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Oblivion Phantasy ~ A Decaying Flux 【RP Thread】

Discussion in 'Statistical Roleplays' started by Shadow, Jun 24, 2012.

  1. Mission Directive, ID 21SXI507A
    FROM: "The Commander"
    CODENAME: "Operation Flash"

    As you might have heard, very recently a peculiar individual has been brought to a secret containment facility located in the Continent of Secchu'ra, who allegedly "can cause Mana to appear from nowhere" according to the local citizens of Espeji'sma, "The Oasis City". The location of this facility is roughly five kilometers to the east of the aforementioned city, and at a reasonable walking distance from a small mining settlement established several months ago by one of the many nomadic tribes that roam Secchu'ra. Intelligence from different, trusted sources tell us that the containment facility is located underground, beneath the inaccessible Stonemaw Plateau Range.

    Your assigned mission is simple. You are to be provided with directions to an excavation site that has been abandoned from where you can access the underground cavernous complex of Arenite Pass, and infiltrate the containment facility. By using an ultrafrequency transmitter you will be able to contact us for orientation and, most importantly, a way out. Do not attempt to engage in combat, and use force only when necessary. Once you have located the subject, by all means available seize and protect him before sending the "OUT" signal. Do note that once you are inside the installation, your presence will be known, and there will be no going back.

    You have three days to complete this assignment before the subject is moved to a higher security level.

    Godspeed, and pray to Fortuna for the success of this operation.


    The Aria of Order. An organization that wished for the salvation of Phantasia, now that the calamitous end was near, and the restoration of a halted flow that is vital for life, the Energy Cycle. Four agents from this group were assigned to this task of utmost importance that would definitely lead the search for answers a step--no, a leap nearer to the solution. After a peaceful voyage to the arid, barren land of Secchu'ra, they settled on The Oasis City before travelling to mining nomad village as unsuspected strangers in order to commence Operation Flash from a nearby residential area where they would get rest and restock after the hypothetical success.

    They were Kaya Escala, an Illusionist trusted with the role to lead Team Delta-Q; Krie Nordston, or "Brutal Krie" as he calls himself, an impressively skilled Slayer; Toiran the Beastmaster, followed by his faithful animal companions; and finally, Kirin Foxley, a talented woman in the arts of weaponry.

    The group of four moved steadily but carefully in the underground complex of Arenite Pass, but calling it a cavern would be an understatement. Gargantuan passages of sandstone dimly lit by Earth Mana Crystals extended, branched and opened wherever one could see; pillars of flowing sand descended from the unseen ceiling or ascended from the ground by a unknown, unorthodox force of nature. One could easily fit an entire city in the most spacious, humongous rooms there were. The entrance to the actual facility was bound appear at any moment, as they were ordered to memorize the route they would be taking to infiltrate it.

    After stumbling upon a Sand Funneler den in which they were ambushed by the insectoid predators of sand, and in a rather swift display of skill, the monsters that blocked their way were slain with relatively no strong repercussions, except for the injuries sustained in battle. There was a hum as the Transmitter Kaya was carrying contacted the group. It was the Commander, who simply requested their status and let them know their target location was close by. With minor delay on the mission, and having also discovered an uncharted passage beyond a wall, the group decided to follow it.

    The narrow passage opened to a curving tunnel which lead to a grim visage--three corpses in an advanced stage of decomposition, apparently miners who succumbed to an unknown fate; a gaping opening in the sandstone revealing two statues of rock and minerals at either side and treasure by the end. Alerted by the intruders, the animate golems attacked the group, who managed to successfully acquire the loot and temporarily destroy a single guardian. The remaining one knocked out the Huntress and caused the collapse of the entire tunnel, and the rest were forced to retreat further beyond the cave, leaving Kirin behind.

    An indefinite length of time went by, and Team Delta-Q, fatigued from running, stopped to rest with an unbelievably tense silence among the three left. There was an argument between the Illusionist, Kaya, and the Slayer, Krie... but it fortunately did not escalate to anything serious. Having rested enough, they continued onward the constantly dimming tunnel, but they were forced to halt as they reached a cramped room. Before anyone had a chance to react, the entire world seemed to collapse as the ground simply sank revealing nothing but a solid, imperfect floor of sandstone several meters below. With a loud thud, the Team Delta Q found themselves inside an immense carvernous space with a sector of the containment facility, the Minerva Complex, visible.

    The structure resembled a tower piercing the earth, with artificial white lights, cold reflective steel, and red, symmetric letters painted on one of the armored walls.With a quick glance at a reinforced, automated gate, they quickly determined they were on Level 3. Back at the Aria of Order, they were given information and instructions about Operation Flash in overall. The massive subterranean building was shaped like a tower, with "Levels" separated by natural layers of rock which they had to continuously breach through until they reached Level 5, where their objective was supposed to be held at. Having virtually skipped an entire level of detection, the group--or rather, Brutal Krie--decided to infiltrate definitely. Harnessing an unearthly fierce, red aura which disorted the air, the Slayer charged forth, crashing straight into the gate of steel.

    Chaos. The blustering noise of an alarm pierced the entire technological monolith as Brutal Krie reduced the immense steel door to a gigantic opening from which Kaya and Toiran emerged. The three dashed through the concrete, brightly-lit corridors momentarily flooded in a red alerting light; they seemed to indefinitely branch to other sectors--but they knew their destination. Level 5. With a distraction of this magnitude, they were bound to get far, which they did, for by the end of the winding corridor they could discern an unguarded entrance leading down to Level 4. However, they were intercepted by a squadron of three Guard Knights, two Far Gunners and two Core Drones.

    After defeating them, the three were about to continue, but the sudden appearance of a quite mysterious, gentle young woman forced them to stop. Having apparently arrived to the Minerva Complex through unorthodox means, the security personnel from the facility attempted to lock her, but the group's forceful infiltration to the underground tower aid her escape, but was obviously lost. Kaya questioned her briefly, but upon seeing she, Serenity, meant no harm to them whatsoever, the four proceeded to Level Four.


    I have never wished to fight.

    . . .

    But even sometimes, you just have pick a blade and face your fate.

    In a different area, two persons stopped, catching their breaths as they reached a vast, quite expansive room which was completely dark, and only illuminated faintly by the distant red lights which flashed sporadically throughout the corridors as the sector's light had been cut off temporarily to supply the Core Drones with additional energy. With their way out of the Minerva Complex barricaded by an imposing figure of automated, highly secured gate, they could no longer press on towards freedom. But the truth was that Anima had breached in on her own accord to help Chiasma escape. In an act of destiny, he was, coincidentially, the one who the Aria of Order was looking for, and it was Team Delta-Q's mission to retrieve him.

