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Maskan World

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by Swade9wade, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. Now this RP is a bit different, seeing I've basically had this in my head since like sophmore year in High School, and as years passed the world and characters grew, change, and expanded, and one day decided to work on how it was, and after a week finally finished up writing it, and named it Maskan World.

    Maskan World and it's universe is contrived of these beings called maskans, which are faceless, but only have a mouth with their teeth able to shift from normal to vicious sharp fangs.  They wear masks to have a face, and it's been going well for them.  So after talking to a friend and rping multiple characters, I came with a plot that focuses on helping to save a race of maskan from extinction from one of their own, and its up to this team to rise up, and save it.  If it does well I will even add maybe two more arcs I had in the mind for awhile, with one focusing on the rise of one of the races to power, and another one about a Prophecy becomming true.

    Maskan world as well has multiple types of races, from machine based, technology, magic, element and beyond.  Even with different continents, countries, guilds, and as well side stories to cut away from the main story time to time to take a break from it, and even you can come up with an idea.  This was my biggest idea I've thought of for an rp, and I enjoyed creating it.

    Also if you want all the detail I made, about it.  I'm willing to link the pages to my deviantart page to the detail about it.

    So that's about it, Maskan World is one of my biggest rp projects I've ever thought of and created.
  2. I guess the big question is, in such an elaborate 'plot' (or series of plots), where do we as players come in? Is this intended to be a freeform roleplay, or a statistical one? How are we to help the Maskans, or rather what would involve us in their conflicts? Where do we begin, and what are we ultimately to work towards?

    This has the makings of something grandiose and extremely interesting. I would love to see it elaborated further upon so that I could better see the picture you're trying to paint. Maybe that would help get some people amped up for it!
  3. Well now that You asked. The characters are given a message with a symbol of the fallen race. Which leads the heroes to this mysterious sender of messages, but I'am going to open up the option for players to make villains as well. Can't always be heroes with these things.

    For the freeform or statistical one, this one is a bit hard to pick seeing both are well good options. It maybe up for the players to decide, or I just need to delve and dig deeper into this. Now the third question is a tough one, but it is to stop a threat to this kind before it truly gets out of hand, and 'The Messenger' is getting desperate as his enemy is continuing his trail of extincting this line of Maskans. I thought the story usually begins in this massive shopping district in one of the countries, which is where all the heroes would meet, but I'm probably going to change it up seeing I did this a bit too many times on the previous attempts. The goal is basically either in a metaphor standing, cut off the heads of the hydra and burn their stumps, or just see what happens if you cut, or rip out its heart.

    Like I said, I have written a lot of this stuff, and some friends helped me, but damn I'm willing to share or post the work I've made on it so far on her if everyone is cool with that, and boy I wrote a hell alot of work.
  4. I'd be interested in joining this if it would be held as a statistical roleplay-- if it turns out freeform, I'd probably still join if you need people for it, but I have a preference for statplays.

    And would our characters be Maskan, of the race being threatened? I'm interested in the Maskan species as a whole, so whatever you can link me to on what you've established for them would be cool!

    I'm also curious as to the world this roleplay would take place on; right now I'm just imagining something like the Twilight Realm from Legend of Zelda (Twilight Princess).
  5. I thought about it for a bit last night, and decided I want it to be a statistical rp, but I will open up some slots for people that know how to do the system while I focus on the story.

    For the threatened race maskan, in an older version of Maskan world on Deviantart. I made Splitians (the said threatened race) a special race due to them being near extinct, so that one had to rp to unlock them via rp points that stayed in the rp and through events/arcs/creating, and other stuff, but here all races are available from the start. Here's the list of the known races, and anatomy as well.

    Maskans: http://fav.me/d5mtbe2

    Lightian and Darkartans (AKA maskans that live in the realm of lightside and Darkside): http://swade9wade.deviantart.com/art/Maskan-World-Lightian-and-Darkartans-489881996?ga_submit_new=10%253A1413917356

    Maskan Anatomy: http://swade9wade.deviantart.com/art/Maskan-Anatomy-342595741

    For the world it is pretty big, like well twenty percent bigger than the size of Earth, and for the world. I can't say honestly, but I like it when I leave the imagination to the reader/viewer. Makes it more fun that way.
  6. Sounds fairly interesting. I would definitely be up for joining in on the RP. Gives me an opportunity to test out the new skillset I've been developing for a while. Just shoot me a message when you're ready to start up the process, and I'll create a character sheet ~
  7. Thanks for the assistance Rick, means a lot to me.

    So so far on an update I've been thinking on how to plan the story out. With showing this 'mysterious' messenger either sooner or later,and right now I'm leaning towards the later right now. With the first well chapter focusing around an attack by one of the henchmen of Maskan Worlds more notorious villain by the name of Lord Aeries. Yes I know it's a misspelled I thought it was pretty funny at the time when I thought 'Ares' was spelled 'Aeries' when I was a bit younger, and so the gag is that his parents mispelled his name for 'Aeries' rather than 'Ares'.
  8. Ooo, glad that there was an update for this, I thought that this had been forgotten :(

    I'm curious to see how Aeries is going to shrekt our party in the first battles.
  9. Usually he sometimes never does the work by himself, but rather let his more loyal henchmen to the work, and one of his stronger henchmen.  Muscle Guy, went to do a mission for the Pantheon Maskan of War for something inportant, and this is when the heroes get tied into the mess thanks to this one thing from this villains henchmen.  Basally how will the gang get together to stop a small threat, to begin a quest to stop one that began so long ago.

    But if Lord Aeries gets real pissed, that's when he goes into 'I'll deal with this myself' mode.

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