldier deployed on that field. She made it back with minor damage to her escort vehicle, but was sent to face the tribunal by her commanding officer.

    The trial was facilitated by the Board of Military Operations. The board and its president acknowledged her bravery to go beyond her contracted positon, but reminded her that the possible outcome could have been far worse. The board recognized her skills as a pilot, but while doing so explained that although she is a good operator, there is also a person as good on their aim as she is behind a control panel. Not only could Akiyama have perished, but cost the military millions in credits, as well as the lives of her fellow soldiers.

    Over the course of several years proceeding the incident, Akiyama was watched by the Board of Military Operations closely. This wasn’t for them to catch her on her next slipup, but to invest their time on the development of a good soldier—even though they occasionally had to approve the reprimands she received through attempts to make unauthorized modifications to military operating vehicles. Eventually, her immediate commanding officers realized the usefulness of some of her modifications, and submitted a recommendation of transfer to Mechanical Research & Development department of the Space & Interplanetary Defense branch—where she stayed until her transfer to VITA 2 Squad.

    Large Scale Operations experience: Akiyama served as a combat helicopter pilot in three planetary campaigns, a fighter pilot in two, and a bomber pilot two.

    Small Scale Operations experience: Acted as a pilot, driver, and mechanic for several Strike Force operations. Akiyama has been a fighter pilot in several space engagements against the Red Hand.

    Appearance: Akiyama is a rather petite woman with an athletic figure. She is very obviously Japanese, with pale skin, almond-shaped eyes that are very dark brown, and jet black hair, cut short in a pixie cut. Afflicted with resting bitch face.
  5. Database search: [ST.  JOHN]

    Search result for [ST. JOHN]

    Name: St. John, Victoria Rose

    Alias: N/A

    Unit: VITA 2

    Position: Vita Specialist

    Place of Origin: Earth

    Age: 24

    Date of Birth: August 7

    Weight: 56kg

    Height: 167.64cm

    Hair color: Dark Brown
    Eye Color: Hazel

    Skin color: White

    Ethnicity: Korean-German American

    Bio: Victoria was raised on a North Carolinian prairie in an astoundingly traditional setting for the time. Generally kept away from military dealings growing up, though her father was a veteran war pilot, her life was the dream of rolling American pastures that seemed blasé, if not nigh impossible, given the ongoing interplanetary chaos that seemed to consistently ensue. This was in part thanks to how well the Empire had held their ground at a time to take care of the land over which they reigned, but also in due part thanks to her dad. James was adamant against her inclusion in any kind of force following events during his last campaign that had led to a long road to recovery following PTSD that he’d just gained the upper hand over shortly before she was born.

    Her grades within the conventional schooling system were less than stellar—less than average, really—but her kindhearted spirit was noted remarkably early. Midway through her “normie” high school academic life, she had struck up an internship at a local clinic. When it had come to choosing a schooling facility post-high school graduation, she’d decided against her father’s wishes to attend the North American Military & Interplanetary Forces Academy. Her inspiration had come after the death of her favorite uncle during a skirmish. Uncovering her father’s previous background as a military man himself, she had vowed to avenge her uncle by continuing the family legacy to work towards the eventual defeat of the Empire’s adversaries.

    Victoria had finally brought her healing touch full-circle at the academy, developing herself into a Vita Specialist with quite a reputation about herself. She became not only well-rounded as a healer, having acted on the field of several small scale areas afflicted by natural disasters to save several civilian lives, but as a mid-range combat expert as well. Both of these general skills had come in handy when manipulating energy to successfully evacuate a base under fire, garnering her a recommendation for the VITA 2 Squad by her 24th birthday.

    General appearance: Victoria’s pale white skin and moon-like hazel eyes have garnered the attention of many a potential suitor throughout the years, but given her shier tendencies, it’s not something that she’s ever totally felt comfortable with or something that she’s made herself all about. She has a frame about average for her body type and her chestnut brown hair comes to about shoulder length. More often than not, she’s also known for bringing a gentle, but assured smile with her wherever she goes, her timid nature only being bested by a rock solid work ethic.
  6. Yaaaaassss gaga yaaaaaaaaaaasss
  7. So many opportunities for previous interactions.
  8. Database Search:NORRIS

    Initialize search -- iterating data filters for target string. Retrieving array of valid indexes . . . Complete

    Displaying 1 search result for input string 「NORRIS

    Name: Norris, Kristilla Creda
    Alias: N/A
    Unit: VITA 2
    Position: S.O.S. -- Shadow Operations Specialist
    Place of Origin: Titan, Saturnian Planetary System

    Age: 23 (24 March)
    Weight: 67kg
    Height: 179cm
    Hair Colour: Black
    Eye Colour: Hazel
    Skin Colour: Currant
    Ethnicity: African

    Appearance: Subject is most commonly described by her peers as being lean in terms of her muscle mass. When asked of her appearance, interviewees would often make remarks on the subject’s hazel irises -- one particular outlier used the adjective of “hypnotic” when referring to her eyes. Subject has an angular, narrow face with pronounced cheekbones. Renowned on the force for her swiftness, nimbleness, and death-defying precision, subject trains frequently to remain flexible and dextrous. Norris was alleged to be an amateur contortionist early in life [sup][citation needed][/sup]. Prefers to maintain hair at shoulder length, but word around the rumour mill has been that she is considering shaving her head entirely, so as to not interfere with future missions.

    Authorized Modifications: N/A

    Biography: Born into a wealthless family in the slums of Bayend on the Saturnian moon of Titan, the subject was raised by parents Kefilwe and Estia Norris. Much of subject’s childhood was spent stealing and committing petty crimes. Physical violence and discipline were the result of repeated infractions with the law -- Saturnian officials thought it proper to punish the youth with beatings for retribution rather than detainment. [Administrative Addendum: If I may add; a vile, archaic Saturnian practice that ought to be abolished as soon as is possible.] Norris was described as “a spirited child, often unruly, and quick -- real quick -- to flip the bird to those who’d dare doubt her when it came to the lengths she’d try to go to to prove her merits.”

    Having otherwise little financial or material wealth, subject was confirmed to be involved in a criminal ring in an unknown capacity in her mid-teenage years, leading to subsequent infractions with the law. Believed to be an accessory in the murder of a business executive on Titan at or around the age of 16. The slums in Bayend are notoriously difficult to monitor in terms of police presence. The subject had displayed an enormous ability to elude the local authorities, but has been caught on record as participating in a violent tripartite shoot-out between two Bayend gangs and police authorities from the Empire.

    Arrested days prior to her 19[sup]th[/sup] birthday, Norris was detained for several months before Imperial Administration intervened. Norris showed surprisingly little remorse for the officials that offered her a surprising, and almost unprecedented choice -- work for the Empire in exchange for a way out of the Bayend slums. Though the initial offer was met with hostility and not-unexpected stubbornness, subject eventually conceded and was taken away for more formal training to become a Shadow Operations Specialist. It is believed by the Empire’s officials that she can be yet rehabilitated, given proper training and discipline.

    Therefore, it can be assumed that Norris’ gang involvement is rather a product of circumstance rather than personal choice. She does not speak about her past publicly, although it is recorded in the database for further review. It is recommended that Norris be supervised directly if possible. Although reliable, her standing with Imperial officials is not a positive one. Superiors are met with begrudging respect. Subject also prefers to cut directly to the point, and is direct and blunt with most.

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