    For a second time, there was instant destruction as the massive gate exploded outwards, unshaped chucks of metal with veins of internal cirtuitry room burning away into oblivion. White, uniform light coming from the upper Level bathed the room partially as the shaded form of Krie stepped into view, followed shortly by Kaya, Toiran and Serenity. In an almost simultaneous event, two Guard Knights and a Minerva Scholar appeared from the corridor they had come from originally, essentially preventing them to go anywhere. After a tense struggle about truth and trust, the dispatched security was taken out, and an overly cautious Anima had to side with Team Delta-Q, albeit reluctantly. But what about Chiasma...?

    Unbeknownst to them, an entangling, twisting fate awaited them all.
  2. The hungry look disappeared in the slayer's eyes as the red aura surrounding him diffused into the air becoming nothing. Taking a deep breath, the brute slammed the butt of his scythe into the ground and surveyed the fallen. The sight of the dead bodies inspired a content grin to creep upon his face. In the end, they were just doing their job, but he couldn't help think about how hard they failed at it. "Whoever hired these guys needs to check applications a bit more thoroughly, heh heh," he spoke aloud to no one in particular, shrugging his shoulders with a relaxed confidence. After taking in the scene for just a small bit longer, his eyes caught glimpse of the people they had aimed to aid. Kaya had mentioned that one of them was the person they were after. Krie allowed himself a chuckle; that saved them the hassle of having to go all the way to their destination to fetch the fellow. Now all they had to do was get the hell out of there, the difficulty of said task being something he began to ponder. Krie strolled over to where Kaya and the duo of odd people were standing, and of course the weird Serenity. There was something that unnerved him about her. He couldn't bring himself to look at her. She was too....radiant.

    Krie growled lightheartedly. "So what's the deal people?" he said, tucking his scythe away as to not intimidate the people he just met. The female seemed to be a bit fiesty and the male...was rather silent. He figured neither would probably scare very easily, but there was still no telling how they'd interpret his actions. Impressions are...important, heh heh heh, he thought to himself, hiding a malevolent gleam that threatened to shine through his eyes. "If we're talkin' things out, might wanna make it quick. We're still knee deep in enemy territory, not that I'd mind a little more bloodshed," he continued, grinning toothily. "But I know how the strategic ones like to avoid too much unnecessary conflict, yes? Heh heh." He crossed his burly arms across his chest and waited for things to get under way.
  3. The Ice Mana that had previously encased the illusionist began to disperse, and Kaya could feel the frosted prison she had been trapped within begin to relent on its hold. She was numb, as the relatively ineffective Ice spell had not harmed her much, but the combined efforts of the Complex Staff with the frigid encapsulation had left her relatively weak. As the Ice Mana faded, Kaya felt a soothing mist that could only have been brought on by one other person… Serenity. A voice with an air of concern pierced the air as the girl spoke herself, inquiring whether or not everyone was alright. She looked over her shoulder, smiling yet another drained smile. “It seems that I owe you another ‘thank you,’ yeah? Don’t know where we’d be, had you not shown up. So… thanks, again.” Deep in her mind, Kaya wondered just what had brought the mysteriously aloof girl to the Complex… but presently, her mind turned to Krie, who seemed slightly anxious… something shockingly out of character for him, despite his ever-present, chilling smile being flashed.

    However, Krie is right. There is not really much time to wait around… and we can talk on the fly, anyways. Let’s go.” It was important that the team continue, as the sound of the blaring alarms had returned to prominence with Krie’s spoken words. The illusionist knew better than to wait around in such conditions. “Chiasma, and… I don’t believe I caught your name.” She stated, plainly, looking at the girl. “I must apologize for the conditions we meet in, but I assure you that we mean no harm to you or Chiasma.” She looked helplessly at the rest of Team Delta-Q, hoping for someone to step up and back up her credibility. Clearly, the girl was not about to roll over and take anything Kaya said… something Kaya appreciated deeply, though now was not the time for arguments.

    Let’s walk and talk. It’s much faster, that way.” She said, motioning for the others to follow her.
  4. Over. Battle's conclusion encroached upon the somber hall of steel, technology and concrete, faintly illuminated by the distant alien lights from branching corridors leading further beyond the Minerva Complex. Consumed in yet another flash of eerie scarlet, the alarms continued their monotone, constant beeping in the background. Chiasma did not even bother to sheathe back his slashers, for the Slayer who approached had spoken the truth--safety was not guaranteed, still, at this point. Merely dropping his stance, the Mortal Slasher glanced at the remaining people.

    "I wouldn't have if the situation wasn't so... locked." he nodded at the man, his eyes--almost unnatural, brown tinged with a hint of blood red--scanning the rest of the area. He was not truly sure of who exactly he was "allying" himself with, or so to speak, and so he made a repeated mental note to be exceedingly cautious. Nothing had changed, save for their position... it was unsettling, in a sense he could not truly grasp. Meanwhile, Anima was more than ready to question Kaya's intentions.

    "Chiasma, and… I don’t believe I caught your name." With a quick motion involving her hand, the mesmerizing fan had been folded into temporary rest, signifying she did not intent to fight... at the moment. Her voice sharp and direct, yet holding no trace of hostility, she spoke almost immediately after the Illusionist had referred to her, "Anima Dellaline. I... will take your word for that." Anima nodded, almost as if defeated, but it couldn't really be discerned. She sighed, continuing after a short pause, "I still don't happen to know who exactly you all are. Are you, perhaps, specialists from another continent? Dharmastia?" she inquired, and as she did so, the Pulse Tapper closed her eyes, as if focusing part of her attention onto something invisible. Ethereal power collected for a second time as an immaterial mass colored a faint, transparent yellow.

    Spirit's manifestation onto pseudo-tangible form swirled around the immediate area, touching those who were harmed in the relatively brief encounter. Physical damage was mended, magical stability reattained, spiritual self alleviated. It was clear it was a force much distinct to Mana. The spheroid eventually faded into nonexistence as it completed its commanded duty, and Anima opened her eyes again.
    "Let’s walk and talk. It’s much faster, that way." she ended with a motion indicating that it was time to proceed. Chiasma's gaze darted to one of the chunks of broken metal lying on the solid floor. On the smooth surface quite certainly pertaining to the frontal sides of the titan of a gate that once existed, it read,


    It seemed the journey back to the surface of Secchu'ra would not be as pleasant. Warily, both followed the Illusionist as she walked.
  5. Toiran followed the group somewhat quietly, Nixis still at his heels, somewhat tired. He bent down and scratched the fox between her ears; "Take a rest for now, you've done well." Nixis looked up at her master with chocolate brown eyes, then in a swirl of cyan mana vanished. The beastmaster showed a hint of a grin as he stood straighter and briskly walked to catch up with the group. In his mind ran possibilities for the next battle- Nixis needed a rest, perhaps he'd use one of the others.

