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Universal Gaming IDs Compendium

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Nebulon Ranger, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. Well, I figured we need one of these, so post your Minecraft/Steam/whatever else IDs here!

    MC: WDeht
    PSN: StingReay1
    Steam: ItzzNinja

    Age of Mythology
    N'zaou - @Spaughtyena

    Dueling Network
    CerberusLycan - @CerberusLycan
    FallenPride14 - @FallenBro
    gistofeverything - @Gist
    Kudamon - @Keileon
    LordXGigaX - @"Lord X-Giga-X"
    Chiasma - @Shadow
    TheKakuzato - @"The Kakuzato"
    Zantok - @Zantok

    Guild Wars 2
    Spaughtyena - @Spaughtyena

    League of Legends (NA Server)
    CerberusLycan - @CerberusLycan
    Coddydaster - @CodasterTheDisaster
    crazE101 - @crazE
    TheEebro - @Eebit
    BaKonee - @FallenBro (1)
    TruNoiZ - @FallenBro (2)
    GenerousGreed - @Gist (1)
    MiserereMei - @Gist (2)
    SeerOfHope - @Masquerade
    NotWD - @"Nebulon Ranger"

    solarsparten - @Cid
    Dex_zabeth - @Codex
    BanditKiwi - @Elegante
    Fallen_Pride14 - @FallenBro
    Keileon - @Keileon
    HopefulWolfie - @Masquerade
    WDeht - @"Nebulon Ranger"
    SoulSucka - @Zakken

    Nintendo 3DS
    See also: ZEJ 3DS Friend Codes
    5412-9991-6787 - @BatterymanAAA
    4768-8866-2875 - @CerberusLycan
    5284-1893-4851 - @Eebit
    0688-6352-3031 - @Electro
    0989-1956-5752 - @Flamezone
    4596-9584-6510 - @Flimzy
    1461-6198-5393 - @Frost1076
    1693-2177-0039 - @Gist
    0216-1816-5296 - @"Gold Dullahan"
    0946-2236-4274 - @Jonno
    2165-5558-5642 - @Keileon
    1891-2528-7795 - @LaTyrannia
    2208-4958-7726 - @Masquerade
    1719-3311-4233 - @"Lord X-Giga-X"
    0946-2300-2211 - @Muddy
    0877-3703-1717 - @Rose
    1762-2955-4553 - @Shadow
    1134-8151-3946 - @Starrie
    1762-3021-5986 - @TheAuthorGl1m0
    2251-5359-1937 - @"The Kakuzato"
    1032-1306-5729 - @Yunicon
    3454-1440-9246 - @Zakken
    1075-0807-9998 - @Zantok
    3754-8765-3948 - @Ziolang
    4656-7981-4916 - @Zygardia

    Nintendo Network
    See also: Nintendo Network IDs
    EightBitHero - @Eebit
    JNoodles - @Jonno
    muddymaster - @Muddy
    TheBrawlinator - @"Wonder Smash"
    Zantok - @Zantok
    EspyBounce - @Zygardia

    PlayStation Network
    Knhum - @Electro
    Captain Failen - @FallenBro
    GenerousGreed - @Gist
    StingReay1 - @"Nebulon Ranger"
    ZantokXIII - @Zantok

    Dex-zabeth - @Codex
    MaybeImFallen - @FallenBro
    FatalSky - @Masquerade
    NebulonRanger - @"Nebulon Ranger" (2)
    NotKevin - @"Nebulon Ranger" (1)
    xRedJackalx - @Spaughtyena

    solarsparten - @Cid
    dexzabeth - @Codex
    TheEebro - @Eebit
    RaivisElegante - @Elegante
    FallenPride14 - @FallenBro
    gistofeverything - @Gist
    kitty_scratch8976 - @"Gold Dullahan"
    popnmilk - @LaTyrannia
    ItzzNinja - @"Nebulon Ranger"
    brittany_russell212 - @Rose
    Spaughtyena - @Spaughtyena
    TheKakuzato - @"The Kakuzato"
    soulsucka95 - @Zakken
    ZantokXIII - @Zantok

    solarsparten - @Cid

    XBOX Live
    Evil Genie 666 - @Codex
    FallenPride14 - @FallenBro
    NominalParasite - @lordodonnel
    Spaughtyena - @Spaughtyena
    ZantokXIII - @Zantok
  2. RE: Universal Gaming IDs thread

    Steam: solarsparten
    Terraria: solarsparten...

    Ill just go ahead and say its either Cid, or solarsparten
  3. RE: Universal Gaming IDs thread

    3DS: 1977 1231 5539
  4. RE: Universal Gaming IDs thread

    PSN: Knhum, I failed, as I meant Khnum, but mispelled it Knhum. So Knhum.
  5. RE: Universal Gaming IDs thread

    3DS: 5284 - 1893 - 4851

    It'd be good if someone were to keep the first post up to date with everyone's stuff so that (in theory) later on, people don't need to wade through countless posts.
  6. RE: Universal Gaming IDs thread

    Steam: popnmilk
    3DS: 1891 2528 7795
  7. RE: Universal Gaming IDs thread

    360 - ZantokXIII
    Steam - ZantokXIII
    3DS - 1075-0807-9998
    PSN - ZantokXIII
    Dueling Network - Zantok
    Wii - Hell if I remember
  8. RE: Universal Gaming IDs thread

    360 - FallenPride14
    MC - Fallen_Pride14
    Steam - FallenPride14 (you can see the pattern now)
    PSN - Captain Failen (I think this is what it was, ask Dark if it is lol)
    DN or Dueling Network - FallenPride14 (YUGIOH FTW *high-fives Giga and Shadow*)
  9. RE: Universal Gaming IDs thread

    3DS: 0946-2300-2211
  10. RE: Universal Gaming IDs thread

    Steam - Kudamon or KudaKeileon
    DuelingNetwork - Kudamon

    3DS Friend Code - 2165-5558-5642
  11. RE: Universal Gaming IDs thread

    Xbox Live: Spaughtyena
    Steam: Spaughtyena
    GW2: Spaughtyena
    AoM: N'zaou
    SWBF2: Spaughtyena

    Only reason Age of Mythology is different is because yeah...
  12. RE: Universal Gaming IDs thread

    minecraft: Popn_Milku
  13. RE: Universal Gaming IDs thread

    3DS Friend Code: 1134-8151-3946

    I'm so lonely I need friends :<<<<<<
  14. RE: Universal Gaming IDs thread

    does LoL countdasjad?

    League of Legends: Miss Mizari
  15. RE: Universal Gaming IDs thread

    Forgot to mention:

    Minecraft: Keileon

    (@starrie @eebit I added your 3DS friend codes now add mine)
  16. RE: Universal Gaming IDs thread

    dayum Coddydaster errwhere

    actually that's just my summoner name on League. My PSN is xenoAtrophy and I'm pretty sure my Steam is the same
  17. RE: Universal Gaming IDs thread

    3ds Friend Code: 3239-4027-7888
  18. RE: Universal Gaming IDs thread

    PSN: GenerousGreed
    DuelingNetwork: gistofeverything
  19. Can't get the dateline because lolclosed, but I think this was unseen, so

    3DS Friend Code: 1693-2177-0039
  20. Nintendo Network: TheBrawlinator (The same as it was before. :p)

    PlayStation Network: TheBrawlinator

    Steam: Wonder Smash

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