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Secret Santa 2017!

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Keileon, Nov 6, 2017.

  1. We're not gonna let the exodus bring our festivities down, are we?

    I may not be in-character as Santa, but after asking ZEJ in Discord I've gauged that there is enough interest to potentially bring back our Secret Santa!

    The last couple of years we did this went well, so there's no real need to change anything. Simply express your interest along with a list of things you would want, and then when the deadline hits everyone will be assigned random partners to give secret gifts to! There are a few caveats:

    1. Understand that not everyone has the ability to easily send gifts by mail. You are expected to hold up your end of the exchange, but you may have to get creative and send a digital gift.

    2. Price limit. To avoid anyone feeling cheated because they gave an expensive gift but received a cheap one, the maximum price you may spend on your giftee is $25.

    3. Deadlines. Ideally you should express your interest and post wishlists by December 1st and send or otherwise have your gift to send by December 21st. Deadlines may be adjusted if participants need it to be.

    Happy holidays in advance!
  2. Yay another Secret Santa!

    Again, I'm mostly in for the giving, so I suppose my list isn't to different from last year's.

    Here is the mentioned oversaturated Steam Wishlist. Also I have an Amazon wishlist full of cooking stuff. Some of it is more a "shopping list" than a wishlist (most notably anything with the jars, so don't bother with those), but whatever. Also, many of the things on there are less that specific brand/whatever but more just WHAT it is, and a lot of them I put on there ages ago so there may be better deals or something at this point. idk.

    (Oh and for anyone else, please share the kinds of food, mostly baking-related stuff, that you like to eat. Since I plan on doing something like the previous two secret santas again.)
  3. Goliath has expressed his interest in this via Discord but has lost his account information.
  4. I like Monster Hunter, Sonic, WoW, Overwatch and Portal 2~
  5. Now's as good a time as any to post my wishlist:

    I like to get art, or basically anything made for me whether it's digital or physical. Honestly if you're stumped a drawing of something I like is a good way to go.

    I like Pokemon, dragons, foxes, wolves, Japanese/Norse mythology, HTTYD... most people who know me know what I like, as well. If you can't think of anything ask them.

    I also have a Steam wishlist here, although none of it is particularly high-priority: Steam Community :: Keileon :: Games

    I'm willing to give my address if requested.

    Edit for Nate:
    I like basically anything with white chocolate.
    #5 Keileon, Nov 25, 2017 at 3:59 PM
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
  6. I just want to remind people of my request.

  7. Sign me up, famalam.
    I like a lot of things, including anything related to history, Ken Burns, The Man In The High Castle, Orson Welles, Classical Antiquity, Cyberpunk, Alternate History, and Retro/Synthwave. There's a lot more, but if you know me, you should have an idea of the kind of things I like.
    Here's my Steam Wishlist and my Amazon Wishlist, if you're not sure what to get.
    Additionally, if you're short on cash, a thoughtful creative gift would be lovely.

    I like all kinds of baked goods, provided they aren't super heavy on nuts or have coconut.
  8. Deadline to express interest is being extended to December 4th- this means that ideally you should post here no later than the 3rd.
  9. Alright, I'll bite. I'm going in.

    I can offer drawings because when it comes to money I'm a bit....tight on that. Here's my Deviantart page to see what I do and how it looks. Other than that, I can do custom banners on photoshop for anything. Ah! Also for art, I can do fullbodies (finally), headshots, bust shots (not boobs), and some scenery. I'm good with humans but a bit iffy on animals. However since I will be away for the winter, your art part of the gift may come either before December 21st or early-mid February. If the latter, I will gift you with two pictures to make up for it. For the stuff I'd appreciate getting, I know many here may not have the resources, so honestly I'd like anything you can muster up. Maybe inexpensive commission art, banners, idk. However for the things I actually do need and I would GREATLY appreciate, I do need the following (for my trip):

    - A connection cable so that my headphones could work again. I /desperately/ need this. Mine ripped about a month and a half ago and my spare earbuds are already screwed as well. I'd cry tears of joy if I got another cord to listen to my music again.

    A portable battery This is also really needed. Normally I'm okay with charging my phone and Ipod before heading out and having enough battery time to make it back home, but I'm going to be abroad and on the road a /lot/ for most of it. This means 3-5 hour bus rides, a 4-hour plane ride, etc. I used to have a portable battery but it was stolen from me months ago. I'd be eternally grateful.

    -Any kind of gemstone. I love nice rocks. Rose quartz are so pretty.

    That's pretty much it. Happy holidays!
  10. Oh right this thing!
    I was debating it for a while because it'd be hard to get things sent to/from Belgium but I'll do my best. I'm not sure how my gifts for @Zantok turned out but I know I won't be sending anything from Belgium unless I figure out an easier way how.

    I'll just copy/paste my last year's list here after some editing.

    I like gardening, small and cool trinkets, baking, and office supplies.
    I like cute things, animals, Overwatch, Stardew Valley, and the like. If you're not sure, ask KudaClause to ask me? I guess.
    As far as non-materialistic things go, making something that will boost my already-overblown ego would be nice.

    Some specific things I'd like are:
    Drawings of Clio and Nala (If ya need reference pics, I'm sure you'll find them around.)
    Cool/Interactive socks
    Clothes for cats and small dogs
    a treasure box filled with small inexpensive trinkets
    The left nipple of your firstborn child
    soft plushies
    a snowglobe of your local popular monument
    DIY supplies
    Giftcards for steam, google play, bol.com(it's a belgian thing but i think you can still buy for a belgian address), paypal (is that a thing?), and amazon

    Of course these are all suggestions, you can get something on the list or just your own thing for me. I like gifts <:
    #10 LaTyrannia, Dec 3, 2017 at 12:58 PM
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2017
  11. Deadline for signing up is here! Giga will be assigning the names and alerting people on Discord who they have, so as to not complicate things by me also being involved.
  12. So I've decided to dabble a little bit into candymaking for the person I got, more specifically hard candy, and I figured I'd ask what kinds of candy flavors everyone likes and dislikes, and if everyone would be okay with something related to hard candy.
  13. If it's hard candy I don't really dislike anything as long as it isn't super strong cinnamon or something. As far as flavors I like go, you'll be safe with spearmint, butterscotch, or cherry, but again I don't dislike a lot of flavors.
  14. Anything Nate makes is good enough for me
  15. Sooo here's the deal. This post is serving as both a reminder and update.

    I just got to California last night and I overestimated my ability to quickly settle in. It's going to take a couple days for me to get my bearings, so let's just extend the deadline to Christmas day- more in the spirit of the holidays, anyway.

    Sorry on the off chance that this causes any inconvenience but I figured most people would appreciate the extra few days.
  16. Happy Solstichrismakwanzakah everyone.

    At your convenience (but preferably today), please post who you had and what the gift was~

    I'll start it off with this.

    I was supposed to give a gift to Nate, and so I made a pixel animation of him waiting for Santa to come and eat his cookies.

  17. Merry Christmas (and the other holidays too)!

    My Secret Santa giftee was Goliath, but because I didn't know what he was into, I didn't want to ask anyone in the Secret Santa contest (in order to keep it a secret, obvs), and I ended up getting him a 20 dollar Steam card for all his vidya gaming needs.
  18. My secret santa was @Persephone


    BTW I want a video of you eating the Toe of Satan
  19. I had @Red Starr for my Secret Santa, so I made her sugar cookies with a peppermint frosting decorated to look like rose quartz.

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