    He nodded at Serenity as he caught up with the group. "I must thank you as well, for your help. Small blessing that our numbers grow when we need it." He looked over the rest of the group, his eyes resting on Chiasma and Anima, taking in their appearance now that they were not preoccupied with battle. He seemed to nod in satisfaction, but said no more.
  6. "I am happy to be of service," Serenity said and smiled warmly, the glow surrounding her being brightening for a short moment before fading into the edges of her clothing. Glimmering blue eyes glanced over at the illusionist, red lips parting to speak before pressing together upon seeing the urgency in their situation. Her eyes softened and again, she smiled, nodding silently in agreement before following the rest of the group as they continued onward. Though she did not know when she would return to Tenkai's side, these people were in need of help and Serenity would not abandon them.

    Besides, Serenity lightly held onto her staff with both hands while gazing at each member of their group, this was what she was born to do.
  7. As the strange woman folded up her fan, Kaya could not help but notice a particularly strange air about her. She had seemed mildly peculiar beforehand, but the very essence of her seemed to be slightly... off. The illusionist tried to ignore it as simple thought of instinct, however, as she did not want to start any further quarrel with the already-hostile woman. "We are from Dharmastia, yes." Kaya answered, almost in a distracted tone as she averted her gaze from Anima to the destruction caused by the battle that had just moments previously ran on. So much... we're so close to being through with Operation Flash... to tell her, or not to tell her? Kaya ultimately decided against further divulging the exact topic of their mission, for she did not know the exact motives of her superiors herself. "We were here to rescue Chiasma from captivity... though it was very coincidental that you were on the exact same mission. Very handy, as well." She smiled again, though she was still mildly wary of the woman herself. Her aura... it's not right. Something's off.

    At this moment, another waft of healing aura had been brought on... though the force was certainly not Mana. Kaya herself was a touch surprised at the usage of a foreign energy, and she spun around to face the strange woman once more. "That power... just who are you?" She gave a wide-eyed stare of incredulity. "Are you even alive?" It was only then that she realized the scope of their mission, and what she had been brought into. Spirit Energy... how can this woman tap into it? And accompanying her? The man who can allegedly create Mana? Her eyes wavered over to land on Chiasma, as he stood in solemnity with Krie nearby. She cocked her head slightly, gaze returning to Anima, still unsure of where she stood with the girl, and Kaya did not want to engage the woman unnecessarily any further before they escaped. "Incredible..." she breathed, almost inaudibly.

    Kaya snapped back to reality. The sirens were still blaring, and it was clear that the group still had a fair amount of ground to cover before they would be done in the mission. So close... and so far. She tensed up slightly, casting a last glance upon the room as she exited, for the other door had not yet been opened. Perhaps more of the Complex staff were waiting to ambush them... or perhaps, some greater trap awaited. "I have a bad feeling about this... Stay on guard. Krie, cover the rear. Toiran, with me." She addressed her companions, leaving Serenity, Chiasma, and Anima in the middle. Her thoughts were rather muddled by the stress of the mission, but this had been what she was trained for. What I've worked for... She pressed onward, motioning for the rest of Team Delta-Q to follow her through into the corridors...
  8. To his bittersweet pleasure, Kaya had decided that his plan was a good one--walk and talk, granted he didn't do much talking himself. With the sirens still attempting to drown out all the sound, it was starting to become a pain to yell out over them, though Krie didn't mind yelling. His voice was generally loud. As they walked along, he kept his distance from Serenity; he preferred not to have the woman anywhere near him. All the light and stuff was really off-putting. Ugh, I can't understand it no matter how much I try to think about it, he allowed himself to groan mentally as he avoided even looking at the woman. Instead, he focused his sharp eyes on the surroundings, waiting for another chance to kill. Surely they would run into some more guards or something right? He carried his scythe at the ready given that the situation was dangerous; there was no room to be letting one's guard down now. His knuckles turned white as his grip on it tightened, and he grinned. There was more. He knew it. He noticed Kaya tense up, for she had made no attempt to hide it despite how slight it was. Oh the benefits of keen vision, heh heh heh, he thought some more. Probably wouldn't like it if she knew I were lookin' at her that closely. Shrugging his shoulders with subtlety, he listened as the illusionist issued out commands which he didn't agree with, but he figured it would be all right this once.

    "What? I ain't charging through any more doors?" Krie bellowed and gave off a hearty chuckle which came off more creepy than anything else though it was meant to be sincerely lighthearted. He positioned himself at the rear as was expected. "Nice to know Kaya thinks I'm the only one truly capable of covering your asses, heh heh!" he exclaimed with a lack of seriousness one would not be expected to hold in such a dire situation. He thought it was something to be respected, keeping calm in the midst of extensive danger, however, it wasn't really calmness, but an inner bloodthirst. To kill was what he had chosen to do with his life, and any moment not stealing away the lives of others was a moment wasted even if it sounded extreme. He would never tell anyone such a thing in person. Oh no, it'll be my little secret. At least I get the job done, eh? Heh heh heh... Keeping his own muscles tensed now and weapon at the ready, he proceeded along with the others, making sure to keep an extremely close eye out for anything that might try to take them from surprise from behind--his designated task for the moment.
  9. It was rather quiet. Serenity took a moment to glance around as they walked, allowing herself to be herded into the middle with Chiasma and Anima. The place they were in seemed to be underground, though she could be wrong. Serenity wasn't an architect. She didn't know much about buildings and their structures. The only thing she really knew was everything the church had taught her. Then again, Tenkai had agreed to teach her more about what the church hadn't taught her.

    When the voices of her companions reached her ears, she absentmindedly listened. She still didn't quite understand the situation but, at this point, it really didn't matter if she did. She probably still wouldn't understand even if they did explain it all to her. Besides, it didn't really matter much to her now. Serenity was happy enough knowing she was helping people. Mood somewhat cheery because of this, the healer began to hum a soft hymn as she walked, the light surrounding her shimmering.
  10. Dharmastia... Anima gritted her teeth in an act of frustration, This just means more trouble. she stated in her mind, thinking about the brutal Wars of Mana which had, inevitably, affected other continents such as Secchu'ra and Lienaell. The Pulse Tapper pushed the thoughts back, as it was not the appropriate moment to worry about matters that, when compared to the fact that they still had not escaped the Minerva Complex, simply paled in comparison. She raised an eyebrow quizzically as Kaya stared at her in incredulity, but then smirked lightly, "It... isn't something you see everyday." And Anima left it at that.

