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Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by Kells, Mar 15, 2014.



  1. yes

  2. yes

  1. Ask about our goldfish and turtle discount!


    hi! i actually know jack shit about taxidermy but don't let that deter you! anyway, you might have seen me referred to as marakala or silver etc. feel free to call me whatever! I make art and play video games HOLLA



    ((jake made me do this))

    (((send help)))
  2. Don't worry, she'll be okay. No worries.

    everybody panic
  3. I love taxidermy.
  4. Ohey its silverscene! Hi silverscene!
  5.                ___
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    (8 Thanks for the somewhat malformed stuffed walrus!
  6. hey everyone!
    and hi Starrmonica!
    (uh.. interesting taxidermy photos in spoilers so as to be courteous to anyone who dislikes taxidermy!)
    Qualirity taxiderpmy to suit all yuor needs
    You'll see that we put the utmost care into creating the most lifelike scenes possible!
    eh wot

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  7. holy shit that last one was supposed to be a camel
    abort mission

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