    Chiasma remained silent as he walked along, and only quickened his pace slightly as Anima hurried him with a hand motion while the group shifted as ordered by the Illusionist. He held back a chuckle at Krie's remark, as he figured it wasn't probably the right time to do... Of course, considering he had become a fugitive. Or was about to. Just great... he sighed, I bet these crazy people are here just because of what I can do, too. The Mortal Slasher, for a second, considered sheathing his weapons again, but did not to his better judgement. Chiasma glanced around, concluding, Crazy people alright.

    Chiasma joined the Party!

    Anima joined the Party!


    Artificial white shrouded the group completely once again as the electric lights of the upper levels reached them. Frequently they had to divert their course to branching sections and alternate routes, for the Guard Knights never stopped frantically roaming the area, although never directly seen. Team Delta-Q--along with Serenity, Chiasma and Anima--soon found themselves ascending the technological bunker, and they were met with absolutely no resistance as they, in a stroke of sheer luck, did not encounter any other Minerva security personnel. It was then something seemed anomalous--a feeling of an unknown factor in the entire situation being completely out of place, somehow.

    And something was horribly wrong, indeed. When Team Delta-Q attempted to contact the Aria of Order to rely the awaited "OUT" signal, which would have warped them out if it were not for the fact there was something heavily disrupting the transmitter's frequency. The small but useful device was, in fact, guaranteed to work as long as a receiving end existed, and an interference did not. Hoping for the best, the group resorted to going through the remainder of levels.


    . . .


    . . .


    Six people in total emerged from one final corridor, discerning the distinctive white font by the far end of the greatly expansive room they found themselves in. It was a voluminous titan of a steel gate, as properly seen upon closer inspection, comparable to the last one the Slayer obliterated, except this one was brandished with a large, sharp rune drawn with Mana, occasionally sizzling with teal magic which sparked forth in bright arcs before disappearing. It was clear it was not something Brutal Krie could smash through without severe repercussions, or perhaps to an extent of having absolutely no effect. The Secchu'ran, blazing blue sky illuminated the room clearly despite the relatively small openings in the structural dome that acted as a ceiling. Four supporting pillars of bordered, ornate metal shot down from there, and pierced the polished floor below.

    Chiasma looked at the columns' base as he approached with the rest of the group. Positioned in an odd manner, two peculiar objects stood around each pillar, their black and elongated shapes rising up to a meter. They looked exactly like the facility's floor lamps, except for the fact there was no hollow opening from which light would flood out from. Anima stepped forward, still casting a look at the protected barrier of steel in the opposite side of the room, before she finally sighed and closed her eyes. Like a hesitant heartbeat, an invisible aura pulsed out of the young woman, weakly at first, but acquiring a certain intensity which was not seen, but rather felt. She opened her eyes, blue pupils streaked by an undecipherable emotion.

    "The Guard Knights... I can feel them somewhere beneath us, but they aren't going anywhere..." her voice sounded uncertain.

    At that moment, something churned within the darkness above. Everyone alert, their gazes trailed quickly to the ceiling, but many found themselves shielding their eyes from the harsh sunlight of the desert continent. The collected shade created from the contrast of light and darkness of the dome vanished around a focused point of light in an instant, a crimsonic light pulsing with power. The faintest glimpse of sharp outlines, bordered in twin, opposite gaping arcs was accompanied with a glint of cold metal somewhere beyond that. It was a maw.

    There was no warning, no preparation. A defined tangent of light crossed the length of the room, searing the floor with the malicious red of its laser. Chiasma snapped his head back down, vision darting to his own body, but there was no wound--had it missed?--just as the Pulse Tapper herself practically screamed the warning, "WATCH OUT!" There was a violent surge of red scathing light which tore through the room, emanating from the ground itself, consuming the entire world. Or at least, from Chiasma and Anima's perspective. The two were completely enveloped, their forms vanishing beneath the layers of undulating, bursting waves and waves of crimson energy. They were the targets.

    An horrid, harsh metallic scrape broke the burning cacophony as an immense, armored shape descended, followed almost immediately with a ground-shaking smash. Reduced to flickering traces and sparks of reactive red, the devastating attack revealed the bodies of the Mortal Slasher and Pulse Tapper: the former was laying on the ground a distance away from the rest, while the latter had crashed into a nearby pillar. Both unmoving. At the other side, blocking the only way out, a massive machine stood in gruesome glory, composite titanium plating blanketing the draconian design into an illusion of working machinery and core circuitry. Gleaming wings were retracted into its mammoth body, bearing the name in industrial white lettering: GRAND DRAKOS; a lengthy tail of pure metal also snaked out, sharpening into an extremely fine and deathly point. Articulated limbs ended in claws glinting with a obvious menace, and the serpent neck connected to a head with a massive maw lined with rows of crushing teeth. Beyond the closed opening, a crimson glow could be seen gradually fading into nonexistence.

    With a surprising sense of agility in its movement, the denominated Grand Drakos started forward, stopping only when it reached the point where the four metallic columns stood--the battle arena. The grinding of metal and the compressed gas being released meshed together into some form of mechanized growl, echoing eerily through the room.

    And somewhere else, a certain distance away from the Minerva Complex, a voice commented grimly, "Tsk, they ain't getting out alive." A heavy sigh followed, however filled with partial content.

    Chapter I ~ V: The Last Obstacle

    Location: Minerva Complex - Level 1 Entryway

    Objective: Defeat the Prototype Dragomech!

    Atmosphere: Sheer Determination!: Usage of Excess Triggers or X-Abilities do not Cancel the User's X Levels. Limit of X-Abilities: 2 Use Counters.

    Energy Condition: Charged Air: Increases Cycle Mana's Effectiveness by 5%! Energy Condition degrades if the Set amount of Mana Quantity reaches 0 Units. Mana Quantity: 30/30 MP.

    Party Limit: 2/6

    Music: Heartful Cry


    Boss Battle I: Grand Drakos

    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } A
    { } {c} {c} {l} { } {D} { } {l} {c} {c} { } B
    { } {c} {c} { } { } { } { } { } {c} {c} { } C
    { } {l} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {l} { } D
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } E
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {C} { } F
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } G
    { } {l} {A} { } { } { } { } { } { } {l} { } H
    { } {c} {c} { } { } { } { } { } {c} {c} { } I
    { } {c} {c} {l} { } { } { } {l} {c} {c} { } J
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } K
    -1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9--1 0-1 1

    Ally Side[/b]]Chiasma (Mortal Slasher) *KO*
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Anima (Pulse Tapper) *KO*
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Boss Side[/b]]Grand Drakos (Prototype Dragomech)
    HP: 250/250
    ENG: 150/150
    Atk: 13
    Def: 8
    Int: 11
    Spr: 6
    Critical: 9%
    Evasion: 7%
    Movement: 4 Cells
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Legend Cells[/b]]{ } - Empty Cell

    { } - Starting Zone
    --- [Character] starts at [Cell]

    {c} - Steel Column
    --- Indestructible
    --- Con: 6/10

    {l} - A Thing
    --- HP: 15
    --- Def: 5
    --- Spr: 7
    --- Con: 3/10
    --- Trigger Command: Input Mana! (Requires 5 MP)

    Starting Zones have been Set.
  11. Krie starts I6.

    No people. No bloodshed. Bountiful luck. Horrid surprise. Astonishing demise.

    "Well, I'll be a son of a bitch," Krie snarled sinisterly, his scythe readied in an instant. He kept it at the ready for the entire time that they had been traveling. There was no telling when they would run into the personnel harrying through the complex, though as they continued on, it turned out that their escape would be completely uneventful. That was until the slayer eyed the fallen forms of Chiasma and Anima. An impressive mechanical construct, the Grand Drakos, now stood in their way. Apparently, the man and the woman weren't enough for the thing. It was obvious that this was going to be a fight to the death, which was perfectly suitable for Krie. Risky was the way he liked it. Ever since the acquisition of their target, Chiasma, he had been pretty bored with merely keeping on guard and hightailing it out of the place. Speaking of their target, he couldn't help but feel that they were going to get it for letting the guy succumb to such a dreadful enemy.

    "Man, I hope we don't get fired for this, heh heh heh," Krie said aloud with a smirk, entering a defensive stance without gesturing towards Chiasma. The others would know what he meant. They had a very clear and distinct mission, and as it stood, they weren't doing such a good job, granted how could anyone have seen this coming. Easy, if it were standing right in front of you, you couldn't miss it! the man thought and managed to keep his demeanor somewhat calm while mentally laughing. His eyes seemed to gleam with a wicked delight. Even if it was just a machine without blood, he was intent to wreck it. His eyes drifted to the immense gate behind it and grimaced. There was no way he was charging through that. "Guess we'll worry about this thing before thinking about the gate, eh?" he said to himself, trying to get his priorities straight. He wasn't really familiar with their inventory, so he had no idea if they had anything to help the fallen or not. He'd let the others worry about that and focus on the Grand Drakos with great pleasure.
  12. {Kaya starts at I4}

    They were almost free. Almost out of the building relatively unscathed, and at a point where they could be pulled out by the Aria of Order proper to complete the mission. Almost too good to be true... Kaya thought to herself, shaking her head. Every step seemed like it was making things harder as everyone travelled in relative silence beneath the shrieking sirens above, warning the Complex staff to find them and eliminate them. So why haven't we been intercepted again...? It's definitely way too easy... there must be a catch. Nonetheless, however, they ascended their way towards the surface of Secchu'ra. The corridors of metal painted in alternating fluorescent whites and angry, alarm-filled reds.

    As they entered one final corridor, Chiasma and Anima seemed to step a little further into the room than Kaya was comfortable with. The acrid desert air was almost able to be tasted from where they were... and yet, they had still not been tested since leaving the fourth level of the Complex under the ground. "Shit... Chiasma, wait!" Kaya called, running briskly after the duo, but more intent on keeping the man in her view. Idiots! This could be a trap! Suddenly, the sunlit ceiling was shaded over by a giant figurine... and before the illusionist knew it, Chiasma and Anima were both stricken down, collapsing to the ground in two distantly-placed, lifeless heaps. Her staff was immediately in hand as her eyes widened in pure shock. She could not believe what had just panned out in front of her very eyes. It took her a full couple seconds to blink again, knowing that they had been so close to escaping the Complex before this giant... tank-thing had gotten in the way. "FUCK!" she yelled, slamming her staff down on the ground in fury and frustration, barely-concealed emotion boiling over.

    She looked at the mechanical assailant and murderer of the two recently-acquired companions of the group. "Grand Drakos..." she muttered, still incensed that the gargantuan dragon tank had been what could very possibly be the end of her career, and perhaps even the world. Chiasma had been one of the only hopes of the continent of Dharmastia... And even though Anima had been hostile towards the group, Kaya knew that given time, it would all be okay. She glanced at the bodies, and then at Krie, who was making some snide comment about the state of their careers. "Not the right time, Krie... Someone make sure they're okay! Then we trash this junkpile." She readied herself, eyeing Anima's body... perhaps the girl could be of some use with her manipulation of Spirit...? Or could Chiasma be the more helpful one? We only have one crystal... who do we need more? Or are they even okay...? It was almost too worrisome to think about. Kaya could almost feel the stress and adrenaline pumping through her veins...
  13. "Shit," Toiran breathed as the events unfolded. They'd been so close. They hadn't met any resistance since Chiasma and Anima had joined them. They all should have known better. So close! Damn! He looked at the motionless figures of Anima and Chiasma, whip in hand and at the ready... as if it'd do much against that machine. What an ambush. Any hunter would be proud of it... Feels strange to be the prey, Toiran thought bitterly, stepping between Kaya and Krie. Looking to either side at his allies, then back at Anima and Chiasma, and finally forward to Grand Drakos, the Beastmaster asked grimly, "You all ready for this?"

    This was the extent of his words. Now was time to fight, not chatter. Ideas ran through his mind, one of his animals would likely be worse than useless against this enemy, while another would serve quite a useful purpose. The Beastmaster experimentally cracked his whip, the taming weapon extending to its full length in front of him for just an instant before being snapped back in the usual recoil that made a whiplash so painful. We'd better be ready, Toiran thought, as if to continue or answer his question to his teammates, or we're not going to last this fight.

    [Toiran starts at I5.]
  14. "Oh dear," Serenity visibly started at the sight of the giant dragon shaped machine. It was enormous! Eyes slightly wider than usual, she was quick to tear her eyes away from the sight, however, and they darted over to where Chiasma and Anima lay, unmoving, upon the cold metal floor. As much as she wished to rush over to their sides and check on their conditions, she couldn't. It was clear it was more important to worry about the ones still conscious. If they all went down, they would most likely be killed. Blinking rapidly, Serenity snapped her eyes back to the machine, lingering for a moment on the letters imprinted on its being.

    "Please take care everyone," she called out to her companions, making sure to hang at the back. With a smile of reassurance, she continued, "I'll deal with any injuries that you may incur." Herself included but Serenity wasn't sure if she should add that into her sentence.

    [Serenity] starts at J-5.
  15. Chapter I ~ V: The Last Obstacle
    Boss Battle I: Grand Drakos

    Location: Minerva Complex - Level 1 Entryway

    Objective: Defeat the Prototype Dragomech!

    Atmosphere: Sheer Determination!: Usage of Excess Triggers or X-Abilities do not Cancel the User's X Levels. Limit of X-Abilities: 2 Use Counters.

    Energy Condition: Charged Air: Increases Cycle Mana's Effectiveness by 5%! Energy Condition degrades if the Set amount of Mana Quantity reaches 0 Units. Mana Quantity: 30/30 MP.

    Party Limit: 6/6

    Music: Heartful Cry


    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } A
    { } {c} {c} {l} { } {D} { } {l} {c} {c} { } B
    { } {c} {c} { } { } { } { } { } {c} {c} { } C
    { } {l} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {l} { } D
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } E
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {C} { } F
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } G
    { } {l} {A} { } { } { } { } { } { } {l} { } H
    { } {c} {c} {K} {T} {R} { } { } {c} {c} { } I
    { } {c} {c} {l} {S} { } { } {l} {c} {c} { } J
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } K
    -1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9--1 0-1 1

    Ally Side[/b]]Chiasma (Mortal Slasher) *KO*
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Anima (Pulse Tapper) *KO*
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Kaya (Illusionist) *Doublecast (∞)*
    HP: 30/30
    MP: 45/45
    Atk: 2
    Def: 5
    Int: 11
    Spr: 6
    Critical: 8%
    Evasion: 3%
    Movement: 2 Cells
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Krie (Slayer)
    HP: 40/40
    MP: 20/20
    Atk: 10
    Def: 7
    Int: 2
    Spr: 3
    Critical: 7%
    Evasion: 5%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Toiran (Beastmaster)
    HP: 35/35
    MP: 25/25
    Atk: 11
    Def: 5
    Int: 2
    Spr: 5
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 7%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Serenity (Acolyte)
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 40/40
    Atk: 2
    Def: 3
    Int: 7
    Spr: 6
    Critical: 3%
    Evasion: 1%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Boss Side[/b]]Grand Drakos (Prototype Dragomech)
    HP: 250/250
    ENG: 150/150
    Atk: 13
    Def: 8
    Int: 11
    Spr: 6
    Critical: 9%
    Evasion: 7%
    Movement: 4 Cells
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Legend Cells[/b]]{ } - Empty Cell

    {c} - Steel Column
    --- Indestructible
    --- Con: 6/10

    {l} - A Thing
    --- HP: 15
    --- Def: 5
    --- Spr: 7
    --- Con: 3/10
    --- Trigger Command: Input Mana! (Requires 5 MP)

    ~ Ally Phase I ~
  16. Krie moves to F4.

    Of course there would come a time when jokes were not appropriate, and Krie put on the facade that he was a tad hurt. He was seriously worried about his job position, and Kaya had been so inconsiderate. The mask of anguish fading to be replaced with a sinister grin, the bulky slayer dashed forth, brimming with energy and the hankering for destruction. "Come now, Kaya. Just wanting a bit of job security, heh heh heh," he remarked to the de facto leader of their squadron. He came to a halt, still a few yards away from the giant hulking mass of machinery waiting for him and the others to make their moves. "Someone else can handle the stiffs. I'll hold off the big boy if I can," he called out to everyone, brandishing his scythe. Now was the time to break out and use this surging power. Letting out a blatant roar, his body began to flicker wildly, his icy blue eyes glowing brightly and sharply. The air around him started to waver. Blinking a few times, he realized his vision was sharper along with his mind. Merely gazing at the mechanical dragon allowed him sight into its most vulnerable points. As long as he could target those points, his attacks would be that much more effective. Aside from that, his body felt lighter, and he looked down at his hands and arms. Both were almost aglow with a faint white aura, and they seemed to flicker as if they were in constant motion even though he was positive that he was holding them perfectly still. It must have been a result of the power he unleashed.

    "Yes, now this is where it's at!!!" he shouted wildly, slashing the air in front of him with his scythe. He wasn't the right one to trust with dead bodies. He was sure the others would understand just fine. Even if it meant they didn't find him trustworthy, it didn't matter. Some people were suited for aiding the injured, and he was not in that group of people. The words of the literally radiant woman echoed through his mind, making a plea for them to be careful and saying that she would deal with any injuries. She seemed like she was born for the job of aiding the fallen, so it would be best to let her handle it. Or if Kaya was so concerned, the fearless leader could handle the menial task herself. Krie grunted as he gripped his scythe tightly and readied himself for the true heat of battle that was surely to come.

    Krie uses Excess Trigger: Flash Kill! [Critical Hit Rate and Evasion by 20%]

    But that wasn't all. No. Not with this much power. More. There had to be more. Krie's eye twitched as his vision became tinted with nothing but red, despite the glowing blue of his eyes. All he could think about was blood. Blood and mayhem. Blood and annihilation. Blood and corpses. Severed limbs. Blood. Spilled guts. Blood. Blood. Blood. A feral growl escaped his lips, though it was mostly inaudible. The dragon would not bleed, but that would not stop him from rending the massive robotic construct into naught more than a junk heap.

    Krie uses Bloodlust! [All damage output +20%][User takes two Act actions per turn]

    MP: 9/20
  17. [Serenity] moves to [H-4].

    Well, with Krie so energetic, it wouldn't be right if she just stood back now, would it? Serenity hummed serenely, true to her name, and then moved past Toiran with a polite bow. She made her way away to the fallen Anima stopping right next to the unconscious woman. Carefully, she bent down, placing one knee after the other onto the metal floor. Luckily, her robe kept her from feeling the cold that was sure to have seeped into the floor so it was with no discomfort that she settled herself. Unfortunately, she was still a novice and so, could not cast any revival spells. But, Serenity had no doubt that soon, she would.

    For now, it seemed she was to rely on their item supply. Reaching into their reserves, the acolyte had no doubt the other members would not mind. There was probably a reason why everyone had situated themselves so close to their newest female member after all. Besides, no matter how eager Krie was, it would be of no use if he ran headlong in and got himself killed. An extra supporter would not hurt and Chiasma was too far. They would have to revive him later.

    Much later, Serenity thought as she pulled out the single revival item they had. The group seemed to be rather low on supplies. Well, they would just have to rectify that once they escaped. Smiling gently, the acolyte used the item on her fellow companion, watching as the other came back to reality.

    "Rise and shine, sleepyhead," she said playfully, placing a cool hand on Anima's forehead. "How do you feel?"

    [Serenity] uses a Soul Tonic on [Anima]. [Anima] is revived with 25% HP!
  18. {Kaya moves to H5 [I4 - H4 - H5]}
    {Kaya's S-Ability Doublecast activates! Two spells cast this turn!}
    {Kaya uses Phantasm Cast! Wisp Cell created at F5.}
    <MP: 38/45>
    {Kaya's S-Ability Second Wind activates! Second spell has its MP Cost reduced by 50%!}
    {Kaya uses Phantasm Cast! Wisp Cell created at H7.}
    <MP: 35/45>

    {Wisp Cell [1] moves to C5 [F5 - E5 - D5 - C5]}
    {Wisp Cell [2] moves to G9 [H7 - H8 - H9 - G9]}

    "Job security? Dream on. You joined this organization for one hell of a reason, and I'm pretty sure you weren't looking for security." Kaya shot back at the man. His sarcastic demeanour was omnipresent, and it almost stifled her thought process. But that wasn't the least of her worries when the girl had taken the Team's only Soul Tonic... and used it on Chiasma's seeming 'guardian.' The other 'saviour.' "NO!" Kaya cried out, but it was too late for that. The girl was already seeming to regain consciousness. "Shit..." she breathed, barely audible to anyone but herself. She did not want to even begin to think about what The Commander would have to say to them if he were to find out that the entire mission had been compromised by the random girl who had chosen to leave Chiasma to die, and revive some... other girl who had simply been in the 'right' place at the right time.

    "Serenity." she spoke, calmly but firmly, "Why her? Why would you not think to ask first?" Her eyes were shut as she spoke in a serious, almost callous and chiding tone. She did not want to have to lead this mission into disaster again. Not so soon after they had lost Kirin, and just about missed the deadline that had been so strictly set and coordinated. Hell, she had not wanted to lead Team Delta-Q at all. It had been a simple admission of the Transmitter to her possession, and the fact that the Aria had understood her promptness to deal with deadlines, schedules, and the like. She took the wise decision of turning away from all of the disastrous interactions of Team Delta-Q, and instead began to focus on her own Mana Cycle. Something she had direct control over. Something that she knew would not suddenly go rogue on her.

    Immediately, she released another small wisp from her clutches. Its ethereal appearance flickered for a moment in her own frustration, before floating slightly away from her. It faltered for a moment, but seemed to finally stabilize and move towards the robotic tyrant that was the Grand Drakos - that which was hopefully the final obstacle of this Team. Kaya nodded slowly, appraising her own work. The wisp was unlikely to be tracked by the gargantuan construct of steam, gears, and a sleek metal plating that gave away the fact that it was a relatively new... or, at the very least, refurbished piece of machinery. A thoroughly menacing one, at that. It suddenly seemed best to recalculate her course of action.

    Kaya turned her head, placing the unconscious, lifeless body of Chiasma into the centre of her vision. Guarding his body is paramount, she thought to herself. And to be certain, it was probably the highest thing of her worries. Krie had begun to enter his strange, eerie state of a desire for the perennial and primal human lust - slaughter. She let him go. The fool could dig his own grave, but Kaya was ready to first deal with that which she had been sent to deal with. A second wisp flitted into existence, this one much stronger than the last, and floated listlessly over to the body of the man with the jet-black hair. For the success of the mission... Krie can handle himself. Serenity has already wasted our Tonic. But this is not about to slip away from us. Not when the end is so near.
  19. Toiran took an exasperated breath at the bickering between Kaya and Krie. It was the beginning of a very tense fight. It was certainly not the time for the team to start infighting. But before Toiran could comment on this fact, Kaya cried out at the newcomer, Serenity, who had used the only Soul Tonic... on Anima. Well, there was another thing to worry about. Hopefully the girl would at least be useful...

    Toiran shook his head and sidled to the right, ending up near the column and apart from the rest of the group. His action appeared almost akin to a retreat, but his face held that familiar determination as he cracked his whip into the air, looking at his teammates. "Enough!" He said shortly. "We'll have plenty of time to squabble after we get rid of that." He punctuated his remark by pointing his whip hand at the mechanical beast before them. And without another word, he cracked his whip a second time. This time, however, a familiar swirl of mana formed behind him, but instead of the small, russet fox Toiran had called in the last two skirmishes, this time a large, spinning "disk" with a strange silver insignia was summoned, and as soon as it touched the floor, legs and a head poked out of the disk... which was now obviously the shell of a tortoise. The reptile opened its beak-like jaw slowly, looking at Grand Drakos before returning its gaze to the Beastmaster.

    This done, Toiran stood quietly, glancing to the sides as if gauging distance. This had better work.

    [Toiran moves to J7.
    Toiran uses Slow and Steady! Orichalcum is summoned at K7.
    MP: 20/25]
  20. Anima is Revived!
    HP: 6/25

    Vague remnants of consciousness surfaced from the void of nothingness, fragmented and free at first, but soon condensed into a state of awareness as the ethereal, pseudoliquid essence contained in the one and only Soul Tonic was poured and then soaked into Anima's very body as if it was nothing. The Pulse Tapper felt a comfortingly warm hand on her forehead, and the memories, vivid from mere minutes ago, crashed her back into reality. She jolted awake, air around her form casting an aura of otherworldly power which faded into nonexistence immediately after.

    Red line. Red explosion. Red pain. Anima, using one hand to support herself, grasped her throbbing head as the imagery flooded her--and she straightened even more, her gaze travelling from the familiar group of lunatics to the fallen form of Chiasma, far ahead. Oh shit, Chiasma. She froze for a second before rationality took over, and she practically shut her eyes. Distant, the faintest trace of a frequency, a spiritual response confirmed his soul remained inextinguished.

    For the time being.

    "D-damn, I--" Grand Drakos roared for a second time to Team Delta-Q, but Anima nearly jumped in fright at the bestial mechanism that made itself known. She had to use the very column she had crashed into for support, but the Pulse Tapper managed to stand up, soft blue eyes widening. Oh shit, indeed.

    "Y-you... have a plan, right...?" she finally managed to say, trying her best to ignore the headache, but it was fortunately fading away. Her concern and doubt, however, were not. Nevertheless, they were actually preparing for the inevitable battle, they were actually planning to fight the Dragomech. Despite how crazy the idea seemed, it was, apparently, the only way out. And with this in mind, Anima composed herself, searching for a particular pulse... finding it, drawing it, evoking it into an external power which gathered around the Illusionist before empowering her.

    The least she could do, right now, was support them.

    Anima casts Primordial Tap on Kaya!
    SE: 40/50

    (Kaya) Cycle Mana: +20% Effectiveness!

    Anima moves to G3 (H3 - G3).

    Chapter I ~ V: The Last Obstacle
    Boss Battle I: Grand Drakos

    Location: Minerva Complex - Level 1 Entryway

    Objective: Defeat the Prototype Dragomech!

    Atmosphere: Sheer Determination!: Usage of Excess Triggers or X-Abilities do not Cancel the User's X Levels. Limit of X-Abilities: 2 Use Counters.

    Energy Condition: Charged Air: Increases Cycle Mana's Effectiveness by 5%! Energy Condition degrades if the Set amount of Mana Quantity reaches 0 Units. Mana Quantity: 30/30 MP.

    Party Limit: 6/6

    Music: Heartful Cry


    Krie's Flash Kill has 3 Turns left.

    Krie's Bloodlust has 3 Turns left.

    Orichalcum is Summoned at K7!

    --- X Gauge Update ---

    Anima | 1 X Level is Acquired!
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Kaya | 2 X Levels are Acquired!
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Krie | 5 X Levels are Frozen!!
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Toiran | 1 X Level is Acquired.
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Serenity | 1 X Level is Acquired.
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}


    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } A
    { } {c} {c} {l} { } {D} { } {l} {c} {c} { } B
    { } {c} {c} { } {w} { } { } { } {c} {c} { } C
    { } {l} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {l} { } D
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } E
    { } { } { } { } { } {R} { } { } { } {C} { } F
    { } { } {A} { } { } { } { } { } {w} { } { } G
    { } {l} { } {S} {K} { } { } { } { } {l} { } H
    { } {c} {c} { } { } { } { } { } {c} {c} { } I
    { } {c} {c} {l} { } { } {T} {l} {c} {c} { } J
    { } { } { } { } { } { } {O} { } { } { } { } K
    -1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9--1 0-1 1

    ~ Boss Phase I ~

    It began. There was barely any pause after the second cacophony of a mechanical cry as the Prototype Dragomech lurched forward with a deceptively swift motion, hind limbs clawing the ground agilely despite the sheer dimensions of the draconic automaton, in such a fluid manner that it gave a semblance of reality to the whole construct. Of course, it was all but a thin veil which cast aside both realms of natural and artificial, which could be clearly distinguished by the very purpose of Grand Drakos. It was built to destroy.

    It attacked the Slayer before it even reached a moderate distance between them both in a merciless swipe with an outstretched claw, metal and metal clashing in a close graze to the ground sending bursts of sparks flying due to the friction. No moment was wasted as it recoiled slightly, but only to attack as a second claw came towards Krie's apparent position in a downwards swipe. It became clear it was aiming to eliminate them.

    Energy System: Effectiveness is 15 ENG.
    ENG: 150/150

    Grand Drakos moves to E6 (B6 - C6 - D6 - E6).

    Grand Drakos attacks Krie! 2 Hits! 13 Damage. Chance of Wound!

    Basic Attack (Hit 1) misses Krie! (Evasion Dodge)

    Basic Attack (Hit 2) misses Krie! (Evasion Dodge)


    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } A
    { } {c} {c} {l} { } { } { } {l} {c} {c} { } B
    { } {c} {c} { } {w} { } { } { } {c} {c} { } C
    { } {l} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {l} { } D
    { } { } { } { } { } {D} { } { } { } { } { } E
    { } { } { } { } { } {R} { } { } { } {C} { } F
    { } { } {A} { } { } { } { } { } {w} { } { } G
    { } {l} { } {S} {K} { } { } { } { } {l} { } H
    { } {c} {c} { } { } { } { } { } {c} {c} { } I
    { } {c} {c} {l} { } { } {T} {l} {c} {c} { } J
    { } { } { } { } { } { } {O} { } { } { } { } K
    -1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9--1 0-1 1

    Ally Side[/b]]Chiasma (Mortal Slasher) *KO*
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Anima (Pulse Tapper) *Critical*
    HP: 6/25
    SE: 40/50
    Atk: 2
    Def: 5
    Psy: 12
    Fai: 8
    Critical: 6%
    Evasion: 6%
    Movement: 2 Cells
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Kaya (Illusionist) *Doublecast (∞)* *Primordial Tap*
    HP: 30/30
    MP: 35/45
    Atk: 2
    Def: 5
    Int: 11
    Spr: 6
    Critical: 8%
    Evasion: 3%
    Movement: 2 Cells
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Krie (Slayer) *Flash Kill (3)* *Bloodlust (3)*
    HP: 40/40
    MP: 9/20
    Atk: 10
    Def: 7
    Int: 2
    Spr: 3
    Critical: 7% --- 27% (3)
    Evasion: 5% --- 25% (3)
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Toiran (Beastmaster)
    HP: 35/35
    MP: 20/25
    Atk: 11
    Def: 5
    Int: 2
    Spr: 5
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 7%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Orichalcum (Desert Tortoise)
    HP: 40/40
    MP: 20/20
    Atk: 5
    Def: 7
    Int: 2
    Spr: 8
    Critical: 2%
    Evasion: 4%
    Movement: 2 Cells
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Serenity (Acolyte)
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 40/40
    Atk: 2
    Def: 3
    Int: 7
    Spr: 6
    Critical: 3%
    Evasion: 1%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Boss Side[/b]]Grand Drakos (Prototype Dragomech)
    HP: 250/250
    ENG: 150/150
    Atk: 13
    Def: 8
    Int: 11
    Spr: 6
    Critical: 9%
    Evasion: 7%
    Movement: 4 Cells
    X Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Legend Cells[/b]]{ } - Empty Cell

    {c} - Steel Column
    --- Indestructible
    --- Con: 6/10

    {l} - A Thing
    --- HP: 15
    --- Def: 5
    --- Spr: 7
    --- Con: 3/10
    --- Trigger Command: Input Mana! (Requires 5 MP)

    {w} - Wisp Portal
    --- Fades in 2 Turns

    ~ Ally Phase II ~

    While in her current condition she could be easily felled once again, Anima pushed herself off the metallic pillar, venturing further into the area. She glanced to the side, noticing the strange objects positioned around each column, as in a certain formation... She gave no further attention to it, as the threatening machine made its first move, against the brave--or perhaps foolish--scythe-wielding man. The Pulse Tapper reached out again, grasping a certain wavelength existing within her own soul already, however severely muffled by the situation at hand. Anger. Why the fuck was this even happening? Why did they have to come here?

    The effect was instantaneous as her eyes were hued a fiery, ethereal red which then came into existence in the form of a sphere burning with a flame unlike the material embers of the mortal world--it fueled from the very essence of anger existing within a spiritual level, feed by a completely different energy altogether. Burn, the stimulated thought acted like a trigger. Anima turned the hand "holding" the floating ball of Fire Spirit in a single motion, and the orb shot straight at the Prototype Dragomech. Instead of flickering away into nonexistence against the titanium plating, it dissolved, spread into gaseous strands of this unearthly imitation of fire which burned the metal, fazing inside it like if it did not exist, at all. Perhaps it was the other way around?

    Anima moves to E3 (G3 - F3 - E3).

    Anima casts Temper Scorch on Grand Drakos! 16 Fire Damage! Chance of Burn!
    SE: 24/50

    R-Ability Alma Regulation is Triggered!

    Grand Drakos takes 15 Damage.
    HP: 235/250

    Grand Drakos evades Burn.

    Anima Restores 3 SE.
    SE: 27/50

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